Both the New York Times and Washington Post obituaries for Jimmy Carter have joint bylines including writers who have been dead for years. The Guardian ran an obit with a single byline—and yes, the writer has been dead since 2021.
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I imagine they gave credit to those who originated the story - as they should
This duty is commonly given to a newbie as part of the learning process - sometimes with contributions by someone who knows the subject very well. They were paid at that time.
At some outlets, Carter outlived several writers.
Freelancers were paid when they submitted their work.
Staffers were paid the same salary regardless of when the work is published.
Respectfully, unfollowed. 👋
Something dry like "unpublished"?
Or a little more fun like "Not Dead Yet"?
-Dwight Shrute
- - Jimmy Carter
But it’s obvious? So much of their life is already written, why not find a writer whom you know can give that portion of it the care needed. If that is indeed the purpose of it: Have it at the ready, mostly, written by an expert hand.
Quite a career you’ve had, surely.