This is unconstitutional. He wants to impose martial law. He will be addressing Congress this evening, and make no mistake, he will rile up a few folks to the point of taking to the streets. He just can’t wait to hurt civilians.
The first amendment still exists. There’s no such thing as an illegal protest in America, but we can expect an EO suspending the 1st amendment anytime now.
Private colleges don't need to listen to any of this. State colleges that are huge and make bank off sports will not be bothered. Smaller state colleges are the true victims.
This is so abhorrent I can’t believe it!
This is just Tuesday right?
Yesterday, cutting trees in Natl parks, Tariffs, SSI, reservoir redevelopment from Yosemite. I thought my daughter being fired 2 weeks ago was bad…
At some point maybe Barron will see the menacing behavior of his father and become a leader. Maybe he’ll lead a protest at NYU. Wouldn’t that be something?!
People are upset about the price of eggs…America’s real problem is we are currently losing our Freedom our Democracy everyday since 1-20-25. It’s getting much worse everyday. Think About this People!
Jesus fucking Christ. Does anybody in Congress from either side plan to stop this motherfucker from destroying our democracy? I mean we're all old enough that we had grand parents fight in world war two to eliminate a dictator. Now it government wants to install one here, in our country. Get some 🥜
Yeah, we sure are. I'm 61 but I'll fight in combat AGAIN if need be to stay free of a dictator. Hear that maga? I'm willing to lose my life to get rid of you fucking assholes that live to spread your hate. Your hate is the reason we're here living this fucking nightmare.
Nope. I did call Jeffries and Schumer and demand they have their whole caucus wear black or white and turn their backs in him. Or boycott or hold up signs. But show some pushback. No to bipartisanship with an autocrat and his enablers.
Dictatorship 💯. He wants to keep USA uneducated. He protects the KKK, proud boys, 3 perce tees etc but will do this to those who know and understand the injustices of this world. And, no mask 🤔 but he will let proud boys parade with their masks #cowards
Make sure you protest with the ACLU on speed dial. If campus rules require registering the protest then do it. Follow campus rules- we don’t want to give trump his Reichstag fire- & large protests get reported in the press. Trump wants to strip our right to protest- follow China & “Be like water” 💦
Demand your representatives in Washington exert broad displays of Civil Disobedience during Trumps speech “State of the Union” speech tonight.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
The dictator speaks but he will eventually be like Humpty Dumpty- this world is growing in a consciousness movement he can’t stop no matter what restrictions he enforces!
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
My younger son has health issues and he’s incredibly smart. He’s been harassed for wearing a mask and this orange prick just put a target on him. Pissed doesn’t describe what I’m feeling….
Of course this is bad. You know what else is bad? The stock market. Trump woke up this morning and shit his pants when he saw the stock futures after his stupid ass tariffs started an unnecessary, selfish trade war. So he posted this while he was still in his PJs.
Everyone planning to picket/march should educate themselves about local laws pertaining to protests and permits. Follow them as long as they’re reasonable. Don’t comply with what he’s *implying*.
Next the Fucker will want us to all give him a Nazi salute. All I will give him is a middle finger.
What the fuck is he doing to our country. And more alarming is that our leaders in the Senate and House are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Freedom of speech is part of the constitution and protesting is not illegal.
Especially if we the people demand a new government formed using the declaration of independence & our 1st Amendment rights. This 1 is too destructive must be dismantled!
The felon is going to expel citizens from college? I thought colleges and universities were in charge of their enrollments. Is that under the executive branch now?
Where are the colleges and universities speaking out that they make expulsion decisions and not some felon with delusions of grandeur?
Making decrees through Executive Order.
Remove him - his Girkin Worshiper (Vance)
His entire Cabinet... and half the Repuk Congress with EXTREAME PREDIJUCE.
Each day our Departments and Services are down, destaffed and defunded - risks them NEVER starting again!
Well I guess we won’t have another KentState massacre. Because he’ll just imprison them. How’s that for you First Amendment rights? Had enough yet? Well you voted for this MAGA idiots!
He doesn't want to act because he knows that he cannot. He wants the universities to do it for him because technically they can find a reason to expel somebody "legally"
I knew Jeffrey Miller and his Mom😢💔. What a sad and horrible day that was followed by more horrible days. We seriously have to get rid of Trump once and for all before we have a repeat of Kent University!!
Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.
May 4th, 1970 Kent State
Four Dead In Ohio
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Just as relevant today as then, just change the name.
Nothing like threats and retribution to encourage young adults to voice their thoughts about the world they are going to inhabit. 🙄🤬
Why no masks? So any airborne illness can spread? So sad, rTump!
Ideally, you want the President of the United States, the Mayor of Crazy town and the Village Idiot to be three different people.
Words of a true dictator!!
It would be so much simpler if people just mention the things he's doing that are actually legal... I'm sorry US, but if this is the sort of thing someone in power can just keep getting away with saying.... You deserve to sink like you're about to.
What-in-the-flying-aircrashing-actual-fuck IS the definition of a so called "illegal protest" in The United States of America, under US Federal Law? Would some lawyers who practice & specialize in Federal Law please enlighten us, as to what an "illegal protest" means here in America?
What exactly is an illegal protest? Do we still have the right to protest? Only now we need to do it legally? Who do I talk to about getting permission to protest? Is there a long lead time for permission to be granted? What if my request is denied? Can I appeal?
This is not even slightly amusing. It’s Tiananmen Square stuff. People need to stop making jokes and pretending things won’t really happen. This is one more step into the fascism abyss. HE MEANS WHAT HE SAYS AND IS PROVING IT DAILY.
This is so incredulous! We'll see another Kent State before you know it. Schools will not be able to stop student protests, they never have. And at this stage, I feel that edu institutions may even encourage them. Power to the people!
This is America (last I checked) protests aren’t illegal. In fact it’s our right. Donny needs to stop using the term “illegal” to mean anything that opposes him or his agenda.
Hey can you reach all college students?Hopefully they will march on every campus and march on DC. When students come under the crosshairs of this administration we might see a ground swell of all adults, regardless of party, taking to the streets.
The same generation that decided to not vote in order to put pressure on the Democrat party for the Israel/Palestine situation won’t be able to talk now. Pathetic!!!
Resist. Here's a great protest sign to use:
Sexist => Rapist
This is just Tuesday right?
Yesterday, cutting trees in Natl parks, Tariffs, SSI, reservoir redevelopment from Yosemite. I thought my daughter being fired 2 weeks ago was bad…
but the “main problem”
is the 77 million mostly white
and Christian evangelical nationalists
& alt-right types,“voters” from the rural red hinterland and Fox News
that are “responsible” for Trump’s deconstructing of the American way of life for Putin’s invasion.
ceterum censeo Putin esse delendam
Somebody get the "hook", he's really gone off the deep end
America, you are a joke You've vote for a tyrant that has delusions of being a king & wants to emulate Putin
You reap what you sow 👍
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
Trump Play book.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The German resistance consisted of small, isolated groups that were unable to mobilize mass political opposition.
In power, Nazi leaders quickly banned extra-party demonstrations, fearing displays of dissent on open urban spaces might develop and grow, even without organization.
I wonder if she or any Republican is a patriot, that may still have a shred of honour?? 🤔
Distract, Distract, Distract
And am hopeful...
What the fuck is he doing to our country. And more alarming is that our leaders in the Senate and House are doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!
With that being said, my baby in grad school will be out protesting tomorrow. 😉
Fuck the fascists.
Freedom of speech is part of the constitution and protesting is not illegal.
Especially if we the people demand a new government formed using the declaration of independence & our 1st Amendment rights. This 1 is too destructive must be dismantled!
Bullshitters Trump, Vance, the rest of these aholes
Where are the colleges and universities speaking out that they make expulsion decisions and not some felon with delusions of grandeur?
Trump just doesn't want any against him or his cronies. How dictator-like.
Making decrees through Executive Order.
Remove him - his Girkin Worshiper (Vance)
His entire Cabinet... and half the Repuk Congress with EXTREAME PREDIJUCE.
Each day our Departments and Services are down, destaffed and defunded - risks them NEVER starting again!
Agitate away.
If he tries to enforce all of this will backfire.
Force him to act. That's how we strip the clothes off the wanna be emperor.
Despite my reputation, nonviolence is preferable. 😉
We’re finally on our own
This summer I hear the drumming
Four dead in Ohio.
May 4th, 1970 Kent State
Four Dead In Ohio
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Just as relevant today as then, just change the name.
I’ve been thinking of that song all day
Something for the kids to read about
Why no masks? So any airborne illness can spread? So sad, rTump!
It is our Right.
Could be your new anthem
Words of a true dictator!!
Like protests that aim to kill free speech and contravene the First Amendment?
How soon till we're back at Kent State style incidences. Or will it be Tiananmin Square this time?
I have questions.
Get tae fuck.