People on here haven't even calmed down about getting followed. I've seen more, "I've got a boner because I have 50,000 followers..." posts in the last few days. People I'll never follow.
I think it might just be you experiencing this. Nobody gives a shit if I follow them back or not. They may even prefer it if I didn't. Nobody is showing off to their mates, "Hey, that Pete guy followed me back."
I'd not blame anyone for not following me back, nor do I care really. I only post about football, and it's not even interesting football (or posting) to be fair.
Whilst everyone who doesn't follow me is clearly just wrong about their choices in life (including you here) must admit that unlike on Twitter where I had a middling number of followers, having a lot lower does prevent waking up in the morning to notifications from tedious "well actually" Americans
That'd why so many accounts on X stay there. Their narcissism takes priority over standing against Nazis and making him money.
11k + people followed my account and not one fk given. Ive shut it down for good and now here.
I am personally shitting with rage about each person who has not followed me back. If your feed is functionally different from “What’s Hot Classic” you’re an elitist snob.
I’m only hurt if people who followed me over there and with whom I had fairly frequent and fairly pleasant interactions don’t follow me back. Anyone else? Do whatever you like! (I mean, EVERYONE do whatever you like but know I’m likely to be hurt if we were mutuals there.)
No!!! You haven’t followed me back. The fact I’ve barely posted or done anything worth a follow is absolutely no excuse. I demand you follow me back to soothe my fragile pathetic ego!! Unbelievable behaviour from you. 😡
I'm odd.
(Does literally anyone follow me, I don't check)
(as of just now)
Yay! I can’t wait for all the interactions from my four-thousand new imaginary friends.
Do people literally give a fuck about follows?
11k + people followed my account and not one fk given. Ive shut it down for good and now here.
I simply cannot fathom why you, and dozens of others, haven't chosen to follow me and I take it as a personal insult.
So fair's fair.