Rats are punk rock
Dogs are arena rock
Cats are synthwave
Owls are math rock
Horses are radio pop
Birds other than owls are yacht rock
Snakes are symphonic metal
Fish are new wave
Ferrets are thrash metal
Racoons are industrial
Lizards are southern rock
Dogs are arena rock
Cats are synthwave
Owls are math rock
Horses are radio pop
Birds other than owls are yacht rock
Snakes are symphonic metal
Fish are new wave
Ferrets are thrash metal
Racoons are industrial
Lizards are southern rock
Then Cats = Gunship. 😍
Mind you, Pigeons are Pub rock.
capybaras are eai
elephants are sludge
And, uh... opossums are country.
Chinchillas are power pop
Centipedes are Tech-Death
Squirrels are bluegrass
Dolphins are prog
Hamsters/gerbils are Britpop
Sharks are hardcore
Possums are bluegrass
Porcupines are nümetal
Kangaroos are electronica
Weevils are experimental
Bees are big band/orchestral
Spiders are DnB
Locusts are dark country
Koalas… shoegaze?
Think about it loves darkness. Caves. Eats bugs.
if bugs are jazz
and shrimps is bugs
then shrimps are... John Cage?
What is math rock?
What are frogs?
Frogs are contemporary Christian
Wolves are the Blues
Alpacas, 80s Hair Bands
Armadillos are mariachi.
Seagulls are punk
As I've not yet seen anyone else note this, cats = synthwave is so absolutely on point it's not even funny. Signed, a huge synthwave fan with a bunch of cats.