Come on man, I defended you *yesterday* against a guy calling you a Nazi sympathizer and here you are carrying water for this fascist asshole. I should have known better
ESPN and NFL Network are the only ones who think this is a big story. The average football fan could care less where he ends up next year, as long as it isn’t on their team.
Technically it's either "stay in NJ" or "go to NY", either of which I could live with. But if he ever darkens the door of the Bills' facility I think security escorts him off the property.
I think the Ravens ought to be able to deliberately offer him an extra $2M/yr to play for Pittsburgh. Every team should want him in their division rivals' locker room.
Once my hero
but after thinking he knows everything
making him unfavorable to the Packers,
I really don't care;
he's got enough money
that he'll be okay,
At this point teams should say to hell with him & move on. I wouldn't chase after him or slow the process of putting a team together. He ain't worth begging, screw his dark rooms & missing camps & trying to take over a team. Smart teams have kicked him to the curb.
but after thinking he knows everything
making him unfavorable to the Packers,
I really don't care;
he's got enough money
that he'll be okay,
except for the fact he really doesn't know shit
Joe Rogan is my guess.
(I'm sorry)
Unless you’re just saying what his agents wants you to