This is an important message to Democrats - from a Democrat.
In fact, most of the ads, and her written platform, talked about getting comprehensive immigration reform passed. She talked about an "opportunity economy" to help middle America.
Voters ignored her platform and believed his lies. That's not something a new platform or better messaging can fix. It's a voter problem.
I think it would be a good idea right now to launch a 3rd party for moderation that contrasts itself with the poles.
Republicans have been leading us down this road for decades
Attacking the WRONG people on this one!
Something's up.
GOP will simply MAKE UP heinous, non-existent Dem positions and issues, and push them out through the information space THAT THEY CONTROL.
Nobody HEARS Dems. Until we figure out that problem, all of this is pointless navel-gazing.
Like how if you're white, straight, and male, you're not a "special interest group". You're a "real American".
Does the party want to prioritize winning or satisfying purity tests from interest groups?
Defund the police, abolish ICE, decriminalization of border crossings, etc. are all political poison pills that need to end.
I am character limited and only provided some examples.
The article lists what unpopular positions she supported.
It's also worth mentioning that the party increasingly gets associated with those ideas when it doesn't push back hard against them when they come up.
They lost because their base stayed home. Their base didn't stay home because of open borders or defund the police, their base stayed home because the Democrats tried--again--to be Republican Lite
They didn't pick up people who were anxious and angry about the economy because they..didn't talk about it
That's kinda nuts, when you think about it.
Appears half of US voters believe lies, lawlessness, treason, and sabotage are small price to pay for 50¢ cut in the price of eggs. Let that sink in. Now act accordingly. Promise a 60¢ cut in eggs. And no treason or sabotage.
Trump gave no destinations (the how) for his policies, he let his supporters fill in their own biases, which allowed them to ignore his awful character & statements.
I don't think that Democrats insisting on treating groups with respect is the problem, but if it is, I don't want to see the (final) solution
pissed ! They will start forging their own paths as they get sick of some of their predecessors screwing things up for them. I can see that happening with this group coming in👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Again, when I saw this horror film in 2022, it gutted me - & not just for the plot. I had a premonition of what Democrats would do to America if they continued to be pushovers.
The dopey “no kings” act is a waste of time.
Abolishing ICE and the police were just stupid. They need reform, not abolition.
- Black people, Puerto Ricans, women, veterans, Jews, and basically anyone not a straight White male.
If he can do all of that and still win, then I'm not convinced there was much Democrats could've done to change the outcome.
Have a hyper focused and short message for every issue.
Trump had hyper focused messages.
I think maybe it's coming time for us to consider that the brand name is just tarnished. It's like Johnson and Johnson who had asbestos in the baby powder and knew it for decades.