I’ve thought about this. I live within walking distance to the 2nd largest (but best 🩵) only by a smidge, in NC. I feel like it would be easy to make one of the larger forms into a fortress. There’s kitchens everywhere and impenetrable doors.
I’ve watched every show and movie out there, have great survival skills, descent weapons training both modern and primitive so I’d guess at least 45 minutes.
I always have this thought… why would I want to spend my days wondering if today would be my last from random attacks while trying to figure out where to live and what to eat. Sounds miserable.
Unless I'm opening a 🧠 Cafe, thinking I'll off myself. I'm not interested in trying to survive any kind of post apocalyptic world: no zombies, no Waterworld, no Mad Max landscape.
I always tell my husband I'll die in the first wave because I wear inappropriate footwear and won't be able to run. He'll starve to death on the couch because he can't find the pantry on his own
As long as it lasted. First thing I’d do is blow the bridge to PEI, then dig a huge moat/traps. Fence up, well armed and stocked, got a well for water, wood furnace, I’m good.
The second I run out of contacts and Nexium I’m toast. Not even gonna bother. I’ll just file my teeth into fangs and let myself get bitten. I can spend my days shambling around eating people and raccoons or whatever. No problem. 😉
I'm old enough that I was doing duck and cover drills in school on the military bases. Dad told me what he was taught - if you see the flash, walk toward it so you'll die faster and suffer less.
You may get a chance to find out. Turns out, the Covid-19 virus is a HIGHLY recombinant RNA virus.
• Rabies is an RNA virus
• White tail deer in Canada carry Covid-19
• 79 cases of rabies in bats in 2023 in Canada
Rabid bat bites infected deer. Hunter bags it. A little bad luck, and ZOMBIE VIRUS!
We all know how fast and wide the Covid-19 virus spreads. New variants break through immunities to old variants. If one combines the rabies virus, we won't find out right away, because... RABIES HAS A 30-DAY INCUBATION PERIOD! It takes that long after infection before the obvious symptoms develop.
I have a Big Green Egg, good stock of charcoal. I get pretty hungry.. I suppose you can freeze seared zombies? wouldn't freeze them raw. A bunch of salt, vinegar and (my only right wing slurge) bourbon. 500f, 3 hrs.
I can’t run for shit, I’m a weakling, I have a low tolerance for pain and I can’t handle blood. So basically murder/suicide with my husband, they could find us holding hands on the bed.
Potentially quite a while. Semi rural location - few local zombies, & our neighbours are awful so decapitating their zombies? Bring it.
ADHD kitchen, so random gluts of some store cupboard items, food for over a month, rationed. Plus cattle and crop land around us. Ennui would be the challenge.
Brains are in short supply, so I'd probably starve and go into permanent zombie torpor quickly. Global warming will finish me off before waking up anyway.
Although, my struggles are because of medical problems with my brain. I might actually be a lot better off as a zombie. So, sure. Let's give it a try. 👍
I am a trans woman who trained the traditional way to master a martial art and earn the sword, then fought neo-nazis with those skills for a quarter century (so far). I'd survive the whole mess.
Most of my family have been in scouting thru the last 60 years, I have close relatives who are drs specializing in infectious disease, and others who work in transportation and utilities. As long as we can get together, I'm good.
I don't think there's enough information to answer this.
I need to know what kind of zombies are we talking about here? Shaun of the Dead zombies? Dawn of the Dead? 28 Days Later? World War Z? Zombieland 1/2? Resident Evil?
Different zombie profiles require different defensive/offensive tactics
Written by Max Brook's -- Mel's son. It's fantastic, kinda funny at times, and a really fun summer read. A retrospective on the Zombie war *afterwards* (not a spoiler).
We spent 20 minutes at the breakfast table this morning debating this. Conclusion: After yesterday’s overindulgences, we must be zombies because we need BRAINS
I think it really boils down to whether or not the zombies can run. That is the make or break zombie characteristic. If they can run, I'm screwed, but if they just shuffle along, I could probably make it a bit longer! 😂
I would simply convince the zombies that their low partial life status was due to trans zombies and undocumented zombies eating all of the good brains and that only I could fix their obvious issue. I mean, it’s working already right?
I thought the same thing! We have been in one for over 8 years. Brains have been eaten by disinformation and they still walk among us and try to do the same to us.
I think it’s going to depend on the nature of the zombie - Walking Dead shufflers, I could hold out for a bit, as long as I have access to my meds. World War Z manic zombies, not a chance.
Exactly! I live super rural. I might be good for a while if I know what's going on. With my luck, I only find out after driving 35 minutes to go to the store.
I would want to be closer to the beach in that scenario because if you know how desalinization works and know how to fish a little you are pretty well set, plus from a defensive standpoint you wouldn't worry about zombies in the ocean.
I live in a forest by a lake. If I take out the bridges, there is no clear path to my house without going through some pretty rough terrain. It's not like the forests on TWD. It's cliffs, trees, stickers, and maybe even a bear. Now... animal zombies, I'm screwed.
Depends, which type of zombies we talking about? The slow, clumsy ones from The Walking Dead? The super fast ones from World War Z? Or the sometimes smart ones from Zombieland?
No time. I am not gonna waste my life looking over my shoulder running and being scared of them. Let them bite me right off the bat and just be part of the winning team.
Bring on the zombies!!!
(I have a delicious brain)
If I have to run, then I'm just gonna stand in the middle of the road and be, like, "Make it quick, please."
I'd go ahead of 4d5.
4.2 hours. 5 if I trip Mom.
If you meant as a survivor, let's just say that it'd take longer to microwave a gas station burrito.
ladies were going to
grab the kids and watch a once in a lifetime event.
I lived on base housing 18 yrs
since 50s.
• Rabies is an RNA virus
• White tail deer in Canada carry Covid-19
• 79 cases of rabies in bats in 2023 in Canada
Rabid bat bites infected deer. Hunter bags it. A little bad luck, and ZOMBIE VIRUS!
28 Days Later or World War Z - I am dying within a week, probably first day.
Walking Dead or Shaun of the Dead - I am backing myself to survive.
oh wait
They are already 🧟🧟♂️Zombies🧟♂️🧟♀️
Oh 💩 the Zombie Apocalypse IS HERE!!!!!!
Can't you hear them
'Truummp Truuuummmp'
yeah I'm good.
ADHD kitchen, so random gluts of some store cupboard items, food for over a month, rationed. Plus cattle and crop land around us. Ennui would be the challenge.
Are you talking Romero or War Z zombies?
Romero, I'm in for the long haul.
War Z, I'm making out with a shotty.
In reality, I’m sure I’d be gone in the first half hour.
Assuming they weren’t pedants, cause those guys can go f*ck themselves
Are we talking parasite, bioengineering, plague, or a Romero ?
I need to know what kind of zombies are we talking about here? Shaun of the Dead zombies? Dawn of the Dead? 28 Days Later? World War Z? Zombieland 1/2? Resident Evil?
Different zombie profiles require different defensive/offensive tactics
p.s. If you haven't read the novel, it's *immensely* superior to, and completely different than, the movie.
I'll be fine.
Maintenance drugs suck like that
I would survive pretty well in a walking dead type apocalypse.
World war z?
Not so much.
Fast Smart Zombie Apocalypse: I'd last about 32 hour before I was eaten.