Dude pioneered modern both-siderism and they took away his hosting gig on Meet the Press. He must be salty seeing everyone else in mainstream news ape his schtick and only get promoted for it
Another shit ass sell out of our democracy! OST sane people stopped tuning in years ago. Ps. He is coming for all of you, so hope selling us out was worth it!
With us today on MTP to talk about this development are two sitting Republican Senators, a charismatic ghoul from the heritage foundation, and Todd, a local community college freshman and self described leftist.
More serious talent leaving NBC/MSNBC, maybe clean house at MSNBC, bring back Keith O, Brian Williams and others who got pushed out. Use Maddow's 30 mil to pay for them.
MSNBC could compete with FOX for the centrists, stop espousing gender bigotry. Just an idea.
As awful as it was at the time, Medhi Hasan and Don Lemon getting booted from legacy media was a BLESSING in disguise. They got to go independent and build platforms in a growing media landscape. And MSM is slowly losing all its influence.
One of the most prominent mistakes of the late Tim Russert’s career was promoting Chuck Todd, the crown prince of political horse race coverage who also happens to have the same hairline as Ralph Wiggum.
She won’t. She cut back on her show because she almost lost her wife to COVID and that made her realize she doesn’t spend enough time at home with her wife. I doubt she is looking for more responsibility.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! He and Ken Dilanian used to lock people’s accounts when they didn’t like their point of view! Frank Figliuzzi are you listening? ❤️
He never recovered from being denied President Obama’s spokesman. He has been enacting revenge against the Democrat Party because he felt no one in leadership supported his chances of getting that position. He is one of those privileged dudes who is allowed to be mediocre, but can’t be a cool kid.
I could never sit and listen to a chuck todd conversation, he always sounded like everything he said was unique or interesting, he was consistently neither. No loss.
The journalism brand of Chuckles the Todd has been out of touch and inadequate for at least a decade.
Meet the moment and hold power to account or get out of the way.
How we went from Cronkite, Walters, Bradlee, etc. to *waves arm* whatever this is just leaves me speechless.
MSNBC could compete with FOX for the centrists, stop espousing gender bigotry. Just an idea.
He's been soiling that entire organization for DECADES.
I hope I never hear from him again.
Todd sees the writing on the wall, too.
Hopefully Rachel will take over as political director.