This is so on the money. They're so pathetic that the urge to dump on them is nearly overwhelming, but simply "disappearing" them is the very best way to neuter them.
I did the insta-follow back first few days. Then followed upon engagement. Sadly there's no "remove follower" on blue — hope I don't accidentally block one of the good ones.
They have
i had a lovely week or so chatting with intelligent people who understood nuance...
and i have been approached twice by scammers.
going to stop now
I feel sad
True that should work yes E tried to friend me or has . . . . . I am just learning to block hope I was successful . . . And someone needed help living with 8 orphans and someone else is giving me cash IF I give my PayPal account . . . Which I don’t have one . . ☝️
Just be careful. Folks posting pr0n, or asking for money, whom you don't know, sure, block away. But I've had one response of mine about folks advocating ditching the Federal Government, and me asking what happens to the Military ... got me blocked by someone. No hair trigger on discussions, please.
It's immature and I'm not proud of it, but I find the most fun way to wind them up is to intimate they're gay. They're fine with 'racist'/'nazi'/'bigot'/'bully' etc - that makes them feel powerful and scary.
But call them closeted homosexuals and they have a full-on psychic collapse.
If you study any kind of psychology, the over active machismo, the misogyny, and homophobia are all sure signs of repressed homosexuality. They are so afraid people will think they are gay they are acting out to try and prove they are not. Why are they trying so hard to prove they are not gay?
If you're not gay you really don't care what anyone thinks, if someone thinks you are gay and they ask, you say, "Gee I'm flattered but I'm not." unless they're from the opposite sex then you might say, "I'm not, I just have good hygiene."
The moderation lists are useful. Send a skeet to the list moderator and ask them to add the trolls to the troll list. That blocks them for everyone that subscribes to the list.
You know what's better than seeing a solid dunk on a Magamaniac? ...Seeing that no one bothered to give their vitriol the time of day. Everytime I see one of their trolly posts with no likes and no comments, I smile a little bit.
It’s hard to tell because Republicans says the dumbest shit. Even when parody accounts are way over the top with their stupidity it’s still easy seeing a Republican actually saying it.
No matter what, they will always be miserable because they are miserable. They wanted that other platform for themselves. They got it and are still somehow still angry. They won, what are they so angry about?
This! They are here specifically for left wing attention. Nothing you can say will be as impactful as simply ignoring them. Block them AND their followers!
You'll only see it on comments to things you've posted to your timeline
So if you posted that you loved mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving and I said something horrible like green bean casserole is objectively better, you could then click on my comment and hide it
EVEN BETTER, don't forget to (1) report the trolls; (2) add the troll to a blocklist (go to settings, moderation, moderation lists, and click +New) so that anyone who subscribes to your blocklist can have trolls blocked or muted automatically as you add them.
Problem with that is a good amount of Dems/Liberals end up getting blocked too, since a lot of folks were blindly doing a follow-for-follow, and sometimes accounts will present themselves as allies at first and do a switcheroo.
Worth it though. Waiting until they have 1k+ followers makes it harder for sure, but block the main one and take out the others as they present themselves. Works for me, anyway 🤷 *obligatory not a large account
I've taken that philosophy everywhere else I post and it makes everything better. Even on YouTube, where they stripped out the ability to block, just ignoring them makes them go away.
Oh, I tell them to go fuck themselves first. Then I report them and block. I don’t care if they ever see my response, it just gives me joy to write it.
It's the "block immediately without comment or engagement" part that I really like about Bluesky. We seem to have mutually agreed to quit wasting time, energy and bandwidth trying to reason with people who have no mental capacity to see reason (or are just too stubbborn to).
Yes! And I love getting into their profiles to block them, and seeing that they have 2 followers and follow the other 3 MAGA accounts that have not been kicked out yet 😂
I have some ideas about meta data driven, mutual opt-in bot checkpoints at critical engagement points, like before posting comments you pass a bot checkpoint. Reinvented, happy checkpoints, not the exasperating click "traffic lights stuff". At minimum everyone gets a lollipop after the Dr visit.
I wish others would grasp this.... DO NOT engage... just block and add them to a list... there are many lists around of these morons... block, block, block....
One thing I would like 🦋 to adopt from 🧵 is the option to remove followers. Yes, you can block, but I like having the ability to remove them completely.
There’s also a subset of posters I’m really finding annoying - the ones being all snotty over Bluesky newbies and shitting on people talking about politics.
The thing is, not blocking these troll/bot accounts, and interacting with them leads to them gaining traction via engagement. We probably don't want to create another sewer like Twitter. Obviously Elon deciding to boost right-wing/bot content didn't help either, but still...
One of the first things I did here was subscribe to a bunch of block lists. Probably TOO many, but with 25 million users I probably won't miss any caught in the churn.
Still find myself blocking a few accounts a day as they pop up.
Always do. But TBH, like I've said .... there are 25M of us here now. If I happen to have inadvertently blocked someone I don't even know, I'm pretty sure I'll live.
I'm into content curation & signal to noise ratio, not FBR or follower count.
I’ve also seen puppy sellers and fake job recruiters. The bottom line is the whole tribe of internet scammers are here now looking for victims. Never DM. Block.
Be careful! Many post their own but check list thoroughly before selecting “all”. Algorithms can fail anyone, eh?
And I’ve seen a few throwing in legit users just to lessen their numbers. I go through & block individually just to be sure I’m not being manipulated. =sigh=
I automatically block anyone who uses the N word, the F word, the C word, and the R word. I also blocked someone today for calling former Pres. Clinton "Slick Willie." These same people claim I don't want to hear their "alternate opinions." Cruel pejoratives are not alternate opinions.
There are two of them. Maga Barbie & also Sweet Bunny Kins. Another one I had to block today was Mikestro. He reposted my post about the maga girls & commented that there plenty of 💙 people from mental institutions here on Blue Sky.
Just find someone with moderation pack and ask them to add them to it. I don’t know how do to moderation pack. Anyone with idea on how to chime in so we can add trolls to it and block them enmasse
Please consider Muting prior to a Block. BlueSky ‘block’ feature needs work. A blocked account can still reply but we cannot see their reply and their follow remains. Temporary fix is to Mute than Block.
I don’t understand how muting is different from blocking - does muting mean they can’t follow, and they can’t reply? Thanks for any light you can shed.
There are plenty of blocklists. The inherent problem is that the bots/trolls/bad actors are making their own and presenting them as 'legit' only to fool people. Best just block them as they come around. Stay wise, stay vigilant, and may the odds be ever in your favor
I had a couple MAGA reply to a post of mine a couple of days ago. Didn't engage, blocked & hid their comments from everyone! I'm not playing their games on Bluesky! I came here for less toxicity & that's what I'm going to have.
Though I make sure they're true MAGA trolls, that is, those that only bombard u w the same repeated MAGA propaganda words & memes; no other interest. Cause I want discourse too, polite or not. I want different thoughtful views & opinions; echo chambers r no fun eventually, nor civically healthy.
one further suggestion is to go to their follower page and block there as well, then after that, block the original troll ... that way you can block their entire network of fellow trolls.
That's the iron rule. (Report,) block and go. No interaction, no engagement. Unlike on X, this is extremely efficient on Bluesky and kills the troll immediately.
Don't forget to zap the centrist concern trolls who want to tell you all about the latest self-defeating neoliberal drivel that they got off NPR or the Atlantic. Collaborators belong in the same basket with the other deplorables.
To block all the trolls' followers with one click.
Then the troll. Bye.
Use app password (settings) not your bsky pwd.
Stay vigilant
I did the insta-follow back first few days. Then followed upon engagement. Sadly there's no "remove follower" on blue — hope I don't accidentally block one of the good ones.
i had a lovely week or so chatting with intelligent people who understood nuance...
and i have been approached twice by scammers.
going to stop now
I feel sad
But call them closeted homosexuals and they have a full-on psychic collapse.
MAGA not allowed.
I made a short video with a bunch of little things like that on my YouTube channel:
So if you posted that you loved mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving and I said something horrible like green bean casserole is objectively better, you could then click on my comment and hide it
Block all their followers with one click. 😋😈 So satisfying.
Thx for the heads up, will check out.
I've started one
Starve the pricks. 😈
Don't give them the oxygen they crave.
I fear they're gaining purchase on Bluesky because so many people are just blocking and abandoning the field of battle.
I just block.
Still find myself blocking a few accounts a day as they pop up.
I'm into content curation & signal to noise ratio, not FBR or follower count.
nice to meet you "again" . . . 🦋
💙 👍 💙
them all. You can’t reason with them.
Here's one. Just click subscribe, and then block.
And I’ve seen a few throwing in legit users just to lessen their numbers. I go through & block individually just to be sure I’m not being manipulated. =sigh=
I often post the troll accounts I encounter here so others can act preemptively.