AOC: In every single stop that Bernie and I have had in the past couple of days… every single stop has completely blown out all attendance projections.
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They are coerced, threatened and intimidated daily by the WORLD'S MOST SUCESSFUL CRIMINAL. GRUMPY II (& MUSHY) are aware that destruction of the media is key for their plan of ANARCHY for the USA! RESIST! UNITE!
Difference here AOC is electable. Corbyn had good policies and is generally a good man but he didn't have the spark we needed in our leader. That and the MSM annihilated him. I think AOC is different. She really shows promise. She's a woman and POC so the odds are already piled high but she has it.
If those with the purse strings don't want you to be in power, you don't stand a chance, no matter how good you are. I was for Bernie when I lived there; I saw the Gore election stolen, I came to the UK in 2007 and I've lost hope that good people will get into the highest reaches of politics
I honestly feel times are different now, live in hope. I'm probably wrong but I hope not to be. People are organised like never before.The tanking of TESLA is almost unprecedented. That's the power of the people nowadays. We beat nazi Germany. Apartheid in SA. We have s media etc. I am hopeful.
Being pro brexit or on the fence doesn't automatically mean you're not a generally good person. Ignorant perhaps. But he did want to fight for the poor and the more vulnerable of society. That makes you a good man. I take your point about popularity doesn't mean electable. I just think she is.
Limited but not zero. Be hopeful. Civil rights. Apartheid. Nazi Germany. Slavery. LGBT+ rights. We won them all eventually. It's hard to not be cynical and you're not being unrealistic necessarily either but we have to hope and keep fighting even when the odds continue to stack. That's how you win
What Corbyn said was that until more evidence had come to light, it shouldn't simply be assumed that Russia was responsible. Of course, it did turn out to be Russia's doing but Corbyn's words did not amount to making excuses for Putin, although some people twisted them to make it look that way.
Not enough of them understand how fucked they are yet. Give it time and even his most ardent supporters will be considering joining a protest. The largest demographic for Repubs in the last 3 elections are white ppl with a HS edu or less.
"Every single stop has completely blown out all attendance projections" because sane people are FURIOUS.
Keep it up--and you two are the perfect pair for this message in this moment.
To me the Socialist thing only works in very blue area with activist types. We need someone different than these two if we want to win. We need common sense progressives without the Baggage of DSA Socialists
Put your phone down and meet your neighbors. Check-in on friends and family. Make eye contact. Watch the whole presentation—Denver’s is on C-SPAN. And others are on YouTube.
I was there. It was Amazing! So many good people. People giving out free water. Everyone chatting with each other. Good friendly people. First time in a while I've felt like things might be OK 💚
I’m not trying to make this a race issue, so PLEASE understand what my message is. In Georgia they passed a bill to ARREST anyone who handed out water to voters. The longest lines are ALWAYS in black and brown districts. But they are fine with passing out WATER in these white areas. Go figure.
Handing out water at a rally is different than at a voting precinct. With voters, the goal is to suppress votes by making voters stand in long lines with no access to water, especially in black & brown districts. Terrible and racist, but a rally is different.
But WHY IS IT DIFFERENT?Black and brown people AREN’T worthy of water while they stand in 4 hour lines to cast their votes?Hmmm.That says a LOT about you and how you feel about POC.Let me guess,your line is 10 minutes long?I admit that MY LINE IS NOT LONGER THAN 15 MINUTES BECAUSE OF WHERE I LIVE.
Bruh, you’re fighting the wrong people. Do you think who you’re talking to had anything to do with your state voting to not hand out water in the voting lines? It’s ok to be frustrated, but not all white people are against you. If the time comes, many of us will be on the front lines with you.
Are you going to use your PS5 controller at 15%? Let US BLACK FOLKS RECHARGE AND GET TO 100%. We already know the assignment. But folks keep calling us at 25%. WE AREN’T READY. WHEN WE NEED TO POP OUT, WE WILL. BUT WILL Y’ALL FOLLOW US OR FALL BACK IS OUR CONCERN? We need REAL ALLIES.
We will ALL be fighting at some point. But us black folks are recharging for the big fight. We just don’t understand why people keep calling us out now? We already know our enemies. We just need to be at 100% FOR THE BATTLE. Let us rest and recharge plz.
Huh? My point has nothing to do with race. I am merely saying that a rally is different than a voting precinct. Republicans don't care who has water at a rally. Nobody is voting at a rally. Restricting water or refreshments at a voting precinct might result in people going home and not voting.
Georgia is the one who passed the disgusting law under the guise of "it's buying votes" to hand out water in voting lines. We all know it hurts low income and underserved areas. That's why they did it!! #VoterSuppresion
Exactly. Anyone that gives out water (to thirsty people) will be arrested. That’s why I said what I said. What’s the difference between a rally or a voting line? We ALL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
You were there? Great. Can you point to which Republicans they're targeting for midterms? Which Dems they're supporting for midterms to defeat Republicans?
Adelita Grijalva—daughter of late Congressman Raúl Grijalva, county Supervisor, and likely candidate to fill his vacant seat in the special election coming up this Sept—spoke before them. They called out local GOP Rep Juan Ciscomani and other AZ GOP Reps.
Sounds like a good time. What about it made you feel like things might be ok? Did you get a sense of a plan of action or some kind of goal to be achieved? Like, how do you feel about their promise to introduce legislation? I'd really appreciate hearing from someone who was actually there.
As it should be .how unfortunate that one of the parties has turned its back on American democracy wants dictatorship instead. For those who stand for freedom shall prevail.
Any chance you and Bernie could make an appearance in FL before the Special Election April 1st?? We could your momentum to flip those 2 seats. #Voteblue
So well done to you and Bernie, both stay safe and tell him to get what rest he can. Love from Europe 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 🇮🇪 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇧🇪 🇳🇱 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇳🇴 🇫🇮 🇨🇭 🇵🇱 🇪🇪 🇱🇺 🇧🇬 🇱🇹 🇭🇷 🇬🇷 et al
What hope. They are growing their war chest. To spend money to court the middle and the. Legislate from the right anyway. We are living in the worst timeline.
Help me understand though the effect these speeches actually have? Do Bernie and AOC lay out an actual plan for how they’re going to fight back? Is there a call to action? What is this beyond performative opposition?
It wouldn't surprise me if AOC is planning a run for President. She has fire in her belly and Bernie is a figure of progressive leadership. This is all acknowledgement of we see you, and we hear you to the DFL base and those who have been disenfranchised. My $0.02.
Please stop calling everything performative. What do you think the lunch counter sit-ins were? March on Washington? Movements require messages, community & even spectacles. Every successful change movement required speeches, meetings, spectacles, photo ops, and yes, signaling virtue. MLK was derided
Enco the same people to show up at a capital or any government building near them on April 5th for the #Handsoff protest. Dems telling us what we already know isn't going to stop facism. They've blown smoke up.our arse long enough, we n33d ACTION
Yes when it is on the backs of the people, to help civil servants travel. Bernie only pops up when he can do this. I'm allowed to be critical of any and every politician and their moves. I'm not blind enough to just be like OH OK LOOK AT RALLY things being done 🤪
You do know Trump is president? And he is only president because of the lies right wing oligarchs like Musk and Murdoch spread. If you don't want to contribute to billionaires wealth, and believe in a fairer distribution, you're accused at best of being a socialist and at worst, a communist.
Because people need to be educated. That is how teach-ins worked in the 60s. More importantly, democracy isn't a spectator sport. We cannot depend on elected officials to be the only ones doing something. You have participate. Boycott, attend protests, donate, get others to join you.
They're literally the ones in a position to do things far more than some random pile of people here and there. Yall are real quick to clap for a whole lot of nothing. I prefer to live in reality, this is not something this country has ever dealt with before. Performing to crowds is an illusion.
We have not dealt with this before & because of that most people are lost. Bernie & AOC holding rallies is just the start. It will hopefully lead to more participatory events. We have to start somewhere. In the 60s teach ins got the protests going. Easy to naysay everything. What r u doing?
Without an obvious groundswell of support how do you convince democrates who are timid to fight? How do you change independent voters or make gop in purple districts either? It looks like an effective use of time and money.
First off... there's no elections nationwide any time soon.
Second... we voted for dems, why do we need to gather in the masses to convince them? They've been getting endless calls from us for months already!
People are starving and broke these 2 are asking us for donations. It's BULLSHIT
They're broke because they are like Turkeys voting for Christmas. Trump and his lackeys said exactly what they were going to do, and yet voters still elected Trump. Bernie Sanders and OAC are the leaders the USA needs. What are they going to use to fund campaigns? Politics revolves around cash.
We need to actually organise, for one. Which is part of what they're achieving here. Most of what has been done until now has been small-scale. These events bring us together so we can organise as a unit instead of these tiny groups we've done so far.
Same old song and dance... we've been at this for years.... I guess I'm just not swayed by virtue signaling public servants. It's old, it's ineffective, it is smoke and mirrors
Honestly, this is what THEY needed to do. They're the vanguard. They're supposed to be out gathering forces to fight for what they believe. That's their task. The party as a whole is meant to be a bulwark, a coalition of divergent groups holding the line on ground already won for all of them.
Honestly, as much as I wish it did, this attendance numbers fluff you guys report doesn’t matter. Harris had wonderful attendance and it still didn’t beat the MFer. The burger needs more mustard to make a difference.
I remember the attendance at Kamala’s rallies. It does not translate into a win or matters in passing legislation. Nothing changes when 1/3 of the voters want this chaos and another 1/3 just wouldn’t get out and vote.
We learned people that show up don't really matter. Kamala had similar sized crowds and she still lost because so many liberals stayed home and not vote because she supported Israel's genocide on Gaza
If we want AOC to win than tell her to drop Israel support.
Good thing we don’t need votes right now (except in FL, NY, and WI). We need large scale peaceful protests to say we won’t put up with this and to make people reconsider the idea that they can ignore the law and the constitution.
They cant stop us if we are able to rally together.
We actually need people to talk about the very special elections you mentioned and convince those that live there to vote. Are these rallies doing that. Are they registering people?
I want to use the word actually as well but it sounds silly to me following your comment. 😆
We can start campaigns for Repub seats in 2 years, now. Rs primary Rs and Dems start their election campaigns. Take polls to show Rs how unhappy voters are. We only need a few Rs to relent to stop him.
There are special elections happening very soon. Start there while you have a crowd of interested people. Supposedly, people are regretting their vote now. Take advantage of that.
If there are spcl elections or people can get them going in their state, all the better. I'm not sure what would change sooner than in 2 years and I don't know how many Republican seats are actually in jeopardy but Dems but they only need to flip six to flip the House. PACs would have to respond.
I agree with needing to highlight these events and make sure those local areas are getting the attention they need, and resources need to be used smartly in those regions. But we can't just act in one way. We have to smartly focus on multiple things while still being effective in all of them.
I'm not saying act in only one way. I'm saying that if you're not doing at least that, with the amount of attention that you have at the moment, you're missing a chance to make any change. And the moment becomes performative.
So many "concern trolls" trying to bust the mood.
This rally was a happy space. a space of unity.
Happy people get shit done.
Down people avoid and do nothing.
Remember that folks when people try to cast doubt.
For everyone who wants to do exactly that, join us for large nationwide protest on April 5th, The map is about half way down the page. Pick an event close to you and sign up!
Seems silly to me to waste time figuring what party someone represents. Everyone is being hurt by what’s going on. I’m more upset that it had to go to this extreme to get a reaction. They knew it was happening but just didn’t think it would happen to them also.
Your negativity is exactly what they want. This is different. People who didn't vote are seeing the results of that. People who were Independents and not maga did not believe how bad it would get. Nothing changes if you do nothing.
It is unhelpful. FACT. No one is thinking that the rally attendence is translating into a win. It is how a movement gets started. Many of the people attending were not Bernie supporters. They are lost and don't know where to turn. This is the start. It is how it was done in the past & can work now
Great crowds! This is really good to see people to turn out like this! "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem." Eldridge Cleaver
don't forget .. the word "oligarchy" spiked on google once these stories broke .. meaning that a lot of americans are stupid and don't know what it means
But they are open to learning, don't look down on folks bcoz they didn't know. Almost no-one knew it would be this bad this quick. Unity is the key, so keep civil n keep kind. X
💙🇺🇸💙 Yes, we have to seek common ground and compassion. We Dems have to keep w the kitchen table issues w #wethepeople the 98% #resist #strongerTogether #Justice #NeverSurrender #StopProject2025 #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
I have never understood why people don’t resent being lied to by this president. I have never understood why people want to elect a leader who is not smarter than they are
It doesn't need any encourage or acceptance from me. If they truly changed their mind than they'll fight for what they believe in regardless of what I think of them. But I'm not forgiving them for intentionally causing harm to so many others.
Trump really didn't lie. He said he will be dictator on day one and the religious assholes don't need to vote anymore because he makes the paradise on Earth. For the right winger extremist religious folk.
I think they also must address how we will fight election interference. It is incomprehensible how VP Harris had so much turnout at her events and "didn't win". With numbers like this at their events, we need to enforce and demand free, fair, honest, and accurate elections in the future!!!
Because people attending events is still a miniscule proportion of the electorate? I'm in Scotland and got swept away by the enthusiasm and turnout for the yes campaign for independence in 2014. But they didn't win because there is such a thing as the silent majority and they weren't convinced.
I don't know what else can convince those who are indoctrinated to be part of mass psychosis. That is the only explanation why the silent majority would vote against their own best interests. #FAFOMoments
The problem with democracy is that eventually people dumb enough will choose fascism. The largest demographic for Repubs in the last 3 elections were white men (1) and women (2) with a HS ed. or less. For Dems is was post-grads.
Closing the dept of edu will create more voters for them.
I love it, but not to be that guy....this is doing nothing. The right people are not doing anything to change the dangerous destruction of our country. And where the Capital F were these people when we needed them. Sorry to say it but kind of who cares....too little too late
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
I didn't like listening to trump brag about his attendance. It doesn't sound any better coming out of democrats.
When you score a touch down act like you've been there before.
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The attendance is a good thing but this was already the case during Harris’ campaign. What has changed is that DT is helping increasing the number with his autocratic policies…
You are correct. They have the courage and spine to stand up for ordinary people. The ordinary citizen is where we have the numbers and the POWER OF CHANGE!
Lack of education. The largest demographic for Republicans in the last three elections have been white men (1) and women (2) with a HS education or less. The largest for Democrats are post grads. The difference between the two parties is a chasm of education.
I think old guard DNC + we need people to care. That is one thing this administration is good for. They are messing up so much stuff + hurting so many people so fast that at least some people are paying attention + do care. I hope more every minute.
We need to be the leaders we want to stand up.
Apathy. 89 million people who could vote stayed home. The Gaza genocide is partially to blame. I voted for Harris but felt a stronger statement against Netanyahu would have brought more people out to vote.
Good to see such huge crowds protesting while they may. The whole world is watching you and cheering you on. And anyone who isn't registered to vote should do so now, and be ready to use it!!!
No, it's to show there is interest and momentum. Tons of organizations do it. We can't avoid doing things because Trump does them. Trump does rallies, should we not do rallies? Trump does interviews, should we not do interviews? It's HOW he does them and why that are the issue.
I’m 77. After watching AOC this week. I would have no hesitation in voting for her if she ran for President. She’s an excellent speaker. Smart with a great educational background. She didn’t have to brag about her grades and scholastic achievements. She is the real deal.
I'm married to an attorney, I used to be a financial advisor as well as having a degree in business and economics - I would have voted for in a heartbeat a decade ago.
However, she would not win. She's too liberal for nationwide appeal and, sadly, America proved we are sexist as well.
I believe the more people hear directly from her. Not from third parties and msm. They will understand she is not radical but very normal. Many on other side are abnormal and inconsiderate. And intolerant.
I’m shocked to be even thinking this, but I worry that the Trump regime will recognise her as their main opposition at this point, and turn an apparent blind eye while she is nullified. Please take care - the US needs you.
Huge audience! But Kamala had huge audiences everywhere. Size doesn’t matter. Actions do! Fascist Trump is destroying everything and there is no game plan to stop him. Waiting for next elections isn’t a solution to now. And Trump doesn’t care about crowd size because he isn’t holding any rallies.
In between elections there are only a few things that could be done:
1) build support for the next election
2) sue the bastards
3) give money to people and organizations doing 1) and 2)
4) nonviolent direct action. Hide an immigrant, mail abortion meds to anti choice states, take down Tesla.
He did win the popular vote, marginally. And 30% of the eligible voters did not vote.
His popularity number is currently at 47%, which is amongst the highest of his two presidencies.
Shocking, just shocking. It shows how deep rooted hatred, racism, and fascism is in the US.
Yeah, but Kamala & Tim had massive turnouts & we lost everything. What I want to hear is how Dem leadership in the Party structure is going to undo the mess it made.
We need to start from scratch and receive daily briefings on WTAF they’re doing if they want one more dime from the rank & file.
Young men are less successful than their parents, less able to find a mate or life partner, less successful than women of their age. Their frustration, hate and envy has been harnessed by Trump. He has turned their rage against women and minorities into votes and loyal followers.
Seems like a very broad generalization. I don’t think you’re right. Grievances are manufactured by social media & this adversely affects ppl. Joe Rogan,l & the Tate brothers make a living off of convincing ppl they are victims. The current younger generation has no experience of analysis w/out SM.
Personally I think the Democratic Party need to move away from the neoliberal Clinton Democrat orthodoxy they’ve had since the 1990s. It’s out of fashion with US voters. It seems people want change, and if the Dems would give them change, the Republicans will.
If the democrats had a spine, they’d fully embrace progressivism. But they’re so concerned at trying to be a middle of the road party that they fail to attract Republican voters and they also alienate progressive voters.
I think the word progressive scares people who might vote either way. If Dems would focus on targeted messaging, our results might improve. I hope it’s not too late.
Trump needed to be president. Everyone needed to see and feel the life you will receive. Being portrayed as great hope. Our country loss a lot the pass couple years. No Laws standing strong. No justice standing ferm. No kindness. No Democracy. Straight up illegal garbage owning our country.
Spot on - I wonder how many were there because it was a nice day and it would look good to the neighbours to be seen there...come election time they'll be "but it's cold and training & I have stuff to do"
Why wait until then? start as soon as you can getting the GOP out of power, sitting on your backside saying "I'll vote if X or Y is on the ballot but otherwise I'm staying home" is how you idiots ended up in the mess
I don’t think it means nothing. I think it means people are angry about what is going on and the more people who show up and listen, the more people who are willing to do something about it at the polls.
you're right,the bigger the crowds the better. it encourages others to be brave,it gets the attention of the opposition-especially republican reps in congress.but these crowds also need marching orders, we can't afford chaos or violence.unlike Dems,Maga wouldn't hesitate to declare Marshall law.
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
As much as I want to attribute large crowd sizes to a potential uprising, I’m tempering my expectations until I see a shift in the midterms. Kamala also had large crowds - filled 2 stadiums between MIL & CHI in one night, had a 20K crowd in Houston, finished w/ 75K in DC. All this while Trump
Harris was too far left for many Dems. There was a disconnect
between what she said and the
issues most voters were worried about. AOC is all about
reaching out to the working class,people who can’t live on
no, you seem to be a white-anter who cannot see the value in constituents seeking and finding information, community and hope. My suggestions involve taking down your whole rotten system which fails to understand or value community or anything except grasping individualism and greed.
Exactly. In 2016, in 2024, and now, *crowd size does not necessarily translate into voter engagement* such that people will actually VOTE in their rational self-interest, much less the interests of those who are in worse shape economically, socially, and politically than they themselves are.
I’m wondering the same thing—how is this feel good moment translated into something that stops what’s happening before it’s too late. I feel like I’ve fallen for this false hope one too many times.
Proud of you both
Ask countries to demand a venue change for the World Cup! Boycott U.S.A. from hosting this event. Don't allow a country ruining the World to host something that brings the world together!
It will be interesting to see how the current situation affects US tourism.
The US isn’t on my go to bucket list but with the horror stories we’re starting to hear, I’d never go to the States in a million years.
GB doesn’t boycott Olympics and England really want to try and win the football WC so I don’t see our teams boycotting. But I hope our supporters do. Qatar was scary enough for some..
It's a great idea, (and very appropriate) - but venues for World Cups and Olympics are booked up years in advance, it would be very hard to change it at short notice. What I would like to see is a large boycott, with "alternative" venues offered in other nearby countries like Canada and Mexico.
I said that too
And I agree with you we need to focus on more than just how many people there are but it's still a very good thing that they are doing this.
Not sure what the other cult is that you have in mind. Presumably not crowds listening to, and other supporters of, two highly articulate systemic-economic progressives who aren't making things up.
It was a very strange comment. That's why I dropped out of the conversation.
It was supposed to be a conversation about how crowd sizes don't necessarily translate into votes but this legit concern went off the rails pretty fast.
Nice. Feels good. But to get their and Wall Streets attention we need to shut down the economy: stop buying nonessential consumer goods and services in the USA. Frequent small businesses.
Rep AOC and a lot of other democratic politicians are not leaving us to the tyranny of Trump and Musk vibes which is most good right now. Tyranny from people like a Trump or Musk are our true enemies here in the...
already great USA empire...rep AOC definitely for one is fighting for all of us as she likes to say along with like all other democratic politicians right now vibes which is good.
AOC is a rock star. Bernie is freaking awesome. Go give Red states some shit you two. When Red state people lose their incomes and benefits, hope they remember what you say and have enough smarts or pain to help it all make sense. MAGA republicans do not care about the people 👀
Does anyone know whose going to these events? Is it just blue or are people who voted for 🍊 showing up to? I remember huge turnout for Kamala and we know how that ended.
I was in Las Vegas. We aren't going to stand for this BS. I am a teacher here and have worked in a Title 1 Tier 1 school. These are the kids that will be affected. Some depend on the free breakfast and lunches as they may not eat again until school the next morning. Truth
Proceed with caution, let’s remember the phenomenal attendance and motivation with the Harris/Walz events versus the Orange Fat Man’s tired rallies. It all happens inside the voting booth!
Are you implying a female can't be president because we know how dumb that is......look how long it took to get a non-white president....they didn't quit because of that.
My question is this: that's impressive, but what does it actually DO to stop the felon and his little sidekick? Harris/Walz had huge turnouts but lost the election. I want real action
This is important because it gives a voice to the millions of people who oppose this regime. Bernie & AOC can now legitimately say they are speaking for the people. And they can make demands on behalf of the people, having proven they can & will mobilize them.
Agree. Need to do follow up surveys and interviews with attendees to find out why they attended and if this is going to change their votes. Could be a good move for the Dems to organize around these speaking events. Get AOC out around the country. Coordinate with Meidas Touch.
That's a good question and I'm not sure I have an answer. There are lots of actions people are taking, and these actions exert pressure, for sure. Mostly I wish Congress would do something, but I'm not stupid. My congressional delegation are all in the felon's pocket. I'm very frustrated
Thank you. My personal opinion/feeling is that the only way to get Congress to act for us is to let them know what we want--through protests, calls, town halls, Bluesky, etc. The more we do, the more pressure they will feel. There are no guarantees, but we can't let despair prevent us from acting.
I still believe those Kamala rallies. Hopefully elon won’t make the effort to do his “great work on voting machines” for House races, and save his clever work for when drump is on the ballot.
Thank you Tucson and the more than 23,000 people who came out to see me, AOC and Rep. Greg Casar.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
It’s wild to me that only Bernie & AOC are outside getting the message across. Where is the Democratic leadership? Where is Jeffries? Where is Schumer? They don’t necessarily have to hold rallies but at least show your face and hammer home that Trump is trying to cut benefits across the board.
No. The Democratic Party needs to die. The idea of big tent needs to die. We need government by coalition. We need parties more than 2. Like 6. Let those idiot neolibs keep their party. Let’s have a centrist party. A social Democratic Party. Etc.
I agree, however, the American public has been so brainwashed into thinking that socialism is wrong, and implementing any form of socialist reform would lead to communism, that they continually vote against their best interest. That type of thinking will take a long time to change.
Every. Single. Time. They say big tent they mean follow our lead if you know what’s good for you. And it ends up barely better than the alternative every time. There is very little that is “left” or radical that AOC and Sanders is saying compared to history and the world.
A lot of it boils down to this:
1. Government as a service to enable basic dignity of the governed. This means accessible healthcare for all. It means access to education. Smart spending not infinite dollars for military and nothing else.
2. Capitalism with guardrails. There is very little to nothing that 99% of Americans benefit from when we allow derivatives and high freq. trading. Or all sorts of schemes Wall Street has. No company with a Billion in profit should pay taxes less than a family. Min wage = livable wage.
I'm for that, but this is truly not the time. The GOP will cheat on every single elections. The playing field isn't just tilted anymore, it is perpendicular to the ground. If you pulverize the Democrats, they won't have ANY chance. Not even a minuscule one.
Agreed. I can’t sit at the table with people who aren’t like me discussing whether or not people like me should be permitted to exist. It’s surreal and disturbing- especially when these same people don rainbow pins in June “in support”.
It’s like an episode of Black Mirror, but it’s- you know… REAL
Absolutely. Look at what conditions pave they way to fascism, it is what has been happening in our country. Increased wealth inequality, corrupt unresponsive leaders, business capturing government, lack of press freedom, etc. We win back people by fighting for them and economics that work for all
I think AOC & Bernie are doing a great job in explaining that what they’re advocating is not anti-capitalism, but that there needs to be some sort of baseline for acceptable living conditions. Everyone should have access to healthcare, to housing, to education, to food, etc. Basic human needs.
This is capitulatory nonsense. People have had enough of it
He was an easy target because he was on the extreme left.
Point is, like in the Corbyn story, large crowds at rallies is not a true measure of popularity and thus electability.
If there are elections! 🫣
Keep it up--and you two are the perfect pair for this message in this moment.
I can verify anything if needed.
Please at the least, share❤️🩹
We will ALL be fighting at some point. But us black folks are recharging for the big fight. We just don’t understand why people keep calling us out now? We already know our enemies. We just need to be at 100% FOR THE BATTLE. Let us rest and recharge plz.
I feel betrayed by Democratic leadership’s ’play dead’ approach to this madness.
Protests were happening before AOC Bernie hit the road.
Second... we voted for dems, why do we need to gather in the masses to convince them? They've been getting endless calls from us for months already!
People are starving and broke these 2 are asking us for donations. It's BULLSHIT
...and make no mistake this isn't Trump (he's the puppet), this is Musk pulling the strings with Putin pulling Musk's strings.
If we want AOC to win than tell her to drop Israel support.
AOC is the only one in this country with a backbone... meanwhile your centrists bend the knee.
They cant stop us if we are able to rally together.
We can start campaigns for Repub seats in 2 years, now. Rs primary Rs and Dems start their election campaigns. Take polls to show Rs how unhappy voters are. We only need a few Rs to relent to stop him.
So many "concern trolls" trying to bust the mood.
This rally was a happy space. a space of unity.
Happy people get shit done.
Down people avoid and do nothing.
Remember that folks when people try to cast doubt.
💙 💙
Closing the dept of edu will create more voters for them.
More voter support for any party&movement than ANY 3rd party since 1936 More votes than Bernie sanders or AOC will. People much more patient than I am needs plant seeds in potential MLS. Between decades of lib BS for decades. Bernie made sure I became an intolerant leftist
what was that???
They’re hungry for change when they could’ve had it supporting Harris instead of staying home or voting for clown show Jill Stein.
Cause if they don't then all this was for nothing.
Cheeto isn't going without a fight, and you'll need to remove your kid gloves if you want your country back.
When you score a touch down act like you've been there before.
We need to be the leaders we want to stand up.
Continued GOOD LUCK!
If they can pull in huge crowds in deep red areas, THAT WILL BE SAYING SOMETHING.
They're just preaching to the choir at this point, which is a large part of why Kamala lost.
However, she would not win. She's too liberal for nationwide appeal and, sadly, America proved we are sexist as well.
She needs to go independent or start her own party.
Can’t be voting for Schumer’s misfit fascist brigade.
No way to know how this all unfolds, blowback-wise.
1) build support for the next election
2) sue the bastards
3) give money to people and organizations doing 1) and 2)
4) nonviolent direct action. Hide an immigrant, mail abortion meds to anti choice states, take down Tesla.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
His popularity number is currently at 47%, which is amongst the highest of his two presidencies.
Shocking, just shocking. It shows how deep rooted hatred, racism, and fascism is in the US.
it's a bridge too far.
It'll be half that by June ! Those midterms are sounding better all the time......
We need to start from scratch and receive daily briefings on WTAF they’re doing if they want one more dime from the rank & file.
Maybe 1/10th of these people vote in the nationals, 1/20th midterms.
We could have had Bernie Sanders as President. The reason we don't is because Dems are okay with Trump winning, so long as Bernie loses.
Fuck it, let’s DO it!
Republican members of Congress need to be made more afraid of their constituents than of Donald Trump. That is the only way we are going to get him out of the White House.
The #KKK #Nazis are in the White House, led by #PutinsPuppet.
They know that once they are removed from power many of them face life in prison, or worse.
What AOC is doing is great, I’m just too numb right now to be fired up by this until I see something more tangible happen.
between what she said and the
issues most voters were worried about. AOC is all about
reaching out to the working class,people who can’t live on
current wages and who are fed
up with billionaires from both
parties who are out of touch
with the people. AOC gets
Not being snarky, just wondering.
I’ll vote mindfully
at the midterms.
We can’t have complacency right now.
The US isn’t on my go to bucket list but with the horror stories we’re starting to hear, I’d never go to the States in a million years.
And I agree with you we need to focus on more than just how many people there are but it's still a very good thing that they are doing this.
It was supposed to be a conversation about how crowd sizes don't necessarily translate into votes but this legit concern went off the rails pretty fast.
There will be no passover, no miracle rescue (there might be plagues).
No, not Blue Oyster Cult...
it's Bernie + Ocasio Cortez!
We can’t change the past, but we can influence the future.
Assume they've learned that lesson. What lesson(s) do we need to learn, as well?
You have no idea how much it means to America.
We need you!!
Packed House.
They also attended a AZ Dem Legislature meeting.
They voted Democrat and supported Bernie over HRC.
Without them, we have no voice.
In just 5 events, we had over 86,000 join us to stand up to authoritarianism & oligarchy and stop any bill that slashes Medicaid to give billionaires even more tax breaks.
1. Government as a service to enable basic dignity of the governed. This means accessible healthcare for all. It means access to education. Smart spending not infinite dollars for military and nothing else.
It’s like an episode of Black Mirror, but it’s- you know… REAL