I too have lost confidence in the FBI and DOJ (so many more, like the SCOTUS, and U.S. voters) because even with all their resources and talent they failed to assist in preventing the Felon from seizing the Office of the Presidency.
Well they couldnt even figure out who the pipe bomber from J6 was.. but they sure as hell know everything about both humans who shot at trump... Well supposedly they do..
Maybe it's the FBI leaking Hunter Biden's personal information, failing to investigate Kavanagh, and hiding the list of Russian influences. Or the DOJ slow walking Jan 6th & stolen documents investigations.
Wray & Garland are maga from what I can see.
He spewed the credibility of the FBI has fallen the most. I’m thinking he’s ignoring the reputation of scotus being in the gutter. He should get an Oscar for today’s performance.
#TraitorTed is a seditionist and should never have been seated in the session of congress following Jan 6. He spends his time fomenting angst and anger in Texas. Nothing he says should be taken seriously.
There's that, and that the DoJ has been an almost clownish foil for Hitler 2.0, and we who watched Hitler 2.0 destroy it without even being in the White House have, correctly, lost faith in the system.
They just re-elected him. And you can tell he doesn't even want the job anymore.
This is all just on texans.
They never wanted to be a US state. They don't care what happens to the US now.
They are exactly that selfish.
Go there and find out for yourself, I've been there and they think that way.
It is worse in any state where trump has been able to broadcast.
He is the toxic compound that now poisons US.
Had he never begun his attacks and urgings for a group of Americans to actually hurt and hate other Americans, had he just never started, none of this would have occurred to this extent.
All black people in wise states know this.
I drove a supply truck across northern texas once from west TX to Tulsa. A black co-worker joined me on the trip. He would not get out to use restrooms in TX in small towns.
They know.
They have awareness what it is to have such hate directed at them.
This is a classic Republican tactic - they repeat often that elections are rigged then say people have lost faith in the elections . Or that the DOJ/FBI have been weaponized then say that people have lost faith in the DOJ. D’s need to be smarter and call this ‘cause and effect’ logic out!
It was the the previous 4 years with 🍊💩and his AG clown like Barr that made me question the DOJ. Garland is at least a very honest , and by the law AG, although he did not act soon enough. At least I could trust him as a lawyer, judge.
Because…… Garland slow walked eveything to keep 45 from going to trial and ANY co-coup plotter from even being charged. And let’s NOT forget Wray who LET insurrectionists walk away from the Capital and had NO idea who the pipe bomber was. Bondi & Patel will put the final nails in the DOJ/FBI coffin
Without a doubt! Every time they opened an investigation into a Repugnicant it was decried as politically motivated. When an investigation was launched into a Democrat it was lauded. Their investigation of the DOJ was specifically designed to undermine it.
Barb, I think that this is early in the autocrat's playbook. Attack law enforcement, especially when you are as vulnerable as DJT. Just like attacking the media.
I'd say it's because they went after all the little fish and didn't indict one person that orchestrated J6. Oh they got Buffalo Head and Proud Boy Nazi but not the Congressmen giving tours or any of the Trumps.
If anything it just hammered home that it's a big club, and you ain't in it.
What he means is that the GOP leaders have done their best to get their base to be distrustful. It burns me every time a Republican claims to speak for the American people.
Yes! It obviously works . And Dems should use it to! Not misinformation , just accusations and spewing buzz words of GOPs lies , grift . Educate the ignorant ! They are sooooo many ppl getting dumber . This is why propaganda works and fascism takes over .
The only person’s guilty of weaponization is the MAGA Republican Party. Trump, Cruz and the MAGA cult are the only spreader of LIES and misinformation and propaganda. And FOX channels all the LIES to their stupid audience that don’t read or want any TRUTHTELLING
I lost confidence in FBI because of a pattern of harassing Dems (Hillary) while giving Republicans a pass (Brett Kavanaugh). NO confidence in DOJ because of abject failure to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.
It's painful listening to him twist truth in a way that will be the prelude to twisting justice.
I call it "inoculation": accusing an opponent of a crime they aren't doing but that you plan to do, so when you do it, it'll seem merely balancing the scales, not an overreach.
If they approve Pam Bondi for attorney general I will have no confidence in the DOJ. I have lived under her reign as attorney general here in Florida, selective prosecution
The Jan 6th Commission did their part efficiently and expeditiously. This case should have been tried before the election cycle. The DOJ needed to be more aggressive in this and Docs case. They should have Motioned for new judge early. Trump should be jailed not sworn in in a few days.
don’t think it’s DoJ. The legal systems and courts are now just a fading memory.It makes me physically ill when people say NO ONE is above the law. Retired me would never get a direct number to the Supreme Court for next day decisions.Can’t get a grip in my head an heart what has happened.
Goes beyond the DOJ. CIA, FBI, NSA and other intelligence organizations can't see the obvious Putin's tentacles into Trump is staggering. If you went back 60-70 years and spoke to American leadership about this moment they would be flabbergasted.
Ted Cruz is a hypocrite!!! He knows Trump broke the law….and no other President broke the law…Trump is a true criminal. Bondi is so brainwashed by The Convicted Felon and his lies as well as those of the Republicans….including Ted Cruz!!!
nonsense; we've lost confidence in the senate and supreme court. we've lost confidence in The Rule of Law, in fundamental civility, in half the voting public, in ourselves to be drowned in fear yet again.
Bondi is so inconsistent: believes no one is above the law, will enforce law but reinforces unfounded claim of political persecution of DT (and party line she can't say he lost 2020). Cycophant.
If Trump/MAGAs think Biden/Smith 'weaponized' the DOJ, Congressional Rs can hold public hearings where Smith & staff can testify about what evidence they had against Trump & why they thought it was sufficient to prove the charges they filed.
Go for it; let the public hear what they had.
I lost faith in DOJ after Merrick Garland wouldn’t apply the law without fear or favor as he was so famous for saying. I lost faith in the FBI when they didn’t investigate I love beer Brett and let January 6th happen in broad daylight.
Lost confidence watching an alleged billionaire tie them in knots with a firehose of false accusations and evade responsibility for his illegal actions
Ya, because the treasonous rat bastard GOP have undermined it to accomplish their facist policies. Remember, trumplethinskin is a lame duck walking in the door. Midterms baby, Midterms. If trumplethinskin can delay for 4 years, surely you delay deny depose for 2 years
Who trusts what Cruz says? Heck, he probably found a way to steal the elections, too. He is a seditious insurrectionist. If it is a Republican saying something, I don't trust at all.
No it's not Barb...look in the mirror. Ive been hearing and reading from you and Joyce Vance for the last several years about how no one is above the law and Jack Smith will hold Trump accountable and none of it was true. The American justice system failed.
Sen. Ted Cruz: "In the more than 200 years of its history, no American president was prosecuted for trying to overthrow the US government before Biden came along."
Past 4? I'm only displeased with Wray & Garland, basically. Next 4 years will see a TON of weaponization & no confidence. Cruz lives in a fantasy world.
This is so so infuriating and absurd. It's because of the DOJ that someone is not headed to prison but rather becoming the most powerful person in the world.
This is just a minor variation of the basic and guiding GOP game plan of complaining that government doesn’t work *while* sabotaging how government works.
Exactly. Constant claims of weaponization because Trump was finally being held accountable for years of illegal activities. We know the Trump zombies eat those lies up.
I lost respect for the DOJ because of Bill Barr and Merrick Garland. I lost respect for the FBI because they held information back on background checks that would have disqualified specific people from serving.
Sen Duckworth's questioning CONFIRMED he's unqualified .. clueless re SecDef roles & responsibilities .. but Repubs will bow to their orange god's demands
No it’s because of their failure to prosecute a traitor. We send people to Washington to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility & promote the general welfare among citizens
One party disagrees, the other can’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Messaging and language matter now more than ever.
The above should not be posed as a question. Like so many other things the GOP is doing, they should be statements, repeated over and over again.
The age of subtlety is dead - we are in the era of the 2x4...
The lose of confidence is a function of Reagan ('nine most terrifying words') and the demise of the Fairness Doctrine (and the anti-institution propaganda that flowed therefrom) coupled with USAians almost comical lack of critical thinking.
You could eliminate all of Cruz's assertions and all
It is because Wray and Garland are GOP shills. Garland had no problem sicing Hur on Biden to write a hit piece. He also had no problem rounding up average Amercans after J6. His problem was holding DC accountable. Wray is a dirty holdover. They helped this mess along.
That’s it! Some people just blindly agree with the things they hear from those whom they follow. MAGAts have shown inability to look and see for themselves or think for themselves. I often say to those who pass on such claims to step outside and look around. The sky isn’t falling.
The right believes federal law enforcement is corrupt because Cruz and his flawless, sinless messiah has cried "witch hunt" repeatedly
The left believes federal law enforcement is corrupt due to their utter failure to hold traitorous fiends like Cruz and his tangerine boss baby accountable
He was helping Bindi to solidify her thoughts. As with the previous Senators, she's lying. Her answers are as if she was coached on how to answer to specific areas. She still cannot say trump lost 2020 election. Self control is very obvious.
DOJ spent four years hounding a private citizen, rather than tfg, with his felonies, stolen documents, attempted insurrection, Russian promoting..
Yeah, I've absolutely no confidence in them when DEMS are in charge, when does Billy Barf come back and start bludgeoning people with the DOJ...again?
We have lost faith in the DOJ because drumpf weaponized it long before Biden came into office. Then, drumpf escaped accountability over and over again while we watched, and there is nothing we can do about it. Too bad the assassin(?) Missed his target.
Watching this confirmation hearing am struck by how much pontificating the Rep Senators do without asking questions. Dems ask specific, pointed questions Bondi responds by stating I have not heard that, I have no knowledge of that , does not answer or provides an irrelevant off topic answer.
Twenty Lessons on Fighting Tyranny from the Twentieth Century https://scholars.org/contribution/twenty-lessons-fighting-tyranny-twentieth
Wray & Garland are maga from what I can see.
This is all just on texans.
They never wanted to be a US state. They don't care what happens to the US now.
They are exactly that selfish.
Go there and find out for yourself, I've been there and they think that way.
He is the toxic compound that now poisons US.
Had he never begun his attacks and urgings for a group of Americans to actually hurt and hate other Americans, had he just never started, none of this would have occurred to this extent.
I drove a supply truck across northern texas once from west TX to Tulsa. A black co-worker joined me on the trip. He would not get out to use restrooms in TX in small towns.
They know.
They have awareness what it is to have such hate directed at them.
Doesn't that give you pause?
If anything it just hammered home that it's a big club, and you ain't in it.
Told them not to trust the DoJ, & FBI! 🙄
I call it "inoculation": accusing an opponent of a crime they aren't doing but that you plan to do, so when you do it, it'll seem merely balancing the scales, not an overreach.
Lies and weakness=maga.
Go for it; let the public hear what they had.
because the 'mob bosses' escaped prosecution while the 'street thugs' (j6 domestic terrorists) were arrested & put in prison
CITIZENS organized to hunt them down via social media
Vance said the violent ones do not deserve pardons
& magats are UPSET re THIS!
Sen Duckworth's questioning CONFIRMED he's unqualified .. clueless re SecDef roles & responsibilities .. but Repubs will bow to their orange god's demands
One party disagrees, the other can’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Both parties failed the country.
The above should not be posed as a question. Like so many other things the GOP is doing, they should be statements, repeated over and over again.
The age of subtlety is dead - we are in the era of the 2x4...
The lose of confidence is a function of Reagan ('nine most terrifying words') and the demise of the Fairness Doctrine (and the anti-institution propaganda that flowed therefrom) coupled with USAians almost comical lack of critical thinking.
You could eliminate all of Cruz's assertions and all
'repeated false accusations of weaponization' from existence and you'd still be where you are at.
So, no, not because of 'repeated false accusations of weaponization'.
The left believes federal law enforcement is corrupt due to their utter failure to hold traitorous fiends like Cruz and his tangerine boss baby accountable
tenure =/= competency
just look at Sen Grassley, McConnell, Boebert.. and I'm certain there are many Dems as well.
Yeah, I've absolutely no confidence in them when DEMS are in charge, when does Billy Barf come back and start bludgeoning people with the DOJ...again?
Twenty Lessons on Fighting Tyranny from the Twentieth Century https://scholars.org/contribution/twenty-lessons-fighting-tyranny-twentieth
One side is LIES LIES LIES and the other is ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ.