Sorry not buying this for a second. They throw out one piece after two weeks of taking about nothing other than Biden’s age? This is just to shut critics up, and it will ALL be Biden’s age again tomorrow. The NYT is no different than Newsmax.
trump has been the same narcissistic, brutal, ignorant, greedy sob from the beginning, & the NYT had been fawning over him, encouraging him to be even more so! Where were they then?
But it’s better late, than never, I guess.
Counterpoint: He's unfit to lead, but he's very effective as a [no so subtle] Trojan horse to inject fascism directly into the veins of the Republican base.
Shorter: “The task now falls to the American people to see through and undo our 9-year project of normalizing a madman, a project that’s made us piles of 💰 and introduced us to dozens of people in diners.”
But screwing 12-year-olds, per Trump, is GOOD if they look like Vanky. Repeatedly and brutally so they never forget the experience. Because Trump thinks being chosen for sexual assault by a man of his "stature and fame" is an honor for any child. Watch the "Katie Johnson" interview. She lived it.
Looks like it's ninth now by my count (or maybe it displays differently on the web vs phone), but it's still under that high-priority cake story for some reason.
I guess the big difference is that this was always the case with Trump and for some reason the media normalized his insanity to the point where it was just expected. That's a weird thing to do!
This is very good; I only wish they offered it with the points expanded. I worry that some people will scroll to the "end" without expansion, and miss that they make compelling cases in all points, with details.
I'll encourage a Republican family member to read, but she's so hung up on abortion.. 😭
Notice how they manage to take a gratuitous swipe at Biden in their "anti-Trump" editorial, now that this "both sides" ground is covered they can go back to persistently attacking Biden.
The fact, that they actually admit that trump has flaws is the news here. (We all know Trump is a bag of rotting garbage)
But the NYT has been fawning on him since ancient times, encouraging him to do more of the same. After this, they will go back to that for the next decade.
Then the editor had the gall to “balance” it with columnists telling Biden to bow out….so irritating. Why not all be on the same page with the Edit Board???
Nice of them to finally address this after…what? A full week of “Biden didn’t do great at the debate so he’s unfit for command! In fact, you shouldn’t vote at all!”
I wonder if all the pushback on social media finally got them to say something other than "Biden old".
It's about time they put some pressure on Trump. Doing searches on there, they eventually call him out on things but only rarely.
NYT would like you to know that they would like to personally select our next ruler, and not give any of us a vote. And they don’t want any of the current choices. LOL.
Cool that we're in a place where the NYT has 𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘯 to the level of the bored apolitical nonvoter who snorts and says, "politics, man, it's all the same crap."
Like yeah, this is an improvement over the last two weeks… and this is as far as that improvement goes.
trump has been the same narcissistic, brutal, ignorant, greedy sob from the beginning, & the NYT had been fawning over him, encouraging him to be even more so! Where were they then?
But it’s better late, than never, I guess.
I mean, it's good to say this out loud! He is manifestly unfit. But there is some bullshit here.
Biden has a bad debate because he's old and tired: he must withdraw.
Trump is a literal criminal and SCOTUS is so corrupt they protect him? He should stay in.
The discrepancy in demands is noted.
I'll encourage a Republican family member to read, but she's so hung up on abortion.. 😭
Biden Too Old
Trump Bad for Country
We Will Go Eat Worms
But the NYT has been fawning on him since ancient times, encouraging him to do more of the same. After this, they will go back to that for the next decade.
It's about time they put some pressure on Trump. Doing searches on there, they eventually call him out on things but only rarely.
Like yeah, this is an improvement over the last two weeks… and this is as far as that improvement goes.
The Paper of Record, everyone.