That could be interpreted as an act of war - seriously. Don’t underestimate the enemy. We need to be strategic.
I trust Carney. He’s got the smarts & propaganda hasn’t had enough time to discredit him as it did with Trudeau.
Set election date pronto.
1/ They were designed by a slightly unhinged economist that correctly predicted China but can not definitively state that US tariffs will reduce the cost of goods (below pre tariff rates) flowing into the USA from offshore. He assumes that his consumption nation whose buoyancy derives from being the
2/ world’s reserve currency (lower exchange rate risk & greater buying power) has such demand that sellers will continue to have to sell to the USA or will re-domicile manufacturing there. Short term this may be accurate but with longer lead times, new markets, distribution networks, etc. will
3/ emerge.Capital investment likes political stability, not chaos.
We are at a great jumping off point to improve our export basket and GDP growth by reducing our exploitation of natural resources, greening our manufacturing, improving our educational standards with greater STEM skills, streamlining
Every time I try to choose another method It says my application has already started. Think I'm going to go to the post office and see if they can help me because I am getting no response for 9 days from [email protected]
I just (fervently) hope that Canada responds based on COST, not %'s. Ie if the US tariff costs us xx million, make sure reciprocal tariffs cost the same. Don't just match the % rate.
We must never allow ourselves to be beholden to the US again. It is time to cut ties and start drawing closer to Europe starting with military procurements.
They're the product of Facebook and 4chan conspiracy groups started by your coworkers Uncle. Too many memes led to Project 2025, The Patchwork. They aren't operating in the real world. Canada needs a plan that involves fighting misinformation for the truth in cyberspace as well.
Please inform trump Trudeau isn't going to be PM next year.
He has a serious grudge against him.... You know why.
and Freeland becuase she stood up to him, and that is not acceptable. See last Friday in the OVAL.
Trump likes Goldman guys generally.
Canada and the EU should sign a deal with Ukraine for their energy resources. watch Trump's head explode. And then make a deal with Europe to reduce tariffs on both sides, hell I'd love to see Canada join the EU too (better that than depression)
Harper was very proud of Mark Carney; what's changed, Mr. Harper? Well, you're lying today to help elect Poilièvre. We can see through your demagoguery.
Vote Carney.
Canadian energy supplies are crucial for "blue" New England. We know you have good reason to retaliate hard. But it's scary to think of even more people homeless, cold, and desperate.
If you are elected we need you to rip down those interprovincial trade barriers, build up our military capability and do something about the carbon tax to help with affordability through what will be a difficult time.
New cabinet members so this is a new start would be helpful.
Interprovincial trade barriers need to come down but lack of political will and cooperation among the provinces is the biggest obstacle. The Federal government has no power to unilaterally force provinces to eliminate trade barriers, due to the way economic authority is divided across the country.
Even as someone in New England who may be affected by energy costs going up, I hope you slap the shit out of the US so the people wake up and realize what is happening, if that's even possible.
Actually the threats have made everyone pay attention to the products they purchase and made a great surge in the buying of ‘Canadian Made’.
This is good for the Canadian economy.
It's been so good to see everyone patiently reading the tiny print on labels to see where things are really from, and the spaces where sold out Canadian products are while American products are marked down to hell, still full, untouched
Oh the irony of one of the 1% complaining about how the actions of one of the people they enabled to become president doing something to tank the economy. Now it's come to HIS door it's a problem.
From California: We agree with you entirely, sir. Let us know what we can do from within the United States and we’ll do it. (“Vote against Trump” is a given, but we did that last time by about 60-40 and it didn’t work.)
You need a revolution, like take-to-the-streets-make-shit-happen-revolution. Playing by the rules isn't going to cut it anymore. USA is a now an outcast in the world.
We definitely need to find new trading partners. This is just going to be non-stop bullshit with the Trump administration. I say Dump Trump and look elsewhere, asap!
Re time constraints - it impacts perishable items especially but also production schedules for manufacturing. It is not about goods coming to us - it’s about other countries being willing to wait and/or pay more for our products than from wherever they currently get them.
Please, please, your team MUST address the attack ads in Alberta. Don't underestimate the dark money leaking into this province. You have a chance to break the far right but your window is closing.
As an American i will tell you it does nothing good for us.
Canada should shut off the power they send to the U.S. for 5 minutes at midnight just to send a little message.
Ban X in Canada. It's a Nazi-owned hate-filled misinformation machine. The Feds should ban Musk's companies from being in Canada. All of them.
All US-owned Canadian media should be put through forced divesture or nationalization. Reinvigorate the CBC and Canadian independents.
Yeah. Any upset about X being banned could be mitigated.
But Facebook and Instagram are really integrated into people's lives. I say shut them out after about a month, so people can save their stuff and migrate. Their algorithms and practices foment harm.
Maybe a CDN alternative could be made?
Agree, FB is hard. And because of the more personal nature of people's networks there the transition isn't as easy as Twitter to Bsky. But something has to be done. Laws requiring social media to offer a prominent "only posts from people I follow in chronological order" option could help.
Hey let's also shut down Postmedia while we're at it. An embarrasingly large portion of our local news outlets across the country are owned by a republican hedge fund. Should never have been allowed in the first place
Don't stop at Musk; decouple from all US suppliers where you can and buy from Canadian and ally country companies instead; every dollar you give them is one they can use to attack you. Start with the 'Nerd Reich' (my first change was to move from Kindle to Kobo)
More than that, if we dare.
In fact, I think Tesla and Musk's companies should be shut out of Canada. It's obvious where their treacherous loyalties lie. The gov could buy back the few owners who want to trade in their swasticars.
I’m also all in for banning swastikars. Given the number of safety issues that people have had with the cyber trucks, I’m livid that they were approved in Canada in the first place.
I would sell ours in a heartbeat. I wish I could afford to just walk away from it but that’s not possible for most of us. We honestly thought we were doing the right thing for the environment 8 years ago when we bought it and Tesla was the only EV available at the time
People need to stop obeying any chain of command right now. Give access to systems? No. Program x, y, z? No. Fire person y? No. The reality is, the more people acquiesce, the harder it will be to pull go back and the more violent it will have to be. Stop obeying now when it’s easy.
They can’t / won’t hear your message. But their constituents can see your actions. Get more trade going with Asia. Increase trade with Ukraine and Europe. Become a country moving forward. Set an example.
It’s simple math. 🤗
These are Trump tariffs. Trump, alone.
He’s there *only* because of the states who voted for him. They’re the ones who deserve the retaliatory tariffs.
Do what you have to do, and do it aggressively. Appeasement or gradual escalation won’t work. We blue staters understand the situation and know we will get caught up in the shitty end of this, but you’ve got to hit it hard to save yourselves AND us.
we smaller country must accurately hit back the tariff. otherwise we will feel much more pain than Trump and lose. for example, we can put 500% on Tesla because we don't care. but put 5% on important goods for daily consumers. average is still 25%. hit Trump more pain, less on us.
The best time to fight back Trump's tariff is when Europe fight back at him in one month. Trump will feel very painful at that time by Europe, Canada, Mexico, China together called anti-tariff alliance
because Trump threatened 25% tariff on Europe soon, maybe in one month. we then fight back alongside with Europe, much more powerful than just by ourselves. then Trump will feel pain and stop his stupid tariff.
We need to form anti-tariff alliance by Europe,Canada, Mexico, China together, then fight back at Trump and he will feel very painful thus stop. Fighting alone by a much smaller economy like Canada will not win and hurt too much.
Time to join the EU.
I'm starting an official petition to the Canadian government to explore EU membership, but I need 5 Canadian co-signers. Any takers?
Sanctions would have been the 'normal' route, but they don't generate any $ to skim.
Trump only sees the $ coming in, and has no care of the cost, or where it's coming from, just that it ends in coffers he has access to.
Can we stop pretending now that the tarrif theats had sweet fuck all to do with the border or fentanyl. And I say to all our political leaders - don't you dare capitulate. The Canadian public is in no mood for Chamberlains.
So the research indicates that there is more fentanyl travelling north into Canada, than there is travelling south into the US.Trump is a liar, and grifter and used the ruse of fentanyl as a reason to tariff Canada! He only had a couple of options as the executive branch to add tariffs. He lied!
Canada should retaliate with dollar-for-dollar tariffs that will have maximum impact on the US and minimum impact on Canada. The proceeds from our tariffs should be used to protect our workers. (2/4)
Guaranteed living basic income for all falling below the poverty line wherever they live. Keep our small businesses going. Build our own manufacturing and medical research - bring scientists to Canada to continue their work.
Yes. They are back. 4 in particular, I went to a small rural elementary school with them 30 years ago. Kept as far away from them as I could as a lad. Deeply unhappy to be out here with them now, all of us with guns, as men. Deeply unhappy.
Yes! We absolutely should. The world is watching too. Be the voice and the people that stand up to that tyrant!
Know that the majority of Canadians stand with you Mr. Carney!
420% tariff on TESLA
strategic tariff on GOP allies and products.
ban starlink in Ontario
revoke Musk citizenship
strengthen border crossing for guns, fentanyl coming INTO Canada from US
Canadians always play “nice” in the sandbox but, when a bully throws sand in our face, we stand up. It’s time to stand up. Hit fast and hard. Enough of playing nice with this bully.
If you do not want the US to buy your pil and energy, just do NOT sell it to them. That IS your choice. Or sell only for a higher price (but they may not choose to buy it).
"Export tax" is really not a thing 🙄
This is a legit question I'm aweful at macro. Wouldn't it be better for countries to not tariff the US. They will get better prices . As they do that they would look for better trade partners fir free trade. The blow to us would be huge. It's just game therory.
As an American, I am so, so sorry. But we have so much to apologize for right now. It's sickening. Many of us wake up in the middle of the night wondering what evil he will perpetrate next.
The rest of the world needs to seriously come together and cut all trade to America and Russia right now. Especially if the reports of Russia being on the verge of collapse
I don't want to see the world economy trashed, and I certainly don't want to pay more for stuff here in America. But Trump must be stopped from his willful destruction of democracy and the world economy. So please - do what you have to do. I hope EUR stands in solidarity with you (& with UKR).
... and we will protect the most vulnerable with an immediate universal basic Income program, 90% top tax rates to address income disparity and negotiate directly with States and countries on a new Turtle Island universal healthcare plan to guarantee free care from Nunavut to Panama...
Then trump will use it as “legitimate” reason to invade Canada. And our NATO allies will be too busy defending Ukraine to come help us, their NATO ally. My point is yes, we should retaliate with tariffs. But we better get ready for war, and I mean that literally, not figuratively. Ramp up military.
The unpredictability of US trade policy underscores the imperative of Canada using every tool at our disposal to build the strongest economy in the G7. (3/4)
Canada needs to cut off all electric supplies to the US tomorrow , close their borders to ALL Americans, including those that work in Canadian businesses, and begin comprehensive trade negotiations with China and others to displace the US.
That means pipelines. Both east and west. Northern gateway. Extension of TMX. Energy east for LNG to Europe and Bitumen to Texas Coal to China for steel. Rare Earth minerals. Incentives for bio diesel ( currently imported from USA. ) AND the end of Supply Management.
It doesn’t have to. We could continue on with oil, knowing tech/vehicles/energy is going green, or do what is better for us in the long run. Go green with leaders around the world, like China.
We should counter with a surcharge on all exports to US. Americans will pay twice as high for energy etc. I do not think we should apply tariffs on US imports - we would only be penalizing Canadians. Boycotting US goods will reduce consumer demand enough.
As an American Veteran & BC perm Resident... Fuck draftdodging douchebag drumpf, the complicit cowards in GOP Congress, & the vile willfully ignorant MAGA base... An embarrassment on the World stage & a threat to World Peace.
The Canadian female running to be head of Labour party she was formerly editor of financial Times said 1 of the retaliatory tariffs she would propose is a 100% tax on Teslas. OK then wonder if EU will do same thing if dt comes after them?
That’s Chrystia Freeland and she’s running for leadership of the Federal Liberal Party. She has indeed suggested 100% tariffs on imported teslas. She also deserves more respect than the “Canadian female running” description, just saying.
She has my respect I just couldn't think of her name at that moment or her party. I used to like her appearances many years ago on MSNBC when she worked for the the Financial Times (?). She is very calm & always has a grasp of the subject matter
Build the strongest army as well. Don’t be naive to think “he won’t do it”. If our retaliatory tariffs start to hurt him too much, it will “justify” invasion. NATO will be too busy in Ukraine to help our defense. Build army. Now. And open our borders to any American who wants to fight on our side.
I say this as someone who recently voted for him as Liberal leader, it's not a great look to have not sat down for an interview with the public broadcaster over the entire leadership race. Gould has been interviewed by the CBC as has Freeland. Hell, Ruby Dhalla was on. Only him and Baylis remain.
Weirdly last week, at end of a work trip, I spoke to an oilers fan in Miami, just after their 5th defeat, I drunkenly told him you were the most likely to bring Canada into the EU.
He said he never heard of you or any politician for that matter, but that sounded like something he could vote for.
Canadians should have a 100% boycott on US products, including all subscriptions for US Oligarch Services (Netflix, Prime, Facebook, Instagram, Wholefoods, Amazon, Disney, Google, Msft, IBM, everything). Shut down US travel, produce, products & services). Boycotts work better than tariffs.
Stop trying to appease his majesty king Trump. His national security executive order tariffs on Canada are BS, done to bypass Congress. We've argued our case.
Throw down the gauntlet. Point to the USMCA, threaten to sue if that's possible.
Then tell him "bring it on, no more negotiating"
The trouble is that short-term, Trump wins whether you're Canada or Ukraine but, boy, is he piling up long-term trouble for the US and Americans, even long after he's dead.
We need to react with non-tariff measures, like making IP/DRM laws not apply to US pharma, tech, and media companies. Trump's backers will only pay attention if they personally suffer. #ElbowsUp
I wish you guys the best. I am near retirement and both my grandpas were Canadians. I think I will throw myself on your government’s mercy to retire there.
Keep our lumber here. We need housing. Build up our agriculture and renewable energy. No fossils to be sold out of Canada. Strengthen climate mitigation efforts and our own manufacturing like planes for reconnaissance and forest fire fighting.
Months of the most despicable human being, a convicted criminal and a rapist having the audacity to smack-talk MY country, and MY Prime Minister. Months of Premiers groveling - NO MORE!
If we cannot talk then we become more divided and suspicious. Not all Americans are our enemy. We need to keep up the dialogue so when mid-terms shift balance of power in US government Trump will have to cool his jets.
American here and I understand what Canada needs to do. No hard feelings. Trump is a disgrace and he doesn't represent the value of Americans like myself. Hit back hard against Trump, that's the only way to teach the bully a lesson and teach his MAGA cult the consequences of their votes. FAFO
Not dollar for dollar. We lose that fight. We need to be extremely targeted. Spare as much pain as possible for blue states, go HARD after MAGA states.
I hope Canadian MPs will put together legislation preventing US companies from sealing up Canadian companies now and in the future. We need control of our own economy
Canada can do themselves a favor when the opportunity presents to focus on red states if they can.... the more suffering red states go through from tariffs the greater the likelihood the republicans lose the house and senate in the mid terms and that is going to be crucial
Surely these tariffs will not affect Canada and Mexico that much because the US will still buy the same goods at the same price and the consumers will pay the 25%
I think it would be a good idea for Canada to initiate an "Arctic Alliance" for both mutual security & enhancing trade with Greenland, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden & Finland.
And have a larger presence in the north, more infrastructure, more military. Northern Canada is at risk from both Russia and USA. And now that they have joined forces we’re even more at risk. We need to protect our borders.
Yes, China as well.😫
Apparently we allow USA military to train in our north so they can learn how to deal with the cold (-40C in Resolute, Nunavut for example) This needs to stop yesterday!
Heard an interesting opinion on taxing US tech oligarchs on the business they do in Canada. Target Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg et al directly in addition to red states.
I don't care what he thinks (unless he thinks he's a murderer who let his wife take the fall, in which case I agree), I just want him taxed so he takes his business and disgusting comments (mostly lies) away from my awesome country. ❤️🇨🇦
Perhaps it's time for Canada to diversify trade, perhaps look to join the EU. Could be a win/win for both countries, and potentially flip trade from the US to the EU. Do deals with the EU for national defense, vis a vie minerals and metals. The US prospered because their relationship with Canada.
Yep, for sure an attack... but the vast majority of us are ready for it by buying way more Canadian products and discovering wonderful new products from non-fascist countries around the world eg - had a great homemade pizza last night with a Bulgarian tomato / eggplant pasta sauce.
Elbows up!
Trump simply doesn’t understand that (a) trade deficits work massively in the USA’s favour – dollars created for nothing by the Fed in exchange for real goods and services; (b) the tariffs are paid by Americans, including his own supporters 🤦🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
The Liberal Party will have my vote, regardless of who wins the leadership race. That said, I firmly believe you are the best candidate to lead Canada through these difficult times. Should you become PM, I sincerely hope you will put Ms. Freeland to good use as she is quite accomplished herself.
I don't necessarily disagree, but suspect the Liberals with Freeland at the helm would not get as many votes in an election as Carney would. There are many who simply don't see a woman as 'strong enough to deal with Trump'. We can't afford to split the vote, or else we'll end up with #PP #NeverPP
Build alliances fast, consult with Trudeau & use him for international relations, apply your $$ smarts — we’re counting on you and putting our faith in you.
Political speak and you are quite good at it, stop pandering to a criminal let’s sell our goods across the world let Trump tariff all he wants WE DONT NEED TO TARIFF
Why the tariffs? Honestly and ultimately the one person who makes the decision is Trump who has now broken the free trade agreement, says they do not need anything from Canada so why should I pay ‘you’ for a tariffed good, you should be smarter than this. If tariffs don’t work then forget them
American here. Take Musk down! Hit the red states. I hate every bit of this but the cult followers deserve everything that they got coming to them. Zero sympathy for them!
The US economy is well on its way to a total collapse, IMO -- so Canada and other neighbors and trading partners will need to think strategically about how much more they want to pile onto a heap of rubble. The states most likely to be damaged are the Democratic-led ones nearest to you.
I want Canada to not just match dollar for dollar, I want them to hit them as hard as we possibly can.
If you're dealing with a Bully, you fight like you're the third Monkey at Noah's Ark and it's raining.
Rest assured the world is with You. It's about time the US population realizes what a horrible ignorant mistake it made. Now more people will understand what I've meant when I've been saying that the US population will be shoveling orange turd for decades to come #Denmark
I’m here and ready to do what needs to be done. Buying Canadian started as a grassroots effort but now we need to double down and all Canadians need to do their part, it’s how we’ll win, thank you #MarkCarney
I live in the Detroit suburbs and there was a story on our News and they said Semis with auto parts come across the Ambassador Bridge all day long. Sometimes 25-50 each and every day. That would put at the least 3000.00 extra on each car.
Waiting to hear on that step two. I am not sure why we didn't use the past 30ndays to get all 155 billion figured out to go in at once. 30 days was always a cat a mouse game with the Felon down south and his nazi pal. GoC needs a ban in all Musk companies!
Yeah same here, it's now a game in the grocery store to read all labels with the kids. Made in USA and they say not good and put it back! Educate the next generation to read labels and support Canada!
There is definately truth in that statement 😃 It is certainly a departure from the way it was where they didn't touch things on the shelf! Now they know what part of the labels to look for and we are talking about produced for and product of or made in! Good skills!
You realize USA has ownership and interests in a lot of our oil/gas. 70% of oil sands is foreign owned. And China/Arabia/US have big interests in our prairie grain production. Self sufficiency is pretty challenging but there are many deterrents we can use.
I’m Canadian, support you all the way, Liberal Party & Mr. Carney. We 🇨🇦 are ready for whatever we must do at this time. Actually, please go hard on increasing our military spending and NATO contributions, it’s time. If auto plants idle, can they retool for defence? #ElbowsUp
Very quickly there needs to be some type of consumer protection. You KNOW the companies who made billions from the pandemic are just looking to artificially inflate their prizes because of this.
I trust Carney. He’s got the smarts & propaganda hasn’t had enough time to discredit him as it did with Trudeau.
Set election date pronto.
We are at a great jumping off point to improve our export basket and GDP growth by reducing our exploitation of natural resources, greening our manufacturing, improving our educational standards with greater STEM skills, streamlining
But we must address our shrinking middle class, our broken progressive tax rules, our stance against the UN tax convention.
Go Mark, bring it home!
I should also mention that there is zero communication back after I have made at least 7 attempts.
Every time I try to choose another method It says my application has already started. Think I'm going to go to the post office and see if they can help me because I am getting no response for 9 days from [email protected]
He has a serious grudge against him.... You know why.
and Freeland becuase she stood up to him, and that is not acceptable. See last Friday in the OVAL.
Trump likes Goldman guys generally.
Vote Carney.
Every time I think of pee pee at Mar-A-Lago. I think of this, it's perfect
Bring a sweater though.
Not sure about the postal part yet.
New cabinet members so this is a new start would be helpful.
This is good for the Canadian economy.
I think people forgot what Canadians are like
Do NOT trust DT with ANYTHING!
Calm confident ,strong leadership
Canada should shut off the power they send to the U.S. for 5 minutes at midnight just to send a little message.
1) get of TWITTER for fuck sake
2) 100% tariffs on everything musky
Easy mode.. do it.
Ban X in Canada. It's a Nazi-owned hate-filled misinformation machine. The Feds should ban Musk's companies from being in Canada. All of them.
All US-owned Canadian media should be put through forced divesture or nationalization. Reinvigorate the CBC and Canadian independents.
But Facebook and Instagram are really integrated into people's lives. I say shut them out after about a month, so people can save their stuff and migrate. Their algorithms and practices foment harm.
Maybe a CDN alternative could be made?
True North Strong & Free
Krasnov and the
Kids (^o^)/
In fact, I think Tesla and Musk's companies should be shut out of Canada. It's obvious where their treacherous loyalties lie. The gov could buy back the few owners who want to trade in their swasticars.
have you been talking to ANY canadians?
we're really fucking pissed!
#canada #tariffs
These are Trump tariffs. Trump, alone.
He’s there *only* because of the states who voted for him. They’re the ones who deserve the retaliatory tariffs.
No hard feelings, my friends. Kick some ass!
What they are doing is exactly like what the 🍊🤡 is doing.. its called Bullying.
I'm starting an official petition to the Canadian government to explore EU membership, but I need 5 Canadian co-signers. Any takers?
Trump only sees the $ coming in, and has no care of the cost, or where it's coming from, just that it ends in coffers he has access to.
We're trying to do something, but it's not as easy as protesting
I plan to come visit the Niagara Falls and spend some of my cash in Canada this year, in solidarity
Again, from a Great Lakes resident very, very sorry
Tariffs will hurt Canadians more than Trump will already.
Why could we not put a sales tax that matches the tariffs %/%.
This way the American consumer is hit harder and will revolt on Trump even more. Put the pressure on MAGA and the Oligarchs not the Canadian consumer.
I live in an unincorporated township, the J6 rioters are back in the woods, and I have stopped crossing my own yard to the mailbox with out my rifle.
Such an uneasy word.
We keep explaining to MAGA that tariffs are bad, why would we do this to ourselves to show up Trump? It makes no sense.
Increasing the price puts money in the Canadian Economy we can use for the industries affected by the tariffs.
Know that the majority of Canadians stand with you Mr. Carney!
Potash, uranium, zinc, oil, lumber. Make them hurt hard and fast.
They must feel it and know where it comes from!
It is to all of our benefit for the consequences to be immediate and severe so that pressure to return to normalcy comes as quickly as possible.
strategic tariff on GOP allies and products.
ban starlink in Ontario
revoke Musk citizenship
strengthen border crossing for guns, fentanyl coming INTO Canada from US
These proposed tariffs will hurt our healthcare industry, manufacturing, farmers, and consumers.
"Export tax" is really not a thing 🙄
Elbows Up..!!
The Imbeciles Republicans GOP Mentality Challenged cosplaying U.S. government is a shit show.
Our main concern should be not exacerbating this, but attempting to work through it, retaining our dignity and respect.
We beat Trump at his tariff game during his last term and we'll do it again!🇨🇦
He said he never heard of you or any politician for that matter, but that sounded like something he could vote for.
Which, of course, you know
It’s our new norm and we’re not going back.
And buying Canadian
As a black Canadian.
What are your thoughts on human rights?
Throw down the gauntlet. Point to the USMCA, threaten to sue if that's possible.
Then tell him "bring it on, no more negotiating"
Your plan to de-Americanize our trade?
Do you support the idea of removing the US from the 5 Eyes group?
Do you think CETA can be strengthened and expanded?
Do you have a plan to expand Ukraine trade after they win?
It’s G6 now isn’t it?
as part of the Russian take over
and join the EU
You can not afford to rely on the US for anything
There's no way the majority aren't suspending the US, right?
trump's invitation to attend the summit in Canada should be rescinded
He can head to Moscow instead to meet with his boss in the Kremlin
Go back to corporate raiding.
Quebec, Ontario, and BC shutting off supply, even for a day would cause significant economic pain on the US.
We need to send a clear message that we are taking this seriously and we will not be bullied.
Apparently we allow USA military to train in our north so they can learn how to deal with the cold (-40C in Resolute, Nunavut for example) This needs to stop yesterday!
Google is the only company to pay their share.
Flip the circuit beaker on electricity going to the US. When they start whining turn it back on with a big surcharge.
Export taxes on Oil, Aluminum and Potash to start.
Shut down any imports associated with Musk.
🇨🇦 Never51
Elbows up!
Trump simply doesn’t understand that (a) trade deficits work massively in the USA’s favour – dollars created for nothing by the Fed in exchange for real goods and services; (b) the tariffs are paid by Americans, including his own supporters 🤦🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
Carney for PM.
He doesn’t do any of them.
If you're dealing with a Bully, you fight like you're the third Monkey at Noah's Ark and it's raining.
Knock this bully out!!!
We hate Trump too!!
I pray that 🇨🇦 gov will 🙏
Maybe they will. 🤞
We're already boycotting us products as much as possible
-Sign 4 year trade deal with Europe and Asia!!!
-Close the border!!!
-Boycott the US forever!!!
Closing to border would be good.
We can’t even trade inter-provincially!!
I said before this shit happened that ‘it’s the most dangerous country in the world!…that you might visit!’
No one vacations in Iran or NK!!
Canada needs you and your expertise!