the people who said dems needed to prioritize institutional reforms like court reform, election laws, etc, in 21 were right. and the people who said DOJ needed to drop the hammer on trump ASAP were right, and there’s been zero indication from dem leadership that they understand this
None of it passed. I DO blame Dems for anemic outreach tho. The GOP spins everything ruthlessly and Dems protest weakly
At the very least it seems like they should be emphasizing it in candidate recruitment
Also, get every senator on board with dc statehood
What is worrying, is no Dem (of any flavor, ~3 conservative Dem, ~240 liberal, or ~10 DSA), would competently run there in WV to replace Manchin I-WV.
No one has explained why anti #DCstatehood US Sen Angus King I-AZ was given more than a free ride in his Maine 2024 reelection.
It's hard to be enthusiastic about voting for people who have demonstrated they will actively avoid doing difficult, but necessary things. What's the point if the problem comes right back next election?
It sure seems like that's what it takes.
& I too share profound pessimism that the party of good can't gear down & do the work to be done here.
he’s a fighter
We don't need "mild" now. We need a knife-fighter.
i still doubt they’ve learned anything.
None of the things he did could possibly work now.
You can't 'play hardball' with Manchin/Sinema when you need them orders of magnitude more than they need you.
Oh, you don't control their money?
Neither did Senate Dems.
and dems voted for him again!
(he is a relentless fundraisers, and that is why he got leadership after Reid retired)
Watch what they do to see what they consider important. Trump is leading a class war and their class is against us peons. Unlike us, they have class solidarity