Part of me thinks I don’t deserve to apply for VA disability but the other part remembers how I jumped out of an airplane, smacked my head, wandered through the woods, called my commander “mom,” and now I have migraines several times a week to the point where I throw up.
(While you still can.)
and thank you for your service
You earned those benefits. As a taxpayer, I want you to use them without a shred of reservation
File the claim. Trust me.
A lot of us struggle with that self doubt after, but shouldn’t.
Good luck 🍻
You earned it and definitely deserve it.
Most of the guys had migraines like yours. And the irlen glasses helped a lot.
And yes, you deserve your well earned disability $$.
if you had not been jumping out of an airplane you would never have smacked your head, wandered through the woods, and have migraines several times a week to the point you throw up and lose hours of your life in dark, quiet rooms.
My WWII injured dad didn’t until he was in his 70’s and the VA pushed him to do it and suffered for years with his multiple injury issues.
My life-long friend just passed. I know the death certificate doesn’t list the real cause of yrs of medical issues & final demise: AGENT ORANGE! The scourge of Vietnam.
Current veterans & service members put at extreme risk by open burn pits & their toxic emissions or closed head injuries.
You absolutely deserve it. You damaged your body serving your country. Your country says you are entitled to VA disability as compensation for the damage.
You earned it.
You. Are. Important.
You. Matter.
Please don't hold back from getting help. This county owes our veterans far more than they receive.
You deserve more for your service.