This is gonna piss off some of the people here, but Josh is right
Reposted from
The Atlantic
“Democrats talk easily about how the party has gotten 'out of touch,' but they don’t draw the obvious connection about what happens when you’re out of touch: You get things substantively wrong and alienate voters with your unpopular ideas,” Josh Barro writes:
Voices like AOC and even old white guys like waltz who aren't afraid to have government help people
And make government a shield against an oligarchy
1) My understanding is most policies the democrats propose are popular and poll well.
2) The democrat party better reflects the demographics of the United States like being more diverse.
3) The democrats in comparison to republicans still follow the law
It's about the "justice ideology" that permeates the thinking. Oppressor/Oppressed. The performative/language rituals.
It's like we won civil rights in the 60s and it's the only way we know how to win anything.
A thousand times this!
GOP made it the tip of THEIR spear, I saw Dems taking up for trans in response.
But incursion of trans people into sex segregated spaces, is way less popular...with female sports and changing rooms a political loser IMO.
Bathrooms are 50/50.
Medicalizing kids also very dangerous politically.
Dems should also challenge attacks on trans rights with "Why don't you support the 14th amendment?"
To be pissed off, I watch what Republicans are actually DOING while they pretend to have their fingers on the pulse of Americans, but are actually making everything worse and picking pockets for the 1%.
The actual issues facing the globe don't stand still for the sideshow Republicans continue to create.
It's strange that "out of touch" is STILL framed as worse than "out of their mind."
World's dumbest see-saw...
1) Medicare for all
2) No kings, no Nazis
3) Tax the rich
Dems lose elections because the mainstream media are cowards or corrupt, and social media is overwhelmingly controlled by GOP (& Russia)
Dems have completely misunderstood the American electorate. AND the current mainstream & social media environment.
They have no strategy to counter the micro-targeted flood of right-wing lies that wash over voters. They ceded the online space without a fight.
Policy doesn't matter. Trump voters were completely uniformed about his policy.
MEDIA matters.
While we argued about it, the Russians paid inflencers, Musk bought twitter, Rogan's followers & TikTok mushroomed, WaPo and the LA Times and FB bent the knee.
My district rep is Lauren Boebert. Obviously, the people who voted for her sleazy self liked what they saw. They had no use for Dems in any way, and never will.
I'm not now and never have been a Democrat. My registration is "No Party Preference." However, like Bruce Bartlett, a member or Raygun's administration,
But health care, affordable education and sensible gun laws are good ideas and worth talking about. Your former party won't.
View points are sometimes based on fact but often not.
Until Democrats ditch elitism they will lose.
Very relevant to this discussion.
Unless you are willing to compare the treatment of Romney to the way OBAMA was treated -including the astroturfed "Tea Party" movement, which never had a coherent agenda other than racism.
Or Hilary was treated. Sheer misogyny.
"This is a Republican tactic, and a highly effective one… It gets treated like these things just happen, as if Democrats or Fortune 500 companies stumble into previously unseen cultural war ambushes because they lack a feel for flyover country….
We have a madman in the WH because media refused to hold Trump accountable for insanity, while running long pieces about Harris not having enough "detail" in her policy.
Exactly my belief too.
Winning is the only thing that matters.
(And Adam Frisch was a terrific
candidate. Had Bobblehead Boebert stayed in her original district, I believe Adam would have thumped her. She ran away to a safer district.)
I do however take ex-GOP advice to Dems on how Dems should win elections with a boulder of salt, for reasons.
Those are the people Dems lost and those are the easiest to get back since the GOP doesn't care about them anyway.
Women birth children.
We women experience so much in the context of creating humans, and deserve to be honored and protected as such.
I cringe at every effort to wipe the word “woman” away.
Performative. Handed red meat to the Pubs.
Just sayin 🤷♂️
It’s not some rando legislative redefinition of motherhood.
on social media but I here this sentiment A LOT from D voters.
This pisses me off.
You have to get people to VOTE *for* you.
Harris, who has some supporters who can be annoyingly self-righteous, and who don't really represent her positions at all.
Trump, the majority of whose supporters are actively xenophobic, ignorant and cruel - qualities he exemplifies absolutely.
Yeah, a pretty f**king easy choice for me.
🎁 Gift link for everyone:
And now they are addicted to all that glorious (now largely dark and unlimited) $
It's going on 10 yrs since he's supported the GOP.
Nonsensical critique.
He was a professor.
I want everyone to do their best as positive contributors to society and obey the law.
I want everyone—who is willing/able—to have a level playing field.
Policies should work to remove institutional/structural obstacles from our collective paths to pursue our educational/professional/personal goals in life, secure from unlawful harm, harassment, coercion, and persecution.
Finally, we don't all have the same genetic or experiential advantages or gifts; therefore, polices should enable us to care for those who aren't fortunate enough to be able to care for themselves.
The DC Dems are garbage, no argument there, but so was this article.
Josh does not cite a single example of actual Democratic politicians doing the actual things he dislikes. He cites, mainly, DNC politicking, and beyond that, general narratives.
Doesn’t refute him, but it indicates a flaw in his argument.
You see that from Josh here, to lefties obsessed with Gaza, to Bernie Sanders farting on about “dEmS aBaNdOnInG tHe wOrKiNg cLaSs”.
They’re all wrong.
Whether he knows it or not, Josh is grasping for the easy answer here.
If he thinks that has much to do with stopping Trump, though, he might be disappointed.
“A dim-bulb gun control advocate”
They've navel-gazed their way into irrelevance.
Somehow to these clowns it’s always the Dems or the women survivors who are supposed to solve the world’s problems, but never blame or scold the bad actors 🙄
DNC infamously doesn't help state and local races enough.