a second dog
a bigger yard
MANY peonies for mom
fix my teeth
an avocado tree?
Herman miller lounge chair
oil change, new tires, brakes, wipers
a few citrus trees
really nice shampoo
huge donation to trans rights
a third dog
designer clothing, massive 5 star restaurant tabs, bottle service at premiere clubs, private jets and resorts, jewelry would be the big ones off the top of my head. i wouldnt be surprised if her average restaurant bill is thousands of dollars
Not sure how to respond because I recently was admonished in another thread about the joys of travel to Morocco bla, blah, blah because I didn't realize there are people that go there over and over to enjoy life and I just work and shovel snow.
a second dog
a bigger yard
MANY peonies for mom
fix my teeth
an avocado tree?
Herman miller lounge chair
oil change, new tires, brakes, wipers
a few citrus trees
really nice shampoo
huge donation to trans rights
a third dog