Have you heard the one where the wife says she dreamt that her husband had died, and the family was left alone and had to sell the house? No remorse, no "OMG, I was so devastated"
Uptalking, aka high rising terminal, is my biggest pet peeve, and it’s nearly impossible to avoid. Even people who didn’t talk like that growing up start doing it, including my wife, who is 61.
I’ll take Jacuzzi over Kars for Kids. I jump out of my chair every time I hear it. Torture. It’s like listening to someone scrape pink, white, and black fingernails on a chalkboard.
The Kars4Kids ads are not transparent about how donations are used. Ninety percent of the monies donated to Kars4Kids goes to a sister organization, Oorah, a New Jersey-based charity that operates Jewish youth summer camps in New York.
Hard to believe… I’d RUN into TV room from kitchen (making us tea) screaming at my husband “MUTE MUTE MUTE button on now!” He’s learned. 🤨 WHY do they still air that dopey earworm?! 🙀
Not to disparage legitimate charity organizations, but one particular charity appears to be using the $20 I donated to repeatedly - as in at least monthly - send me note pads and stickers to solicit another donation. 🤔
I thought I was alone in my irritation. I find myself mimicking her aloud in the most unattractive way. I even contacted them which is something I have never done before. Thanks for the affirmation.
Thank you thank you thank you. Dear Jacuzzi - please remove uptalking divorced Barbie who used to be on an HGTV show from these ads. My showER is not talking to mE.
It's specifically benefits Oorah for Orthodox Jewish children.
Which is perfectly legit, but the problem is that the ads don't specify that, clearly meant to convey that contributions would benefit children in general.
The good news is I made some terrific mix CDs.
And there’s sooooo many of them on BBC/America during the day.
How can we make them stop??????
“This adorable blanket”
That’s a really high bar.
It’s worse than “What are the 3 Ps”
I’m lowering my A1C
“Look out, 'cause here I come, and I'm marching on to the beat I drum” 🤣🤣🤣 Wegovy!!!!
Late of HGTV’s “Cristina on the Coast” and the el Moussas of the original “Flip or Flop.”
Her 15 minutes should have been over ages ago.
We have to turn these obnoxious commercials into drinking games.
The Kars for Kids ads don't let on that it only benefits a certain group of kids.
(I’d never donate to them anyways simply because the jingle is so damned annoying and I refuse to do anything to encourage it.)
Which is perfectly legit, but the problem is that the ads don't specify that, clearly meant to convey that contributions would benefit children in general.