there’s a way people talk about politics that suggests they think trump and republicans have a tighter grip on the population than, like, kim jong un or the taliban
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one thing that people on here and in the WH seem to think that is just unbelievably—utterly and completely—wrong is that normal politics stops in an autocracy
Not saying this attitude is *good,* but I get how we got here.
We failed to hold him & the GOP accountable
"this is the end of politics and the fascists won forever"
jfc guys look at WISCONSIN. yeah, we lost democracy for a decade and a half but we kept doing politics and we finally broke The Gerrymander. you just gotta keep doing it and VOTING.
The way to oppose people who are attacking our to support our institutions!
Because having a flawed, but mostly good system is better than not having anything, obv
Yet another thing that both the online right and left both believe
Instead, their Sephirothpoasting about how Roberts should be careful as he doesn't command armored divisions.
I think they're delusional, but hey.
"No no no, you reward you backers! You have cronies or institutions lined up to replace the ones you're purging so there's not a disruption in services! And you eliminate your opponents first!"
* - It cannot, but they are high on their own supply.
But in real world terms, it is just tapping the ball down the slope. The widespread impacts won’t be felt for weeks and months on mass when the ball slams in the Jenga tower.
It’s going to boil to a flashpoint. I think a lot of people feel like it should have boiled over by now.