Me: Because Democrats can't run to restore the rule of law and object to family pardons if they are breaking promises not to do what Biden just did.
You: Yeah, but besides that
You: Yeah, but besides that
Reposted from
If anyone has seen Nichols explain why he thinks this is a bad idea I would love to hear it.
I'd rather have Hunter alive than hounded to death.
No sleep lost on my part. Fundamentally, the Democratic party has always been about justice, not the made up “law and order” a bogeyman trope.
As for family pardons, there's no law, nor rule nor anything
A narcissistic sociopath who is hell bent on revenge is coming back. Joe sees this and acted accordingly.
Time to fight back or lose.
We told you all this was the most consequential election and a lot think it’s a game.
You normalized having a glaringly stupid president.
Your acquiescence to putting someone that incompetent into office was vile & set the stage for a Trump presidency.
No one would do that. It's one thing to sacrifice yourself, quite another to sacrifice your son in a kind of biblical play.
That’s gone. Stop playing by the rules. They’re gone too. If you play by them you’re going to lose every time.
It is clear that Pres Biden only pardoned Hunter bc of whom The Felon has nominated. It is also crystal clear that The Felon & his minions will do exactly as they choose regardless of any action or omission of anyone else.
Stop obeying in advance. You’re doing the PR work for his regime.
Then they say "I can't believe the leftists hit us in the face like that!"
Quit trying to turn President Biden into General Robert E. Lee, the true Arthurian knight who got his irreproachable arse handed to him by that peasant Grant. The U.S. needs men who love their children.
In another few days there will be something more egregious than this that will capture the news cycle.
The non-magas can still run to restore the rule of law, and they should.
It is obvious the people prefer "I'll break things on your behalf."
And despite the fact they were wrong on both, it is wrong to impute a different motive to support a flawed hypothesis.
And that "all crimes are equal" implication? Pretty conservative, too.
It feels like it was only a matter of time. It’s been 8 going on 12 years of one side totally ignoring norms. I understand this development but it’s an ominous one and nothing to celebrate
I think he's justified in doing it given the circumstances.
Republicans get to be hypocrites all the time about everything and Dems can't ever be hypocrites without legacy media's collective hair catching on fire.
Sad times for the rule of law.
We all know that Hunter gets murdered in prison under a Trump regime.
Trump is going to sell pardons to enrich himself.
What a fool would Biden be if he didn’t pardon his own son?
I'm good with him giving a pardon to Hunter, who would not be in this situation if he were not the son of Joe Biden.
Time for Dark Brandon to kick some ass and test that immunity that SCOTUS gave him.
This might be the last legit DOJ.
SCOTUS handing immunity to Trump blew out the Constitution.
Luttig was right when he said SCOTUS killed the soul of America.
Why should Hunter be the crucifix for what is coming next?
Thelma went over the cliff.
Must be my weird/overly educated/lovable father
See ya on the next one.
You don't think Trump would use a standing guilty please to aggressively harass Hunter? We ain't the dread pirate
(Realizing he promised he would not, I’m just saying that you’re dancing around the facts of the Hunter prosecution.)
We JUST had the election over whether or not this mattered. The side who declared openly that it didn't won handily.
Also me: I was wrong and I am glad
We can argue about the merits but this isn’t a rule-of-law thing.
let's hope there is more to come
Even criminals have the right to be treated fairly.
The damage this has done is immense.
I think having high standards is great Tom, but honest answer - what would you do if you were in Biden's shoes? Would you let your kid swing?
He's an old school republican, and old school republicans used to be about the rule of law....except when they weren't.
It's easy to maintain a consistent position in the hypothetical, much harder when it's actual decision time.
Tom, you're talking about a president-elect who's fantasized at rallies about journalists who offend him being jailed and raped. Trump and those around him would like even worse for Hunter, and the sort of people Trump nominates would arrange it.
Me: Tom, they planted land mines in the crosswalk.