The president said he'll keep taking people as long as trump keeps paying him. They talk about saving money, but trump keeps spending it. He could have houses them here. He knew they would get set free.
Is it about 'a fraction of the cost'? Why does he agree to this? What is his heritage? Who are his parents? Relatives? WTH, Rubio! Can he be impeached too?
It's unconstitutional but obviously the administration will have to make a decision on it. Why would he say that? Does he have a Bible verse to tweet about this?
So he admits that when we take back the country, he and the MAGA terrorists should be charged with treason. Punishable up the death.
Worked out well for the Nazis soldiers, right? And since they don't believe in science, no Nazi scientists need saving this time 🙄
#whereisourwalterkronkite we need to all stand up to him. It is only in fear and submission that they win. I only hope I live long enough to see them all perp walked to the International Criminal Court.
"For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:"
Saying "[we] have a Constitution" then not outright rejecting the idea, is so fitting and cowardly from this dude. Every day he proves he is exactly what that man called him, Little (bitch ass) Marco.
I don’t know how to say this loudly enough: YOU CANNOT “DEPORT” A US CITIZEN TO ANOTHER COUNTRY! It is called extraordinary rendition and it is not legal.
Not only is it not legal but it has never happened -- no US citizen has ever been "deported" from the US for a reason other than extradition for a crime committed in another country.
Members of the military can be involuntarily moved out of the country, but that's "normal."
Wouldn’t it be the ultimate in poetic justice if at some point down the road — after a full trial and all due process — all of the fascists in this Administration were convicted of crimes and sentenced to serve their time in, of all places, El Salvador?
This is meant to be a threat. A warning against mass demonstrations they know is on the horizon. Oppose Trump and you’ll wind up being whisked away in the dead of night to this El-Salvador prison because they feel they can do what they want. Let’s show them how wrong they are.
Why are you people so ready and willing to be friends with Bukele? He is the same as Musk and Trump. He tore down El Salvador and rebuilt an authoritarian state that allows for prisons like this. Not a nice guy IMO.
He should be made to serve the democrats, at every level. Make him dress up with full makeup. Oh, and maybe wear those white go-go boots like DeathSantis has. And remove him from our history.
Death penalty is inhumane. We should work towards ending it not threaten our political enemies (no matter how dangerous to our democracy their crimes are) with it.
Furthermore, life imprisonment without parole inflicts much more punishment than death penalty.
Let's not "what about" to say that working with Bukele is a good idea. Dudes bad news. America is not perfect but it is our job to build a more just nation. Sending our criminals to an authoritarian is not the right path, whether or not they get a fair trial.
Tell you what: we’ll let you continue to be a massive, useless pussy while the rest of us do the actual work. I imagine you’re used to this arrangement
When this is all over, Rubio hopes he will be Trump's successor. He willingly lost his spine to do stuff like this, hoping he'll win the next presidential primary.
throw in Nosferatu Miller ,fElon,Nutlik ,Vought and the whole lot of the fucking clowns in the Admin and Cabinet as well
oh and make it a 2-fer with Donnie Jr and Eric
He’s acting surprised they are offering to take more people into their for profit prison? Of course they are. We sent already sent them $6,000,000. We look like a big fat blank check to them.
Ok, so 2028, after the next president designates the current administration as domestic terrorists, they can all be sent there? And the same broad presidential powers apply, no rebuke from GOP?
This won't last long, Bukele will find out real fast that El Salvador can NOT hold all the people Tweetolini will want to send there. Plus it's going to be really expensive really fast.
yeah..I noticed that..guess no time to shop for a larger size either as he travels the world spreading the good cheer from the Benevolent Orange God King
Def getting a beer or chow belly
The USA has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. Around one in every 99 inhabitants is in prison. But that's not enough. Now the prisons abroad are also being filled. With citizens of the USA. 🎶Land of the Free🎵
Take Rubio's passport away from him and send him to one of your torture camps so he can get the feel of what that's like. He's a f*cking no good piece of shit anyway 😡
If there was a historical example of a country deporting its undesirables to concentration camps in a friendly country and the US liberating said camps, we wouldn’t be doing this, right?
A citizen can be WRONGLY deported due to a lack of documentation or other ERROR, but the US has no legal right whatsoever to "deport" or otherwise forcibly remove a US citizen from US territory on the basis of a US crime, or for any reason other than extradition.
I wanted to make some joke about speedrunning the fall of an empire but honestly I'm just sick to my stomach with this stuff. Hard to even point out the absurdity.
Just think Marco, this could have been your parents. Your family. You might have grown up in a Salvadorean prison which sounds like a slave encampment.
This is where I point out in all seriousness that when people were sent to concentration camps in the Reich, it was also called deportation. In that case, though, they’d already stripped their victims of their rights and citizenship. Miller and Trumpy are skipping that step.
WTH!? I’m young enough to remember when the federal government used to bring suit against state and local prisons or jails for poor conditions.
When inmates could bring 1983 claims.
Now we’re just abandoning the constitution wholesale and shipping our citizens off to foreign inhumane prisons?
Who didn't know we were headed towards this promise? How many know that the definition of "violence" like everything else is what they define it to be? Like terrorism against Tesla
Hey,,, is it unrestrained authoritarian fascism now or not until they send the first American citizens without due process?
If this dystopian nightmare comes true, local law enforcement will grind to a halt. A simple speeding ticket might quickly escalate when so much is on the line.
So the President of El Salvador makes an offer (via X!) to absorb American and other criminals into their brutal prison system for a fee, and Rubio is good with this generous unconstitutional offer?
If you’re wondering what the USA is heading towards.
Check out Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is seeking a third consecutive term in office in elections in May, marks 20 years in power on Tuesday.
Certainly is and that’s why George W. Bush is still in prison at The Hague, let Trump join him there and Stephen Miller can go out for the Diet Cokes!🤓
tRump paid El Salvador $6 million rent space at CECOT
Where people just "disappear"
Surviving the World's Deadliest Prison | CECOT - El Salvador
They are preparing an American gulag archipelago, while redefining protest as domestic terrorism. And the people who end up there are going to be…anybody who says boo.
A dark place that has the full support of a population greater than France. Make no mistake: 70+ million Trump supporters won’t lose a night of sleep if thousands of Democrats are sent to gulags.
The words deport and citizen don’t belong in the same sentence. Actually the only people who can be deported to El Salvador are people from El Salvador. Everyone else was kidnapped.
Rubio is a weak suckup who is more than willing to do Trump’s bidding. He has lost the respect of a lot of Americans who might have thought he was an ok person. He’s not.
This is chilling! One of the claims of the right and it's anti-vaxxers was that the "deep state" was injecting microchips under the skin with vaccinations against Covid and the flu. Might this actually be the method they plan to use to apply tags like this?
If you've ever played watchdogs (first one, 2nd one was...meh) theres a mechanic where you can "scan" any NPC and get a name, occupation, and where they live in a little HUD on the sunglasses, that's what the TechBros are building for government agents.
Yeah. I can't imagine what it's like to have a family member disappeared like that, with no due process and no idea how to find out what happened to them
And who do they appeal to, legally? Do they allow international calls to lawyers in the US? How would you get your lawyer's number? The point is to warehouse people for slave labor. There's no legal release. They will likely die there.
Worked out well for the Nazis soldiers, right? And since they don't believe in science, no Nazi scientists need saving this time 🙄
Sill you could always deport him and his family to El Salvador
Maybe a future non MAGA president - or the Hague - could appoint prosecutors who will pursue these traitors with swift justice.
I don’t care that they agreed to do it, it shouldn’t be done.
Members of the military can be involuntarily moved out of the country, but that's "normal."
Illegal & Unlawful Deportations (based on Tattoos & skin color).
Furthermore, life imprisonment without parole inflicts much more punishment than death penalty.
I feel like you definitely don't considering you're advocating for rule of law at a time when the law doesn't matter anymore.
He has no chance against JD, Don Jr., or even DeSantis.
He's doing this, because he wants to.
oh and make it a 2-fer with Donnie Jr and Eric
get all these phony criminal fuckers gone
Excerpt from 'The U.P. recalls the War'
It's The Hague for all these bastards, at a minimum
The US Gulag
Lil Marco looks sick to his stomach when Trump is talking shit about our allies, Ukraine…BUT can ruin lives, cause immense pain to fellow Americans?
His actions have shown me he has never been genuine and I’m disgusted to say I once worked with this goblin
Def getting a beer or chow belly
Americans and Non-Americans deported without due process to a for profit prison camp in violation of a court order is illegal.
Receipt 🧾
Why would the US have the ability to banish US citizens from the country against their will?
This is now a shit country!
BTW his wife was born in Colombia and his parents are from Cuba
That is not legally possible. Period. End of discussion.
A citizen can be extradited to another country in response to violation of law in that other country.
Better cost/win per prisoner ratio as in the US?
god its that facet that galls me too
it's human trafficking
and here's the thing, little Marco... when the piper comes, Trump will be dead. And you will be holding the bag
'I was just following orders' doesn't work
Maybe projected on buildings.
“There are obviously legalities involved. We have a Constitution,” Rubio said.
This is now: ‘Ship 'em all and let litigation sort them out (if they can)’
Mike Waltz:
This is a cluster fuck of epic proportions that we are just at the beginning of.
Instead of trains, they use planes. #transport
When inmates could bring 1983 claims.
Now we’re just abandoning the constitution wholesale and shipping our citizens off to foreign inhumane prisons?
Modern Auschwitz coming together? Is this the felon’s “final solution”?
Check out Turkey
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is seeking a third consecutive term in office in elections in May, marks 20 years in power on Tuesday.
Where people just "disappear"
Surviving the World's Deadliest Prison | CECOT - El Salvador
Hey Marco, better get a pardon on your way out, because YOU aren't immune from prosecution.
He would allow US Citizens to be deported to El Salvador?
Criminals in the US still have rights under the constitution.
But maybe Rubio has suspended criminal's constitutional rights.,are%20imprisoned%20for%20violent%20crimes.
As if that consideration has given any pause to these soulless ghouls yet.
Full NAZI real fast, what's next? Badges sewn onto prisoner uniforms enabled guards to identify the alleged grounds for incarceration.
Every member of Congress should be denouncing this and lil Marco, the Scab
Deport implies we just kicked them out. When really we stuck them in a prison and just outsourced running it.