Important to remember that our legislation only allows abortion via an amendment to the main Act in which it is still a criminal offence. It's as vulnerable to attack as Roe v Wade and Farage and his US cronies have it in their sights. We can't afford to be complacent about it.
Nigel Farage thinks he lives in the USA.
He should f off there.
No he does not.
He doesn't DO thinking at all, only opens his face to tell more lies.
Such a loser and copy cat. How many votes last election? Yet pretends he ‘s somebody. I know one person who supports him and she’s honestly, a low class faker as well.
Hasn't got an original thought in his head, a rabble rouser who simply wants to tear things down. It was all about fishing when he wanted to destroy the EU. Don't hear him talk about that anymore. A dangerous, destructive fascist.
Here we go. Farage looking to impose extreme US policies on UK politics, without foundation and without the infrastructure that made it possible in the US. No wonder he wants a private medical service so he can frighten the doctors into compliance.
The right have been trying to push this USA conservative abortion issue in recents years but it hasn't taken. The USA has allot of conservative Christians.
If it ain’t your body, it ain’t your business. Oh it’s a bloke thinking he can decide what happens to a woman body. This isn’t the US so he can jog on. Maybe all men who think to ban abortion for get a vasectomy. That would stop any unwanted babies wouldn’t it.
I remember soon after referendum, he tried to push liberalisation of uk gun laws. Of course, he doesn't realise that the uk already has fairly strict abortion laws, I wonder if he'll start banging on about fertility rates next?
Another tactic to divide the nation since it's beginning to look like Starmer will get to grips with Farage's previous favourite division tool of immigration!
He's come back with innovative ideas after conducting discovery sessions in the US to update his offering to the populous I see. Someone tried to do that in Oz land recently.
Let’s just take all our right wing nut jobs and make them go live with the Amish. It’ll straighten out the nut jobs and it’ll straighten out the Amish.
The Frog is dangerous. I think we ignore him at our peril. 100,000 “party” members, huge presence on socials, mini trump, aspirations. Don’t watch him get more traction and turn this issue into a mini crusade.
The far right just love taking away peoples rights. All they do is negative campaigning. When did you last hear of them putting forward a policy that “benefits” people/makes their lives better. He’s just a mini Trump who thinks women shouldn’t have any rights. Disgusting little man.
The sad reality is that this wee throbber and Reform appeal to a lot of people. As inequality increases, I think we will see their vote share increase if we are not very careful. They need to be called out at every turn about the shite the talk.
Let's just follow blindly anything they do in the States..... Not an original thought in his head and only does and says what his masters want. What a w anker
So he wants doctors in the UK to be as afraid of doing their work as thier US colleagues?
In states with total abortion bans, several women have died from pregnancy complications because the doctors were more concerned about the possibility of them breaking the law than saving lives.
He should f off there.
No he does not.
He doesn't DO thinking at all, only opens his face to tell more lies.
God’s teeth, the irony!
He seems like a Russia kinda guy.
I'd like to say 'best ignored'...if only they'd let us🥴
platform him at every opportunity.
"And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he'll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes..."
Turner, Cook, Helders &
I'm guessing Nigel smells a grift for those $$$
Poverty eradicated
Homelessness eradicated
Domestic abuse eradicated
Incest/tape eradicated
Pot holes eradicated
We will talk abortion? But not for long and with a big f@#k off. But soon as politicians clear that list were on.
Echo that! Trouble is, he's a Big Prawn in a Little Pool in the UK. In the USA he's nothing more than a Tiny Shrimp in the ultimate Shark Tank!
Doesn't he live in the south of france or some bullshit?
Feel the need to follow the little fag end just to keep an eye on him.
We're all still waiting Nigel...
He won't go to the USA. No airtime for him there.
He’s such a treasonous cunt. What a rotter. What a fucking rotter.
In states with total abortion bans, several women have died from pregnancy complications because the doctors were more concerned about the possibility of them breaking the law than saving lives.