No there was a real post like this but it had nothing to do with Obama. It was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. I think we were given three minutes inside his mom's vagina in the original text though.
It never was quite clear what we were supposed to do in there.
A word of advice: when the original image is written using obviously-edited cyan text and the people in the replies are insisting that it's real against all evidence to the contrary, the whole thing is a joke. Internet sarcasm is rarely tagged, and there's a *lot* of disillusioned shitposters here.
People are so desperate to believe Obama still cares about them more than a free vacation on a billionaire's yacht that they are willing to suspend the disbelief, just to feel addressed by him.
I mean, fine if u think its obvious that Obama never said this, but quick question, what was the dead give away? The part when he said “u wouldn’t last a second in her vagina,” or the part when he said “my mom was a union organizer?” Bc the first sentence was the dead give away if u ask me.
It appears to have no history prior to today. My first thought seeing it was “wouldn’t I have already blocked this if it was real?” but my second thought was to fire off an angry skeet about it anyways so I’m not super confident either way is I guess what I’m saying.
Look, online you never know what people believe, so I’m gonna treat this as if you really believe that attaching that to a shot of Obama’s page makes it real:
Read the OP, laughing about whether anyone believes Obama actually wrote that, and *telling* everyone in this thread it’s a joke.
I still can't believe this was his first post on Bluesky. These words are, obviously, powerful and moving, but he doesn't even mention the Republicans or any sort of plan.
Please don't post fake images like this without clearly identifying them ON THE IMAGE as parody. Too much stuff gets reposted to places where people think it's real.
Also please don't make "jokes" without a lead in post that says JOKE FOLLOWIMG and then in the reply post where the joke is committed start it with There is a joke in this post
It never was quite clear what we were supposed to do in there.
Read the OP, laughing about whether anyone believes Obama actually wrote that, and *telling* everyone in this thread it’s a joke.
Social Media decay.
+5 respect
Copypasta is tastiest when it is covered in a sauce made with and or seasoned by the tears of those who believe everything they read on the internet.
Michelle found his phone in the kitchen and typed that.
Somebody at The Onion needs to buy that account.