Honest question for those not in the cult… what do you think it will take for them to finally admit that he’s ruining the country & put pressure on Repubs to turn their backs on him & finally hold him accountable?
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Mass anger management camps? But seriously, the Democratic party needs to consolidate on an economic vision and all citizens who require at least minimal integrity and decency and the ability to speak coherently need to actually vote.
Nothing. It’s not rational so by definition there is not an “answer”. Their devotion has little to do with HIM. It’s his hatred of the things they hate/blame for their plight that compels them.
It’s the oldest, and most effective, ploy in politics: Tell them what to fear and who’s to blame for it.
For some, nothing will. People wore the same clothes, same sneakers, and killed themselves at the same time because someone told them they were special and could have their soul board a UFO disguised as a comet. For the cult it will be their dying breath and final epiphany, "Maybe he did lie to me."
Unfortunately I think they are going to have to suffer terribly…until they are personally devastated, they will stick to their misogyny, racism and hate.
Not even then. It will take his exit from this plane for the frenzy to disperse, and even then they will cling to Vance and musk for a while. These are weak minded individuals
Show me(them) the money. Until it affects them, they won't care.
Are they at risk of getting outed, assuming we have another election? Are Felon's approval ratings low enough? Has the economy bottomed out (on its way)? Until these things happen, I don't think they move an inch. Even if we all sink.
Great question. Only after they truly feel the pain will they stop supporting him and simply not vote in the midterms. Until then we need to get republicans in congress to stop being so scared of Trump
Once you've deluded yourself enough to vote for a 34-count felon found liable for sexual assault, you don't really have any shame left.
They are at the point of no return. Nothing can convince them he is running the country. They have all flipped-flopped on all of their morals and principles.
Nothing. I don't think the vast majority of them will ever admit it to anyone or themselves. If people were capable of that then the nazis would've died off after WWII instead of moving around and changing up some language.
A Kent State or public ‘illegal’ protestors combined and/or massive civil unrest that entails burning shit and turning stuff over because americans arent getting something important to them like checks or the internet.
Absolutely nothing Jasmine. Nothing will change their minds because it's a cult. What needs to happen? Go to all the MAGA districts (MTG, Boebert and the like) and play the ads that ran to get them voted in and start the discussion about how they feel now! #NewDemStrategy
When the damage becomes so great it affects everybody except for his brainwashed Kool-Aid drinking blind sheep Nazi loving small treasonous base. Ma'am feel free to quote me on that even on the floor, thank you for doing the work that your college should be doing with you as well.
Their death. Not even death of a loved one. There is so much misinformation on the internet about how we've always had tariffs, those deported were known gang members etc.
mass bankruptcies among farmers
SS/Medicare/Medicaid being cut off
veteran benefits lost
massive job losses
losing homes
food assistance discontinued and food shortages
special ed services discontinued
another pandemic
But the regime will still try to blame all of this on the left.
At their core these folks are selfish. It’ll take personal pain. They’ll need to lose their jobs, savings and homes and many will still hold on. It’s hard to admit you were deceived. Lots of these issues are real but inflamed and sensationalized to produce anger/fear makes one easily manipulated
They're so far gone I don't think anything will. If he's out of office and things get better, they'll say it's because of the policies he implemented while in office. It's already falling apart while he is in office and they are saying it's all on Biden. I don't think we will ever convince them.
I've asked that question, with respect. One young wife said that she votes as her husband tells her. I didn't challenge that but I did ask if she was alright with logging in our national parks. She had no idea. I hope to encourage questions - not browbeat.
they got offended when NPR posted the declaration of independence line by line during Trump I because they thought it was an attack. They want an authoritarian government. They won’t be happy until they have one.
Nothing will convince them since they will always blame the Democrats instead of the true culprits for what is happening to the country. Victimhood is part of the cult mentality, and right now they consider any sacrifice they make is in the name of their orange god and thus well worth the suffering.
I think need to use foxnews and the press sec as a base and each point they make draft a response then dems need go hit the red social media groups, podcasts et al
But gotta be foxnews says this, but here's the reality and find one or two ex magas to join, as they are out there !
MAGAs have to be personally affected for them to finally understand that they've been conned. In general, conservatives don't give a damn as long as they are convinced that others will suffer, but they won't.
They have been able to justify and rationalize every sick thing happening right now. They will never admit it. It will always be the fault of the left.
MAGA lives in a different reality than the rest of us.
Republicans are hitched to that sweaty orange ass until they die.
These are the people with the power to end the suffering, chaos, & threats to the planet’s well-being, this gang of goons. Thus is a picture of a putrefying, decomposed body dressed in nice clothes.
Expontentially more pain than the pain it causes those they hate. On a massive exponential level. A characteristic of Maga is they completely lack empathy. It has to happen to THEM, on a massive level, for THEM to care. It won't matter if it happens to their neighbors or loved ones.
Exactly. Their church members can suffer, but if they are not personally suffering, then trump is still golden.
Just can not deal with such selfish people. They are yucky.
The economy tanking will be Biden’s, Obama’s, Hillary’s, and Canada’s fault. If they admit it’s trump’s fault, then they have to admit they were duped.
Remind them about what happened at Nuremberg to those who "followed orders."
Some Republicans aren't MAGA; they have to find the courage to stop this. Appeal to them and-- most important-- if we want people to change, we have to let them. Open arms to fight with us, even if they stay Republican.
Fucking with their money. That's literally all they care about. Show them their cash flow is being screwed and they'll drop MAGA like it's covered in spiders.
I think many of the republicans are so far gone that they’ve lost the ability to recognize right from wrong and nothing can bring them back. Like MAGA citizens, it’s a cult.
The sad thing is, I think the base that supports him will never be convinced. My parents are big MAGA people and my mom recently told me that she voted for DJT because of the corruption of the democrats and said he “never surrounds himself with corrupt people the way Biden did”.
Did the Nazis in Germany ever admit they were wrong or put pressure on their leaders to turn their backs on H? No. They went into hiding, kept their more radical views quiet for a while, went to live in South America. And they didn't have the same social/news media bubble these folks do.
Even more flagrant is how many Japanese who were implicated in horrific war crimes in China seemlessly went to becoming anti-communist "statesmen" in postwar Japan.
But I'm talking about after the war, did the people who supported him ever come to their senses, have a come-to-Jesus moment where they went, wow, WTF was that about? No. Some might have, but by and large, they just got quiet about it and went back to work.
Well, considering that 80% of Germans voted against the fascist party (Afd) recently, and thousands protested them before the election despite the massive support by Elon and crew, I’d say they’re far less fascist than the USA at this point. 🤷🏼♂️
The conservatives have most of them. And by most, I mean almost (not quite) all. Yeah, that whole thing about 2a being meant to protect against tyrannical governments? Apparently not if it's a tyrannical govt they like.
We don't know what we don't know... they didn't publish all threats against Obama. They would never publish attempts against trmp that weren't in the public eye so... who knows.
Agree 100%! My mom and her boyfriend were convinced before the election that if Kamala won, the US was going to fall apart. They were trying to find ways to purify water! Of course, I tried to convince them that the opposite was true. Didn't work! They are still MAGA!!!
My dad died before that orange thing but he would have been full MAGA. I’m just thankful I didn’t have to put up with that. It really is a cult. Sorry you have to go through that.
Thank you 💙 It is sad. My daughter has blocked her grandma's number. I wish she hadn't, but I can't make my daughter interact with someone who aligns herself with such an intolerant, racist, anti LGBTQ+ cult that is MAGA. Their beliefs are so antithetical to hers and mine.
Agree -- I feel for anyone whose family members are MAGA.
I miss my parents, but I'm glad they died before this hit. My dad used to watch Rush Limbaugh like he was speaking for God; and they both gushed and fawned over Newt Gingrich.
We may never know. You would think somebody in his circle is actually a stealth patriot looking to right all of these wrongs and honor their oath to the Constitution.
But the population of Germany in general felt a huge humiliation. I forget the town, but there was even a mayor and his wife who, upon discovering the Final Solution was being carried out nearby their town, committed suicide as the only possible response to their shame.
Cutting Social Security. Even then, it will take strong Dem messaging to tell them who is responsible and that Dems will stop him if you win back the House.
That's the whole message now...it's his fault and you will stop him from hurting them. Say it again & again.
Democrats must win all Special Elections and win majority in the House!!! The cult will not believe what he is doing is wrong until it affects them personally or their families. Thank you for your leadership!!!🙏🩵❤️💪🇺🇸
I think that will take care of the cult of personality, but I fear that the freedom to openly hate those labeled "other" - trans people, gay people, immigrants, black and brown people - will remain for generations.
No one even comes close to him in terms of charisma and confidence. Look at all the people that tried: Lake, DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley, etc. No one has the ability to carry the mantle. It would take time but we’d get back to normal.
No one even comes close to him in terms of charisma and confidence. Look at all the people that tried: Lake, DeSantis, Cruz, Hawley, etc. No one has the ability to carry the mantle. It would take time but we’d get back to normal.
They have to be personally hurt/impacted by what he’s doing. If it happens to someone else, they don’t care or think it’s great — but when it’s them? “I voted for him because he was going to protect me and he said XYZ. I feel betrayed!”
But truly — I don’t think it will actually hit them or make them change their minds or admit it until it’s their VA benefits, their SS, their Medicaid, their spouse being deported, their child not getting free lunch…
Then it might strike a nerve. Otherwise, they are brainwashed.
Exactly. All of the MAGA supporters I know have a lifelong history of being completely incapable of admitting they are wrong. I mean, going back 50 years, they can never acknowledge they are ever wrong about anything, even the smallest mistakes. It’s disturbing, but I’ve watched it for decades.
Sigh. What’s terrifying is that until FOTUS decided to run for office, they were all ashamed of their beliefs and hid in the shadows. Now they feel empowered to be hateful out in the open.
This was their long game…it had been in the works for a looooong time. The Heritage group stayed true to their mission. Dems and liberals were all over the place and didn’t stay focused on improving. Government just got more complex.
Interesting. My problem is that I moved back home after 50 years and my old friends that are MAGA, may very well be the brilliant experts you describe. Yes, it's dumbfoundingly similar.
Coincides with the advances of right wing media empire.
I thought I was reading a story from the Onion when I saw that. What a putz. She’s better off without him IMO even locked up in an ICE facility. Talk about toxic.
Everything is always Biden or Obama’s fault. It’s amazing. My favorite was when one of the reporters in the White House press pool handed Leavitt her ass the other day —after she tried to say a Bush-appointed judge was Obama’s appointee.
Your premise here is that that the Repubs remaining will be concerned that he is ruining the country. If they placed the well being of the country before themselves, Trump wouldn't be where he is. They have full regard for themselves and sadistic disregard for others. They will not flip.
Repubs installed him. Any Republican who refused to support him (Example Mitt Romney and many others) were undermined and culled from the herd. Or they pardoned themselves from the madness a retired to avoid the witch hunts. Going back to the first go round. The ones remaining are cluster stuck.
It won't be Repubs who sort this out or fix it. Anyone who tries will be called a rat jumping ship. Accused of treason. Elon has already started these rituals. Our population in America is over 340 million. We don't need 53 Republican Senators to save us. We hire them. They are rogue employees.
The ones who suddenly retired during the first term—those who hadn’t yet been openly threatened or offered campaign funds by Musk—have all but disappeared. From promising careers to nothing, but by their choice. Somebody should ask them what happened.
When they don’t get their social security deposit. But I’m hopeful. Seniors at at a town hall in the very very conservative retirement community called The Villages in Florida were upset. They were actively calling out their GOP politicians.
We need to reach out to the non-political, who are checked out and don’t ever pay attention or vote, to get them registered, participating, and up to speed on what is happening in our country. At this point that is an easier task than to convince the cult to wake up and switch sides.
Currently, we have special elections in FL where 20% is retirement age and Lutnick is on video saying don’t complain about social security checks not showing up.
They’re so brainwashed that nothing works on them. Maybe when a member of their own family gets affecred all this bullshit, maybe then they’ll wake up & be men for the 1st time. I Love what you do for us. You’re Awesome.
Well it wouldn't surprise me at all if they blame Biden or "own the Libs". Just look at the case of the child in Texas who died of measles. Anyone with self reflection would say hmm maybe vaccinations are a good idea. Instead they went with the old faithful "it's God's will"
The reaction of that dear child’s parents actually shocked me, and it takes quite a bit to do that these days. (I read the mother pointed out that her other 4 children were fine, so apparently an 80% survival rate of measles is acceptable.)
I think the only way that hardship will work to convince them is if Fox News and the right wing media actually, truthfully attribute the blame for the economic devastation to the regime.
Martial Law. That’ll do it. Martial Law and all that brings. You can’t sugar coat that. You can’t ignore it. You can’t lie about it. The hard core MAGA will cheer it, but he will lose much of his support, hopefully just enough. I don’t want Martial Law, but we’re headed that way, I can see it.
Unless they start getting arrested I think they will cheer for Martial Law. What they don’t understand is that they will be thrown in jail for being homeless and a lot of them are going to be homeless.
Think about it. When was the last time a president had to declare martial law? So this, is what he meant by Make America Great Again, bringing back martial law. The gut check from that will peel off a chunk of them. Just because, there’s no comeback for that, you can’t spin martial law.
I was curious so I looked it up. “The court went out of its way to say martial law is not appropriate when the civilian courts ‘are open and their process is unobstructed,”
So if Martial Law is declared that would have to mean we’re at war. That’s why tRump wants to start a war, even with Canada.
Have misgivings about Trump's lack of respect for rule of law, and double-so about Congress's willingness to stand up to Trump when goes full-dictator (removing CNN, MSNBC from airwaves, example).
Declaring martial law with no reason seems like thing would do.
Not sure there is a cure for their illness. They have shown us all who they really are. That's whats wrong with Schumer's way of looking at this. He thinks they will just change back to what he thought they were before Drumpf.
My honest opinion is that this is a confidence game, and when confidence collapses, it’s not a linear thing, it happens logarithmically. When autocrats lose their grip, it’s often a spectacular collapse. I don’t think it will be one big thing. It will be through erosion caused by many small things.
This makes so much sense. We need to chip away at MAGA cult belief systems. Little glimpses of reality will shine through. And maybe, just maybe the walls holding up their fascist fantasy will crumble.
All Congress had to do was pass policies that give everyone an acceptable standard of living. Housing, healthcare, education… it’s not complicated. But y’all can’t do that because you work for your biggest corporate donors and NOT your constituents. That’s why we’re here now.
I fear until they lose absolutely everything. Of course I am sure some will still blame other entities. I think in the end Elon will be the scapegoat and they will pretend they didn’t know what he was up to.
MAGA are angry. From an anger management perspective; they have placed being MAGA high on their list of values. They will die defending their value system.
Address the source of their anger and perhaps you will win some minds back to reason.
I have no idea what the source of the anger is. I suspect it will be dependent on the individual. If your experience with individuals finds the anger to be imaginary then start there.
Generalization may not be an effective approach to the problem. I mean whatever you are doing clearly isn't working
I guess that’s my point. I’ve tried addressing their multitude of issues individually but none of them are actually real so how do you get anywhere when they won’t accept reality.
When their grandmas and pas don't get their ss checks. When their relative dies because medicaid was cut.
I don't get their willful and blind adherence to him. It makes no sense. They have to go and new ppl, with a real upheld oath to the Constitution, get in.
The people in the cult will not acknowledge the damage being done until it affects them personally. It’s a very self-centred philosophy where empathy is discouraged and derided as weakness, so using examples of other people will not work. It has to hit them hard, and even then they still may not see
You're spot on with the lack of empathy and viewing it as weak. Elon Musk recently was crying about how he thought Democrats were supposed to be empathetic. (He was talking about the couple of vandalization incidents on Teslas and Tesla infrastructure)
Another thing they don’t get. Having empathy doesn’t mean giving bad behaviour a pass. I can feel empathy for Elon because he obviously has a hole inside himself that all the money and power in the world can never fill. Doesn’t mean I pat him on the head and say “aw, that’s okay”.
If he felt empathy even for his shareholders, employees, dealership owners or customers he might reconsider being such a raging asshole and Nazi. 🤷🏻♀️ it works the other way too, dude.
US President Donald Trump on Friday issued a stern and blunt warning against vandals targeting tech mogul's Elon Musk's owned Tesla vehicles. He suggested sending anti-Tesla protestors to a notorious prison in El Salvador if convicted
Nothing Jasmine Crocket will shake them from the felons cult. As one poster said, MAGA doesn’t stand with the felon because he does things for them, they stand with the felon because he does things to people they don’t like. That makes the felon successful in their eyes
Nothing will. If Jesus himself came down and said it they’d shoot him dead. It’s a cult. They need to finish the job and kill themselves off. So the rest of us form our own country and leave them to it.
But seriously ending public education in these areas as well as the elimination of social safety net programs for housing, medicine, and food security could have an impact on them. But the other part of me is not interested in sharing this nation with these racist pieces of shit.
It’s the MAGA fever in Congress that needs to break. The cult is loud and scary but if GOP members of Congress would listen to the majority (and grow a pair), we wouldn’t be in this disaster.
Stripping social security access and closing offices would help-I know of several who tried very hard to get disability, that will make it harder and they won’t like that.
On the other hand, it screws the folks who actually need it-but, we always said it wouldn’t be until it effected all of us
Stripping SS the cult members will say “it’s for the greater good, it’s rooting out fraud, they know what’s best for us”, etc. They will whole-heartedly accept their fate.
When something he does hurts them badly. I would imagine gutting Medicaid and potentially social security would cause a ton of people to finally wake up!
The guns. When he repels the second amendment and confiscate all the guns and ammunition. Burns them in a big plaza like Hitler did the books 👍🏽 (not the bullets hopefully though) Drumpf will have it done at midnight on a Wednesday. They’ll wake up and it’ll be illegal. 👍🏽
They will never admit. They project their failures onto the next marginalized, ethnic, gender, religion, or country or foreign alliance groups. Plus I hate stating this. I am a positive person however this started with the Tea Party in the Obama years and look where they are now? Same place
do see many who agree and thank you. I am also a believer in a solution which was Congresswoman’s inquiry. We need to physically at the ballot box, rallies, phone calls, whatever…out number them. I believe this and every citizen must act and he present every damn day 👏
This is what Canadians know, first T insults us, then degrades us, this will lead to dehumanizing us to ready the populace to attack us. Many Canadians have family connections in the US and we feel we are kin so turning on us is the greatest betrayal.
I thought maybe cutting back services at the Smoky Mountains, because that's about the only place some of them travel to, might, but they are deflecting to hurricane damage. Because cutting staff doesn't hinder repair and readiness efforts apparently 🤦♀️
Nothing we need to take our police & military all of us meet on the WH steps & take back our WH lock up the WH russian criminals & cult deport them get the cult out of America too once we have the White House criminals and the cult out of our country what's left will be what we have to work with
Writing from Germany: I think you are right. And they might be preparing for such a scenario because they know they are starting a war. So yes, what yiu say and soon.
We all have it believe in yourself God is ever present in all of us whether we accept Him or not He will never leave us nor forsake us invite Him into your heart I'm as rough around the edges & believe me God has walked every step of my life I'm overjoyed & blessed just by your saying that TY
I am, everywhere is really bad. We need to act, go to demonstrations, support democratic activities, talk to people. Is not nice but we will regret if we don’t do it!
go straight to the source we need to go to the WH the criminals are there lock them up or deport out & the cult so we can get them out so we can get our country back together everybody's looking at us what is wrong go to the source we need our country back now everyday more is taken away
I asked my mom, who has been watching Fox News faithfully for more than a decade. She had no answer to "is there anything he could do that would make you stop supporting him?" There is apparently no line in the sand.
The only way they admit that they are ruining America is that they are personally affected by losing a job, financially affected, or family members are harmed by executive orders.
Trust me, the vast majority of them don’t give a crap about the suffering of family members, even their children and grandchildren. I speak from experience.
I don’t think they ever will. They whine when it happens to them but still say I thought it would happen to everyone but me. They are too self centered/indoctrinated to learn.
Some will have a dark night of the soul and will absolutely change sides, they will be fiercely against their previous side. Some will double down and absolutely refuse to admit that they could be wrong. You want the ones who change. The ones who are a temporary alliance will stab you in the back.
There will always be a percentage of people who refuse to learn from their mistakes, who will double down on them. Those are the ones you don't really want anyways. You want the ones who have the dark night of the soul and become fiercely against their previous positions.
I’m not even sure what happens to family members matters to them. I know my MAGA family thinks they know better than I do about what happens in education and aren’t sad about the evil plans for the Dept of Ed however it may affect me.
And even then, if they ever happen to climb out of the hole, they put themselves in (with help from the left of course), they’ll just go back to blaming/accuse/vilifying the left yet again.
The best way to counter that is to be ruthless for a while. We do NOT owe the ruthless empathy. We do NOT owe the cruel empathy. Sometimes you have to be the villain in someone's story to cause real lasting change. When they scream, remind them that we don't have to help them we chose to.
Even that won't work. There were anti vaxx parents in Texas who watched their 6 year old daughter DIE FROM MEASLES. And when asked if they regretted their decision said measles "wasn't that bad" and that the vaccine "could've caused a worse outcome".
Even MAGA defends this when it impacts people closet them. Some retired government worker bitch applauded her daughter's federal job loss as "waste, corruption, and abuse." They both voted for Trump naturally but now blonde here doesn't have a mom or a job.
My cousin died from Covid and her MAGA husband could care less, still claimed it was a hoax but the fat ass got himself vaxxed after she passed. They are delusional.
The family in West Texas that lost their child to measles still say don’t get the shot. The mom says her other four children got measles without vaccination and are completely fine. America is full of the world’s dumbest people!
This is going to sound harsh, but a good percentage of them care more about the impact to their bank accounts and lifestyles than they do even about their own spouses. Women are disposable, remember?
I’m dealing with stage 4 cancer; my immune system has taken a shit kicking from chemo. I must wear a mask! I get all sorts of side eye and sneers and snarky Covid comments when I have to venture out to a doctor’s appointment. Humanity sucks.
Humanity does suck and even worse since COVID, it's all me me me now ! My sister has Stage 4 peritoneal cancer diagnosed 2012 still going, positively and kind. Keep going!
That's a huge battle! I wish you all the best. I only wish everyone realized that wearing a mask protects not just themselves but whoever they share air with.
My MAGA family has had Covid more times than I can count. I’ve had it once; but every time I had another short-term ailment, they’d tell me “it’s because you got the jab”. I couldn’t counter anything with them without being laughed at. It hurt. I miss them, but I just couldn’t hear it anymore.
Same here. My brother-in-law’s brother got Covid and is still using oxygen at home. His wife died from Covid. When it happened he believed the doctors that she died from Covid but now 3 years later he’s convinced himself the doctors lied to him and the government deliberately infected them.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Ugh. Though I think the gov't at that time was criminally negligent, I doubt it was deliberate. I don't think they meant to cause so much death - it was a side benefit to their lack of caring & hatred of science that the masses were culled. Notice that no billionaires died.
I still mask when shopping and get all kinds of looks for it. But I have only got what I think may have been Covid once - recently when I did not mask while at a hospital.
I mask while shopping. At work (I work retail in a red area. Amazingly I’ve only gotten a couple comments). No covid that I’m aware of. Also so many less colds then I used to get. Masks work.
So true! Hand washing too!!!!! I was never so sick so often as when our kids started in Day Care. Long before COVID. But taught me to wash my hands, even if they are so dry the skin is cracking! Wash your hands and moisturize!!!
YES! When I was wearing one all the time I never got sick! I left the house in a tizzy because "hospital emergency" with my mom and forgot my freaking mask. Did'nt even think about it!
Knowing how Roblox acted during his first election when I was still on Roblox everyone was praising his sorry ass and I just kind of kept my mouth shut but I noticed a funny trend... A lot of teenagers were on the criminal team in driving games who were voting and bragging about voting for Trump.
I don’t know and it’s funny. I just saw this today and I was just sending out replies on things that were asking the same question what is it going to take for them to get this guy out of office and get these people out of our lives it is so incredibly crazyand awful
Dictators fall when ..
a) the economy falls
b) there is widespread corruption (that is exposed, apparent)
c) strong opposition, leadership, unified, not corrupt, and for the workers
They'll put pressure on their GOP Reps to improve their economic hardship while maintaining their loyalty to him. Children remain fiercely loyal to abusive parents.
I think it's down to inspiring those not in the cult to overwhelm in sheer numbers & govt actually addressing wealth inequality.
When y’all play at their level. Imagine a baseball game where one team is playing their best and the other team is cheating. And when the hard-playing team says “hey they’re cheating” the other team says “what are you gonna do about it?” Until you play at their level, you will continue to lose.
I believe it will take the Republican donors turning on him. Republicans don't care about anything but money. Losing support from big money is the only thing that will get them.
For campaign cash, you're right. Probably Musk and Russia will fund Republican politics without any other support. But I don't believe the Republican party can survive corporate America turning on it.
What reason does corporate America have to turn on the Rs - as long as the tax cuts get extended and regulations get laxer corporate America will be happy.
Corporate America can't function if people refuse to buy their product and they don't have any new capital coming in. That's why Target and Walmart lost so much money, and they're retrenching.
This is only half the battle. Corporations would have no sales, not less, if most of their employees called in "sick" for a few weeks.
Not everyone can financially, I know, but filing bankruptcy and quitting a job that supports your own oppression may be worth it 🤷♀️
It is way more than
OaNN ( is that it?)
A.M. radio->todays podcasts
So called Right wing “news influencers” -TikTok
We need a renewed
Air America
i didn't say internet. they could watch cute kitten videos while their brains reset to normal and they reconsider their life choices without the constant barrage of propaganda.
The Fascist terrorist, Menachem Begin, founded Likud and became PM of Israel, in 1977. Begin gifted 'Moral Majority' leader Jerry Falwell a private jet, to help spread their Fascist ideology all over the US.
This is the real problem, misinformation that is backed "real" news. Fox needs to go or be held accountable for its actions.
Lies are not news, at best is a weird type of parody.
OH YEAHHH… wait a minute now!
Let’s keep it fruity and fun, not freaky and fanatical!
I’m all about good vibes, bright colors, and BIG flavor—not that dark, spooky stuff!
When other Dems get the message across that we offer something better. We do. We always have, but our messaging isn't sticking. Thank you for your service, Rep. Crockett. Your messages stick.
In their view, Trump is doing everything right.
Unless they indicate otherwise (which they’ve not done for years), this is what they think. This is who they are.
likely it will take their constituents showing up at their offices, homes, anywhere they go. Make sure they know we see what they are doing and will vote every sing enabler out of office.
You can't force an addict to stop being an addict. They have to get to that life-changing moment and do it themselves or drown. Sometimes, the people closest to them have to walk away to keep from drowning, too.
I have known many addicts in my life. I know exactly one who had an epiphany, stopped, got treatment, and has stayed clean. All the rest are dead or functional addicts.
It has to be something he indisputably causes that severely hurts a lot of people, unfortunately. The group of people hurt has to also clearly involve people who support Trump and family members and friends of Republican lawmakers.
Never give up. Keep demanding impeachment. You don’t know what is in their minds. He is siding with Russia in the Ukraine war for Christ’s sake! That has to bother some of them. Remind them of the classified documents, Helsinki, the COVID tests, etc.
I don’t think they will until they experience homelessness. Even then they have been manipulated to believe anything that comes out of that subhuman piece of shit rapist’s mouth and might still if that happens.
Losing social security, Medicare, Medicaid, EBT and jobs. Until they suffer personally that is when they will wake up.
It takes a lot for a cult member to come to the realization they were duped.
It's a combo: Medicaid cuts that force grandparents out of nursing homes, eliminating programs that support 504 plans and parents having to foot the bill, erosion of 401k value, elimination of cheap products they can buy from Asia, & disruption in SSA or VA benefits.
Not going to happen republicans are bad people. they've always hated poor people, sick people, people who need help. I didn't ask to be born. I didn't ask to be in a poverty stricken family full of sickness. I didn't ask to be born here. Yet I suffer my existence bcuz of republicans policy, kill me
I don't think anything would change their minds. They are so brainwashed that they'll make believe that everything (bad) that happens is their patriotic duty to endure. No matter what it is. Recession will be good all of a sudden because Trump said so. And so on and so forth. They're lost causes.🤷
Given all the hard evidence in front of them for the past 8 years, there is nothing that will free them from that cult. A long shot would be to take Social Security away from them or to put healthcare financially out of reach.
The news eco system re-enforces their fears and beliefs. How do we break through and reprogram the fear cycle they seem to be trapped in. This seems to be what I see at least in my family. There’s so much going on it’s likely not that simple.
Yesterday I read about a Trump voter who had no regrets even after his wife was detained and imprisoned. It’s going to take a lot.
I think it has to affect enough of them personally. I think it’s also going to take a hopeful narrative from the left.
It’s a question I ask MAGAs. Where is your line in the sand? What must happen before you say “enough is enough?”. Because Trump has already crossed a lot of lines and you are ok with it. Perhaps there is no line for you. Anything goes. Don’t answer me. It’s a question you must ask yourself.
Every day, I check conservative subs for a glimmer of hope that never comes. "Well, I wish he wouldn't (X, Y, Z traitorous act), but can you imagine if we had Kamala?!!? Ick!"
Yep… that’s all of the ones I know too. They will defend everything he does. I am to the point Trump could kill me and my dad would still vote for him.
We don't need to convince those in the cult. Some will wake up but most won't. They're less than 40% of voters. We just need the Republicans and Independents who are not in the cult to apply the same pressure the Democrats are applying by calling their Representatives and showing up at Town Halls.
Personal suffering... As soon as it hits home with them, the red hats will keep making excuses. We need to focus on the 30% plus that didn't bother to vote in this last election.
No. Call all of those Republican failures. This isn't all Trump. The entire GOP is enabling this. They control both chambers of Congress and could use their power to stop Trump via impeachment and removal at any time. Place the blame on the entire Republican Party. They hold all the power.
Please, please, please, everyone, do not leave off Social Security when making such lists. I see you were looking for 1 word issues, but SS means SOO much to so many, it should never be left off. ⬇️
They MUST be forced to choke on what they're doing to it and Lutnik is taking pretty big steps now.
For some, I don't think you will ever get through to them. For others, I think it would take giving them a middle ground political solution to the problems of this country. Instead of the far right vs. far left we have now. I'm a Never Trump with no party, who voted Harris only to try to stop him.
IDK, maybe studying cults and cult behavior could give insights. Short of blocking propaganda channels which is impossible I'm not sure. I lost 3 siblings to the cult and you can't reason with them. They will justify anything the felon does even as they're being lit on fire. It's genuinely amazing.
This. There is no reasoning with the illogical. I’ve lost my 3 fam members to the cult. They live in a completely different reality. I thought a govt shutdown would help - bc anything that happens after that is on the GOP - but I’m not sure they’d even believe that anymore (tho it’d be true).
We can't save these people. It is a genuine cult and many get lost to them. It's pretty tragic for families sometimes but there doesn't seem to be much we can do.
It is totally beyond nuts. My daughter didn't speak to me for 3 years because I didn't like trump and then suddenly she needs my help and wants to rekindle. She blocked me from my grandkids and everything because I got vaccinated. Like, wtf?
They are really stupid.
If the mother in texas whose child died because they were not inoculated for measles STILL being a loud anti vaxxer doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.
They will go off the cliff with him
That mom is not normal in the head to begin with, she already held pretty weird beliefs so there’s no ever changing her or her kind. A self centered cultist.
That story was so sad but they appear to truly believe that measles & deaths from other
preventable viruses are God’s will. Fair enough. But is becoming bankrupt from a morally bankrupt fool also God’s will? Sadly, for so many, it won’t matter until it hits them where it really, truly hurts.
I hear the gods will thing. If some other carny told them something different theyd believe it and say it was god's will. It's all about the messenger. The messenger is telling them not to protect them and their families but it's the RIGHT thing for their family and community TO protect themselves.
It's this. Just yesterday a parent said, after their unvaccinated child died from measles, that it wasn't all that bad because her 4 other children survived it. So a virus with a 20% mortality rate is better than a vaccine. The cult is lost.
They aren't Trumpers. They are Mennonites & isolated in their own community. They even spoke German in part of the interview. They don't go to the doctor at all.
One thing you need to understand about those parents is they are Mennonite and live in a very isolated community. They spoke German in part of the interview. If you have never lived around them you wouldn't understand. If you know someone in rural OH, PA, or IN, you could ask them.
"The sunk cost fallacy is the tendency to continue investing in a decision...based on the resources already spent, rather than evaluating its current and future value. This often leads to irrational decision-making, as individuals feel compelled to justify past investments even when abandoning..."
This also very true. Most of them invested to such extent and identified w/ the “cause” to such a level, that admitting they were wrong, would mean admitting their whole existence was a sham. That is how entangled they are with this nonsense :/
I've already said if our federal government is going to be this lawless.Then it's time for Dem governors to convene some form of blue governor convention and we operate under those guises. Blue states actually generate $ for the US red states are $$sucking welfare queens.
We are under attack
The measles outbreak in west Texas is primarily due to a Mennonite community. See the Atlantic article where they interview the father of the girl who died.
In Germany, there's the so-called stab-in-the-back myth, or stab-in-the-back legend in certain circles, which basically says the Nazis only lost the war because they were betrayed from within their own country. So, empirically speaking, for the hardcore acolytes, it will take death.
The people who idolize Luigi Mangione for killing the UHC CEO will turn against GOPers who delete their food stamps, Medicaid & social security. The GOP is setting up a firestorm: their voters are armed & itching to use their 2nd amendment rights against their oppressors (it’s not the democrats)
This isn't true. The stab-in-the-back myth was USED by the Nazis to explain the Weimar Republic after World War I. Had nothing to do with WW2. Hitler blamed the "November Criminals" (mostly Jews and Marxists) for overthrowing the Hohenzollerns and signing the 1918 Armistice.
Bc they have been manipulated for decades to believe their identities, values, & beliefs are Trump/Conservative/Republican/Fox News/White nationalism/Christian & trained to be resentful that anything anti-Trump is an attack... it would take a life altering profound event and years to process it.
Just need to remind folks just how great things were for the folks during the previous 4 years under Joe Biden.
Accomplishing that ought to be easy enough.
For law enforcement to actually arrest members of the treasonous regime. They are illegally attacking the country. For the people who take their oath of office seriously and do their damn job!
I don't know, but I don't think it's helpful for progressives to keep saying, "FAFO, they voted for him, they deserve what they get." IF a few wake up & try to leave the cult, only for us to spit at them, it just confirms what maga told them- only maga cares about you. We can still think it, though!
Sorry but I dont believe they can change.
They gotta SHOW us that they really have changed, and most MAGA just dont know how to do that in the long term. They cannot change their attitudes. Sooner or later they will make a mistake.
Meh... My life has changed for the worse because of them. I have 7 brothers and sisters that ill never speak to again, so no it's not hard for me to spit and never forgive what these people have done. They will never be welcomed by me, even if they begged. I begged and they were unmoving, soooo.
Right now the Rs only access to power is through DT.
We need leadership challenging the Rs power.
Ds need to harness the power of the masses, by offering a significantly better alternative. D leadership is failing at this and needs immediate change.
Yes. What’s needed are D leaders taking action that moves people (like the tour AOC & Bernie are doing), that’s what I mean. Schumer needs to go, period. The actions he’s taking are hurting not helping. Jeffries isn’t living up to the moment either as a leader, sadly.
We don’t have the luxury of tossing out Dems at our leisure. Hakeem is good at running the house, policy and voting. Let’s get behind the firebrands and make change.
Not “tossing leaders out ‘at leisure’.”Chuck is actively damaging the party. He’s holding on to power at the expense of the party. Not helpful. Durbin is 80. On Jeffries, I didn’t call for replacing him, stating he’s sadly not living up to the moment.
Financial Pain Lived/Known To Be Coming By Constituents -Fighting Back And Holding GOPs Accountable.
Reality Check-Once Trump Sends Economy Into Free Fall With Tariffs—Recession/Now Predicted Stagflation-WHATS THE PLAN Every World Economist -Missed To Make America Greater Than It Was Before Trump!
I think there's gonna be a certain amount of cognitive dissonance that a small percentage will not be able to overcome. Like Jim Jones, what happened there. Even if they're homeless, starving they will still support this regime. The others just need to be spoken to authentically. You do a great job.
I feel those chuds are your best hope. Corporate props up the GOP. They can push it out of defcon 1 if they really want to. Probably via Fox and withheld donations.
They won’t turn against him. I’ve been told several times that they will stand with him as long as he stands up for them. They share an unbeatable bound of intolerance!
What needs to happen is to engage and motivate the mass of eligible voters who don’t think taking part in politics is necessary.
Unfortunately those days are gone. Dictators don’t do free or fair elections or acknowledge any outcomes from said elections. Meaningful Voting won’t happen again in the US until the dictatorship is removed, likely decades from now, barring a war.
You have to remember that trump is not running the country, Putin is. It doesn’t matter if it’s Vance, Miller, whoever, it took Putin decades to gain the reins of the country. There is zero chance he lets go without a war.
Decades ago Russia declared its goal was to destroy western democracy. They’ve been working towards that goal since then. Remember trump has been an asset since the late 80s. The dumbing down of the country was all part of that long term plan. So the homegrown fascism we’re seeing is the…
But he’s not standing up for them unless standing up for them means spouting the same hatred they believe. I feel like unless it’s all about hate they will turn when Medicaid and SS cuts are made, but maybe I’m just logical because I’m not in a cult.
That’s exactly what it means…one person showed me their tattoo of the Southern Brotherhood when I asked for explanation. They don’t care about anything but their shared intolerances.
I think the first thing Musk’ll go after is the supplemental insurance for the elderly that are in nursing home. So it will be interesting to see how quickly the facility kick out seniors or if they will use their lobbying power to get the government to reverse the decision.
I recently asked my MAGA father (who has a BA and an MA) if he'd admit this administration is wrong when he doesn't get his SS check on time or not at all. He said absolutely not.
I work for an elderly man who is well off who said that he is willing to forfeit his SS if the government would use it to make it solvent for others going forwaed. He is for means testing it and taking it away from people who don’t really need it but no one who that is their only income.
Means testing, they would set an income limit and if you are over it your SS check is cut. We really already have it, if you have a large gain won’t they cut your check some?
That's the problem. Your father has enough money without social security. He might not be a full-on oligarch but he in wealthy enough to lie to himself that he's one of them.
My 81 father tried to justify tariffs and it was word salad. I said what about Medicare? Social Security? He said I will be dead soon so he doesn’t care. I said that is typical boomer “I got mine fuck you even if you paid into mentality” He got furious that I called boomers parasites.
That whole generation is a bunch of ego centric narcissist because the previous generation doted on them like they were the moon and stars, spoiling them rotten.
But if you call them 'entitled' they become furious. They choose not to admit the truth because many truly believe they are more enlightened than their parents, so subsequent generations are the ones that are wrong.
I had a similar conversation with my MAGA father (no college). He assures me he will admit he was wrong but also asked me if I would admit I was wrong when Team Trump “fixes” the US government. So I’ve got that going for me.
He earnestly believes Team Trump will fix it. He marinates in Newsmax daily so there is no hope - none - that he will ever admit he’s been mistaken. His brain is cooked. 😔
Thanks, you're kind. I'm sure others have similar anecdotes. Maybe if those stories were shared in large numbers democrats would realize that they're problem isn't just messaging.
The next thing to happen is he will change who all these depts report too. It's all through their manifesto. Dems can't tell me they read it, I know they didn't.
People in red states cuz they're barely reporting on all the damage & danger he's created. I'm in S.C a state that relys heavily on Govt Asst. I read Project 2025
I'm in a red state as well, heavily reliant on medicare/medicaid, etc. Local media here is rarely more than propaganda, and many politicians don't even need to debate to get elected.
They're in a cult. They precisely cannot think for themselves. The only way to get through to them is to somehow break them out... any suggestions on how to do this on a national level?
It’s the oldest, and most effective, ploy in politics: Tell them what to fear and who’s to blame for it.
How can it get more terrible than losing a child?
The mental health field has let the world down in the field of sociopaths. They just threw their hands in the air and said there's no therapy for it.
Look what that got us. Fotus.
Are they at risk of getting outed, assuming we have another election? Are Felon's approval ratings low enough? Has the economy bottomed out (on its way)? Until these things happen, I don't think they move an inch. Even if we all sink.
They are at the point of no return. Nothing can convince them he is running the country. They have all flipped-flopped on all of their morals and principles.
Their health care provider not taking them or their hospital closing will do the same.
They need to be affected personally en masse.
SS/Medicare/Medicaid being cut off
veteran benefits lost
massive job losses
losing homes
food assistance discontinued and food shortages
special ed services discontinued
another pandemic
But the regime will still try to blame all of this on the left.
But gotta be foxnews says this, but here's the reality and find one or two ex magas to join, as they are out there !
MAGA lives in a different reality than the rest of us.
How do you fight this death cult?
They will deny everything until it actually impacts their personal livelihood.
These are the people with the power to end the suffering, chaos, & threats to the planet’s well-being, this gang of goons. Thus is a picture of a putrefying, decomposed body dressed in nice clothes.
Just can not deal with such selfish people. They are yucky.
I said, “You’re talking to me on it.” I said to him for the first time in my life, “You’re panicking.”
Some Republicans aren't MAGA; they have to find the courage to stop this. Appeal to them and-- most important-- if we want people to change, we have to let them. Open arms to fight with us, even if they stay Republican.
For the politicians… all it takes is a few lost electrons to help them see the light. Problem is we have fix #1 to get #2.
I miss my parents, but I'm glad they died before this hit. My dad used to watch Rush Limbaugh like he was speaking for God; and they both gushed and fawned over Newt Gingrich.
That's the whole message now...it's his fault and you will stop him from hurting them. Say it again & again.
Like we didn’t try to warn them.
Then it might strike a nerve. Otherwise, they are brainwashed.
Once their racist views are out of the closet, they won’t be put back in
Coincides with the advances of right wing media empire.
But I keep asking, “how? It was literally IN A 900+ page playbook for you! He lied to you last time, why would he tell the truth now?!”
They can’t answer that one.
1/3 didn’t vote.
Currently, we have special elections in FL where 20% is retirement age and Lutnick is on video saying don’t complain about social security checks not showing up.
We need those seats!
That's the part I don't think will ever happen.
So if Martial Law is declared that would have to mean we’re at war. That’s why tRump wants to start a war, even with Canada.
Have misgivings about Trump's lack of respect for rule of law, and double-so about Congress's willingness to stand up to Trump when goes full-dictator (removing CNN, MSNBC from airwaves, example).
Declaring martial law with no reason seems like thing would do.
Say a scammer swindles your friend out of $1000.
You tried to warn your friend but he didn't listen to you.
Now your friend is mad at YOU.
Why? The other guy stole his money, but you made him feel stupid.
Address the source of their anger and perhaps you will win some minds back to reason.
Generalization may not be an effective approach to the problem. I mean whatever you are doing clearly isn't working
Tell them clearly why and until they are ready to see how dangerous their behavior is you will not engage in their life.
I don't get their willful and blind adherence to him. It makes no sense. They have to go and new ppl, with a real upheld oath to the Constitution, get in.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
US President Donald Trump on Friday issued a stern and blunt warning against vandals targeting tech mogul's Elon Musk's owned Tesla vehicles. He suggested sending anti-Tesla protestors to a notorious prison in El Salvador if convicted
and all kinds of #LEOs
will not support the evil government.
showing a level of discontent but still not the anger that causes action
On the other hand, it screws the folks who actually need it-but, we always said it wouldn’t be until it effected all of us
They don't have access to the news everyday
They are cult members and they’ll follow their leader to the death
This is a prevalent historical theme.
Brainwashing requires counter conditioning
🤷♂️ 🤷♀️ 🤷
Ugh. Though I think the gov't at that time was criminally negligent, I doubt it was deliberate. I don't think they meant to cause so much death - it was a side benefit to their lack of caring & hatred of science that the masses were culled. Notice that no billionaires died.
I still mask when shopping and get all kinds of looks for it. But I have only got what I think may have been Covid once - recently when I did not mask while at a hospital.
a) the economy falls
b) there is widespread corruption (that is exposed, apparent)
c) strong opposition, leadership, unified, not corrupt, and for the workers
and media/awareness
I think it's down to inspiring those not in the cult to overwhelm in sheer numbers & govt actually addressing wealth inequality.
Identifying their concerns are key to shifting their perspective.
Some will still go down on Trump's ship while he watches from the beach sipping a cocktail.
Not everyone can financially, I know, but filing bankruptcy and quitting a job that supports your own oppression may be worth it 🤷♀️
Combined with the media they consume and social, they're all immersed in a deranged alternate reality.
OaNN ( is that it?)
A.M. radio->todays podcasts
So called Right wing “news influencers” -TikTok
We need a renewed
Air America
Lies are not news, at best is a weird type of parody.
Let’s keep it fruity and fun, not freaky and fanatical!
I’m all about good vibes, bright colors, and BIG flavor—not that dark, spooky stuff!
#StayCoolWithKoolAid #OHYEAHH #SippinNotTrippin
In their view, Trump is doing everything right.
Unless they indicate otherwise (which they’ve not done for years), this is what they think. This is who they are.
Maybe really bad Argentina-level inflation.
And that's for Democrats and Republicans.
Keep pushing until they cave. VOTE THEM OUT
The ones that actually change deep down you can count on one hand
Trump voters are like drug addicts: They MUST hit ROCK BOTTOM to 'wake up'.
Sadly, as with Addicts, EVERYBODY else gets harmed in the process
It takes a lot for a cult member to come to the realization they were duped.
Just imagine the levels and layers of anger and hurt of A BLACK PERSON for years.
I think it has to affect enough of them personally. I think it’s also going to take a hopeful narrative from the left.
They MUST be forced to choke on what they're doing to it and Lutnik is taking pretty big steps now.
D - Dept
O - of
D - Destruction
G - Greed and
I - Incompetence
They are really stupid.
If the mother in texas whose child died because they were not inoculated for measles STILL being a loud anti vaxxer doesn't say it all, I don't know what does.
They will go off the cliff with him
preventable viruses are God’s will. Fair enough. But is becoming bankrupt from a morally bankrupt fool also God’s will? Sadly, for so many, it won’t matter until it hits them where it really, truly hurts.
When dear leader and your cult is always SO RIGHT, your children become justifiably expendable
We are under attack
There are so few from that disgusting cult of MAGA that are remotely redeemable at this point.
So few have "woke up" from the spell of that orange shit-gibbon, and the ones who have aren't loud enough.
Others only will if they suffer personally and see the people they hate thriving. Let's thrive.
Accomplishing that ought to be easy enough.
Have a yourself a great day.
They gotta SHOW us that they really have changed, and most MAGA just dont know how to do that in the long term. They cannot change their attitudes. Sooner or later they will make a mistake.
Right now the Rs only access to power is through DT.
We need leadership challenging the Rs power.
Ds need to harness the power of the masses, by offering a significantly better alternative. D leadership is failing at this and needs immediate change.
AOC and Bernie doing good work.
Reality Check-Once Trump Sends Economy Into Free Fall With Tariffs—Recession/Now Predicted Stagflation-WHATS THE PLAN Every World Economist -Missed To Make America Greater Than It Was Before Trump!
I can not take 4 years of this.
What needs to happen is to engage and motivate the mass of eligible voters who don’t think taking part in politics is necessary.
Can you imagine Vance trying to keep this shit show running? Vought? Miller??
They are all such obvious ghouls, it's hard to fathom.
Since the Cold War ended, Russia has auditioned as a partner in dismantling the “woke, liberal world order.”
They’re gleeful and certainly helped the far right win—but these are homegrown fascists.
Trump is an autocrat
Republicans have relinquished their own power to rein him in, to reign in Elon even
I hope we have elections. I hope the sleeping giant of occasional voters get to the ballot boxes!
They're lost.
I shouldn't generalize, clearly I'm biased.
My point is that the cognitive dissonance is an example of why MAGA will never back down.
There is some illustrative data in here. https://navigatorresearch.org/2024-post-election-survey-gender-and-age-analysis-of-2024-election-results/
I think @pattonoswalt.bsky.social said once that it's because they're "raging at the dying of the light". I think about that a lot.
So sorry. That’s just unbelievable.
Maga is cutting programs to get to an 800B tax cut.
Next yr they will want the rest of our money.