I find it very disturbing that there is very little to no coverage of ice arrests, who is being deported, the conditions of where they are being held, and how do they determine who is illegal?
I think we need to clean house. Get rid of all the Republicans and all the Democrats and just start over with new people that don't have a bunch of baggage and billionaires are not allowed
The cognitive dissonance and adherence to norms and collegiality of the past is dumbfounding. “He’s one of us so we know him personally and he would never…” or “well he is saying he will never … so we should just take him at his word even if there’s a good chance he’s lying his face off” 😡😡
Free speech is essentially dead, especially considering that many of these protesters are Palestinians with families on green cards or visas. Where exactly are they supposed to be deported—to Gaza, the Lebanese border? The war torn zones they made. Yeah they tryna get them killed.
Little Marco is scared shitless of his 🍊💩 king. He’s willing to break the law and defy the Constitution for his máster. Senate Democrats are just as guilty as he is.
It may be foolishness, but I honestly do believe they did not believe him to be MAGA. He HAD been a supporter of Ukraine. Unlike many of the other cabinet nominees he did seem to live in the real universe and not a self created delusional reality.
It's just another excuse to remove people who have a right to be here and it can be based on a complete fabrication. All you have to do is defend the dignity of all human life to be targeted by hateful people.
Trump won because we didn't get a primary for who would replace Biden because billionaire $ decides for the DNC, not the people. I like Kamala but there were certain folks polling way better against Trump. But look at the Bernie saga.. the billionaire backed DNC would rather Trump than progressives
Marco Rubio isn’t in charge of DHS or deportations. He’s using ‘we’ as in trump admin.
How about the Muslim Americans that voted 80% against Harris & helped trump get the wh back in the 1st place? trump said many times they were going to go after visa holders
Bridges v. Wixon, 326 U.S. 135 (1945) [residents can’t be deported for membership in political organization w/out proof of unlawful intent / actions] /3/
Supreme Court has ruled that revoking residency status on the basis of political “support” of a cause particular group violates the 1st & 8th Amendments of the Constitution. /1/
Why would we be deporting people who might be perceived as speaking in support of Hamas but not people who speak and act in support of Russian terrorist who continue to bomb Ukranian civilians every day?
SMDH 🤬 this is illegal I don't see anything that he has committed a crime. Every single person in America should be outraged that believes in FREEDOM OF SPEECH the very first amendment of the United States Constitution. Where's all the free speech warriors at?
Nov. 7, 2028. The votes were counted before they were cast. Musk funds it, Trump blesses it, the crowd roars on cue.The world bows to Beijing, America plays pretend, and history signs its own death certificate.
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
All should loudly admit that they committed an error in doing so. Marco knows that protesting against Israel's genocide isn't anti-Jewish (nor anti-semitic, but that's an aside). They just think that if they tag anybody who speaks out against it as "pro-Hamas," it sounds less bigoted. -An ethnic Jew
At a minimum, it preserves an iota of credibility, a resource which is in short supply. It wasn't insane to think Liddle Marco might act as a check or a brake on the blitz of anti-Constitutionality and ally abandonment. He didn't. They did the math way wrong. Better to own it than not, in my opinion
This is performative crap 💩. It is clearly unconstitutional. The government cannot silence free speech with this overt retaliation. I’m sure Rubio and the Administration are conflating support for Palestine with support for Hamas.
Ppl think we need to fix the republicans but we really need to fix the democrats, every young progressive democrat need to leave the party, only when they fear will they put the next generation in charge
Sometimes I think I won't bother voting after last year. Our country is designed for a two party system (the constitution says a single candidate must win the majority of the EC or it goes to the House), and if these Dems are the opposition party, wtf is the point?
Sorry, to clarify. That part I understand. I was responding to the fact that every Dem senator, including the ones I voted for in CA, voted for the bastard who did this (Rubio).
💯 I think we need to do what the Tea Party did on the right. Do our own thing with all this energy & passion: if the billionaire DNC establishment stops stifling true progressive voices like Al Green last week, Bernie, AOC they are welcome to turn the enabler party back into a true opposition ✊🏻
Which would energize the base and unify the dems. The Tea Party was not bluffing. They were going to do their own thing. Establishment conservatives had to welcome their conspiracy laden more obvious racism, which eventually got us the far-right fascist party the republicans are today. Billionaire
money is why the dems keep side-stepping to the right and scapegoating actual progressives, just look at some of these Blue MAGA comments here. The DNC stifled Bernie in 2016 & 2020.. and we didn't even get a primary for who would replace Biden to run against Trump in 2024. DNC scapegoats
@schumer.senate.gov can’t control his caucus and is staying off of much TV. Democrats need leadership that understands this is not arguing over a bridge to nowhere in Alaska.
That’s why they are trying to conflate supporting Palestinians with supporting Hamas. They are two very different things, but they are using that to accuse people of supporting “terrorism”. It will not stop here. They will go after anyone who speaks out against what is going on.
It was a terrible vote. Agreed. They shouldn’t have. But Rubio didn’t need their votes. Republicans control the Senate. The hearings were a sham like they always are. Don’t know why we even have them. They just lie. Every time.
Shows how idiotic it is to say "Vote blue no matter who", and tie yourself up with a label. How about " vote for the best candidate"? There are other parties, and independents, that run and dont support this status quo washington back scratching. Let's start electing those people!
Don't be an idiot. I already pointed out that people of all ethnicity and color refused to vote for a woman President. AGAIN! The same thing happened 8 years ago.
True Clinton and Harris were woman but they both ran has conservatives, Remember when Mrs Clinton supported The TPP just before the primary? The Idea that Democratic Women from Blue Coastal states are going to get republican votes is silly.
Obama ran to the left for a reason.
Yes and good on her for stating that. However,I have zero faith in the DCP having the will or intention of backing that policy and actually making it happen.
Blaming the US Diaspora families of genocide victims for not voting for one of the two genocide options is cruel. Also, two state solution is a joke, U.S. has never been really committed. It's a line to kick the can down the road while arming colonialism. The solution is a Single democratic state.
On paper, sure. But the US is a superpower. If you really wanted a peaceful two-state, it would have happened by now. The arms you (the U.S.) send to Israel are leverage that you could withold at any time. But you don't. Anyway, Single democratic state. Co-Indigenous treaty. No ethnostates.
Biden could have used an executive order. It's annoying that Democrats are so hesitant to use the executive order for good when Republicans use it so often for evil. But yes, Biden is not soley responsible for enabling Netenyahu. It was Blinken and Austin too, and now it's Trump, Hegsel, etc.
Everywhere from Korea to Vietnam to Afghanistan ( multiple sides) to Ukraine has shown that being a super power doesn't mean you can impose your will everywhere. Neither side wants to have the fighting end. Hamas' raison d'etre is to destroy the state of Israel. How do you get peace with that?
Well, the State of Israel as such probably should end. Ethnostates are always wrong, always. A single democratic state for all people could have both the name Israel and Palestine as equally legally valid. Hamas suck, but I believe they'd accept that, because they're tired. UN oversight will be key.
Your supposition is that there were only 2 genocide options. That is simply not backed up by the facts. Biden, Blinken and a host of others were tirelessly going from Qatar to Lebanon, from Saudi Arabia to Jordan, to Egypt trying desperately to stop the war.
While knowingly arming the genocide, and doing nothing while Israel delayed every ceasefire attempt before the current one, which Israel is also breaking. I look forward to the day when the Hague can hold American and US Ally War Criminals accountable: when the US takes international law seriously.
It would be nice, but remember Netanyahu was about to be thrown out and jailed before Hamas attacked Israel. It gave him exactly what he needed to stay in power.
They know the mere accusation is enough. They also understand the average American, especially MAGA dimwits, know very little about history, geopolitics, nuance, context. Nor do they care for accuracy or truth. This is an easy sell for them. More to come.
they literally. all. voted to confirm him. so like. what's up with that
nobody's blaming dems for rubio. he was always going to get through. but the question now is, why should anyone vote for democrats if they will vote to confirm conservative nominees. are they even the liberal party anymore???
And he would’ve been confirmed anyway. It only takes 50 votes . Republicans have 53. And Rubio had always been the strongest supporter of Ukraine in senate. I can forgive the votes that knew someone else would be worse. FFS.
This is the problem Democrats believe that once you have been a senator no matter what party they are acceptable for any cabinet position They haven't learned that Republicans will do what Trump wants them to I'm an ordinary person and get this
Many Jewish Zionists wouldn't identify as politically conservative, yet since Oct 7, 2023, in discussing Gaza the first question every Zionist asked was, "Do you condemn Hamas?" An up or down, no-win proposition.
The table was set for tolerating the disappearing of pro-Palestinian organizers.✌🏻
Like the Iraq war after 9/11 You were either for the war or for the terrorists.
I do question, though, that any significant portion of Jews who asked that question planned, supported or desire extralegal deportation of anyone who disagrees.
So speech crime is not a crime anymore?
Weren't we pushing last 4 yrs for hate crime/speech crime bills, including forced use of pronouns and "hate crime" charges if someone didn't use our pronouns correctly or misgender us?
Also, is there a difference in protesting on public vs private property?
This entire government needs to be revoked. They are violation the rights of Americans. The right to petition peacefully and free speech are enshrined in our constitution !
Yes, it's for me, and not the people of the world--including all of those who are much more marginalized, are in Ukraine, rely upon US Aid so poverty-stricken kids don't die, and, yes, were hoping that a two-state solution might emerge and yield peace for Palestinians and Israelis.
That's worked out great. Congratulations to everyone on their purity in rejecting Biden and Harris as they tried to pressure Netanyahu in the ways they thought would be effective.
Now Trump is rejecting Gaza as a Palestinian state, surrendering Ukraine, and ending US democracy.
We are facing the end of everything. I am for anyone (AOC, Cuban, hell, even if Mehdi ran (which he can't, but assuming he could)) who can help right things.
If you maintain a purity test in this moment, with America on the brink, you do not really care about the things you claim to care about.
The right response was Biden actively pushing for a ceasefire and not lying about it to his consistency and putting Kamala in a corner on the campaign trail.
Yes, a true statement. That doesn't change the fact that Mehdi's statement was deliberately misleading--to suggest actual support for Rubio as opposed to strategic considerations (which admittedly may or may not justify the vote). I could explain them, but I get the sense you don't want to hear them
Since when does the Secretary of State so much as comment about the political positions taken by ordinary Americans? For everyone that ignores this remember that deporting citizens is quite literally what defined Nazi Germany
They did not "help to confirm him." He would have been confirmed, as all the others have been, even without a single Democratic vote. They only made people like you waste anger at Democrats, instead of directing it at the real problem.
That is so anti-American. Peaceful protest, no matter the subject matter, is protected.
I would protest with them if I could. Ridiculous.
Supporting Palestinians is not even close to being illegal.
This was indeed a sign the Democratic Party is broken. We oils not have done that. He had proven he didn’t have the character. Most disappointing is @sanders.senate.gov and @warren.senate.gov They are broken too.
The DC swamp is evident.
I'll be asking my Canadian Member of Parliament to propose that we deport MAGA supporters. Even if they're not dual citizens they can go south where they'll be happy.
ok we'll attack both then. i hate democrats and republicans and both parties are actively ruining everyone's livelihoods. at this rate the only reliable solution is to get rid of both, and theyre so deeply rooted in the system that this means dismantling the government in its entirety
Ignoring that Democrats are actively and continually contributing to what the Republicans are doing to destroy our democracy is not going to save us, Ginger.
Why is his status as a Hamas supporter relevant? I believe we lose ground when we allow them to frame this as whether or not he is a Hamas supporter. He (and WE) should be free to voice support for whomever we choose without fear of government reprisal. Period. End. Do not concede ground on this.
My close friend is a permanent resident. She’s been a government employee for a decade. Married to an American, has an American son, and she’s pro-Palestine. I guess they’ll try to deport her since she protests, huh? So disgusting!
This is fascism on full display. How exactly is he “proving“ these people are supporters of Hamas? Is there a handbook or something about this? Not to mention, that whole First Amendment thing.
I’m confused. Are we talking about revoking permanent residency because someone exercised their right to free speech, their right to assemble and/or their right to protest here? In America?
Many humans were horrified that thousands of Palestinian children had amputations (as a result of blown up houses) WITHOUT anaesthetic. Any number of Palestinians are Christian, which Rubio says he is, I don't believe him.
Well said. Maybe the kidnap victim just despises genocide, particularly on the scale that it is occurring in Gaza, subsidized by American foreign policy.
Dems should block and obstruct every single thing Republican
Republicans have declared war on America and democracy
Act like it!!!
Support Nazis -golf with President
Time to clean out the old cobwebs.
(Obviously, they were wrong)
And that’s why every single Democrat needs to be primaried and voted out.
I will not vote for an incumbent in the next elect.
I just won’t vote.
Trump won because dems dont fight back until its too late.
the radicalism is the policy, and that's not coming from Rubio. it's coming from Trump.
and we all know who is responsible for Trump (hint: check a mirror).
How about the Muslim Americans that voted 80% against Harris & helped trump get the wh back in the 1st place? trump said many times they were going to go after visa holders
-Marco Rubio
Welcome to 2028—a Twilight Zone for the 21st century.
Part 1 is below. Well worth a read!
Every single Republican Senator also voted for Rubio as Sec of State, and I haven’t heard an iota of public regret from any of those 52.
the issue isn't the vote for Rubio, it's the policy he's being told to implement.
the voters who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Kamala Harris, regardless of the reason, are responsible for the policy.
That's like being silver on airline loyalty programs: worthless.
Obama ran to the left for a reason.
Nothing to see here. Go about your business.
GOP the right.
If they ain’t fighting the system, they are the system.
nobody's blaming dems for rubio. he was always going to get through. but the question now is, why should anyone vote for democrats if they will vote to confirm conservative nominees. are they even the liberal party anymore???
can't wait for the pence/cheney unity ticket in 2028
or worse, jeffries. i might actually vote for jill stein if hakeem jeffries runs
The table was set for tolerating the disappearing of pro-Palestinian organizers.✌🏻
I do question, though, that any significant portion of Jews who asked that question planned, supported or desire extralegal deportation of anyone who disagrees.
Weren't we pushing last 4 yrs for hate crime/speech crime bills, including forced use of pronouns and "hate crime" charges if someone didn't use our pronouns correctly or misgender us?
Also, is there a difference in protesting on public vs private property?
You go into the system
Maybe come out in 3 or 4 years
That's to discourage people from protesting, because if you're nabbed, how do you prove you're a citizen (Whoops lost the passport you gave us)
I'm highly allergic to tattoo ink, but it may be worth the excruciating discomfort.
Rubio is terrible, but we didn't have the votes to stop it (as you know) and we thought the next candidate would be even worse.
In short: it's amazing to me that you haven't considered how much you suck.
Congratulations on your ideological purity. You must really care about the things you claim to care about.
Genius, you are.
Now Trump is rejecting Gaza as a Palestinian state, surrendering Ukraine, and ending US democracy.
If you maintain a purity test in this moment, with America on the brink, you do not really care about the things you claim to care about.
Meanwhile Democrats IN Congress attacked their fellow Democrat Rep. Al Green by voting to censure him. They attacked him with words and votes.
And I think that Dems are absolutely fucking up and missing the moment.
But that doesn't change the fact that Mehdi sucks, and his comment is dishonest bc/ he's acting like they genuinely supported him.
I noted the same thing.
You seem okay with my statement, but not Mehdi's.
Why is that?
Concentration camps?
They've been IMPOTENT and weak since January 20th.
DEMOCRATS stuck on ceremony and helping to confirm a LIAR like Marco Rubio, who was the same lying SOB when he was a Senator
I would protest with them if I could. Ridiculous.
Supporting Palestinians is not even close to being illegal.
Let’s at least be equal opportunist.
The DC swamp is evident.
They are voting against the CR
They can’t stop nominations bc there’s no filibuster for those
They only need 50+ Vance
When will it be for saying DJT is a POS?
Americans stand in fucked up silence!
Khalil is a permanent resident with a green card. DHS refuses to tell his lawyer or his wife (a US citizen) where he is.
Trump announced his intentions to jail, imprison or deport students involved in protests.
I support Doctors Without Borders.