going to be very annoyed if in 3-4 years elite Dems start breaking out the “most important election of our lifetime” line again because buddy, there were, unironically, two Most Important US presidential elections of my lifetime, 2016 and 2024, and the party fucked up both of them royally
Purity-seekers fucked them up.
ijs the nihilism of “everything that matters has already passed” is annoying and self-owning af
DJT is a fascist and the biggest threat* to the US and world in my long long life.
The phrase is well earned.
*except that time in 1983 when Stanislav Petrov stopped nuclear war
There was at least a decade or so where national politics was was pretty dull.
Both micro-targeted voters, illegally, to spread misinformation. When people get most of their news from those sites, that’s a huge factor.
It's ridiculous to think "surely voters wouldn't be so self destructive, it must be the Dems' fault". Just listen to voters who see in Trump a great figure.
I'm more inclined to focus on what is wrong with the electorate.
Put the blame on the Right, where it belongs!
And because self reflection totally wins elections, right? 🙄
I’ve been hearing that answer for decades.
Should have taken naps in offices and gotten back to work.
Dems shed 6MM+ votes bc people couldn't be motivated to vote for GOP Lite.
Like, he isn't even doing a damn thing NOW
Seems like bloodspitting hatred and collapsing-empire chauvinism aren't things that are won at lost at ballot boxes
NC gerrymandering which helped republicans win the House was due to electing three judges to state Supreme Court.
Assume all vulnerable ppl will be hurt unless a better person leads.
Vote in state and locals where you can more impact too.
Economic future=reproductive medicine
I mean does ANYONE in the media understand what's happened?
#1 2000
#2 2016
#3 2020
#4 2024
But now, instead of enforcing the 14th amendment's disqualification against seditious oathbreakers, they're going to abandon their own oaths of office and illegally hand him power.
He won't be.
The 10 million Biden voters who stayed home fucked it up.
Full stop.
Also both elections you mentioned were on the heels of democratic administrations. There is a pendulum.
The way I see it, Americans are dumb as hell, and willing to sell out women and BIPOC neighbors for $250, which was the Bush tax refund. I guess we’re getting free eggs this Easter? No idea.
When mass deportations start, a whole lot of people will be shocked and angry. And they should be outraged, but not surprised.
So, government spending to pay for, eg, healthcare is free from bank loans.
It’s extremely difficult to sell progressive policies if you’re relying on the myth of “tax payer money”
Republicans shouldn’t be competitive, much less dominant.
The fuck ups were the people that didn’t vote for Harris.
There were primaries. Biden chose to run.
No one else noteworthy chose to run.
End of story.
The party power structures will do everything possible to ruin any challengers to an incumbent candidate. Sure, they technically can run, but without any party support and with full knowledge that they'll be a pariah going forward.
Probably not.
However, I do have some blame some 2028 hopefuls for not challenging Biden in January, and Biden himself of course. These are the individuals that didn’t help give the people a choice. God bless Dean Phillips.
"The left" (non-Republicans, specifically) in-flight so much that we're actually taking regressive steps as a country.
We need to stop blaming each, because we can only blame ourselves for dividing ourselves.
"Play It Cool 2028"
Repugs believe the lies spewed to them by right wing media because they want to, not becuz they're hoodwinked.
They already have the hate. Trumpism just confirms it for them.
I can't remember back to a time when the country was doing so well that it didn't matter who won.
It's always been a stark choice and a very serious decision.
We never seem to get annoyed with Republicans for their poor choices and outrageous candidates.
and the climate-change Al Gore would've done, plus the
Supreme Court precedent saying you don't need to count all the votes when your brother is a candidate.
You know they tried to repeal it as soon as he got out of office, and came within one vote, right?
Yes they want to repeal it because it's a legacy item that people like, and if they can hurt Obama that's more important than keeping the system in place because they benefit either way.
Even so he may not have gotten everything he promised but that’s how governing works. We need to win more seats in Congress to make bigger change. Winning is everything. It’s kind of amazing he made a law like ACA that has survived this long IMO
It is in no way a Republican plan. It’s the plan that Hillary tried to implement in 1993, and that the Democratic Massachusetts legislature did implement.
He should have stepped down, he heavily implied he would be a one term president in 2020 and he didn't do it because of his own ego.