Other than the desired counter-punch theatre, the goal would be to delay the address by an hour maybe more seeing how cranky they can make the room. It’s the resistance balance of being there and not being there. Plus, agitated Mikey with his gavel is high value.
But our big beautiful democrats are wearing the girl color, also known as pink, which is BASICALLY like Rosa Parks sitting in the front of the bus if you think about it 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠
they're too busy holding up little paddles and letting the whooping and hollering go unanswered instead of interrupting trump and forcing the sergeant at arms remove them until trump has an aneurysm
To those reading this:
Mad your Dems didn't support Al Green? I am too. Remember, they only even started doing shit because we made them. We gotta make em again, looks like.
Mad your Dems didn't support Al Green? I am too. Remember, they only even started doing shit because we made them. We gotta make em again, looks like.
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