Labour seem hell bent on wiping out that 174 seat majority they won in 2024. WFA, NI rises causing job losses, watering down non-dom, and now these welfare cuts for the (mostly) needy. Starmer seems to have a gun permanently pointed at his feet.
Don’t do it. If you give a bully your lunch once they will be back tomorrow and every day after that. Their threats and demands will increase until you are stealing for them.
Good grief, Starmer is a huge disappointment. He simply cannot let go of the rotten umbilical chord the UK insists on having with the USA. Both on the UK economy and even on planning Ukraine's defense. The latter's particularly egregious with Trump's administration so objectively siding with Russia.
Not in the least surprised. We have reached the point where we need to destroy the system to fix the system. Tweaks and adjustments just won't do it because it's the political class that is the prpolem.
Mandelson- a man who invariably runs into trouble around rich people - the dodgy house loan, the Hindujas’ passports, hanging out on Russian oligarch yachts, Epstein (allegedly) - was never the right person to deal with Musk, Thiel etc and the oligarchy that the US has now become.
Main contract for the Federated Data Platform was made on November 21, 2023.
The article suggests we can now cancel this - time to get in touch with local MPs!
I would prefer NOT to have a raving looney in our systems!
Amazing level of not understanding the situation in this thread.
If we can avoid tens of billions in lost revenue by avoiding the worst of trumps tariffs with this by move (which is one maybe two billion). It’s the right thing to do
Amazing level of naivety in this post in not understanding that Trump will just see this as a sign of weakness and press ahead with all kinds of other punitive actions favouring his billionaire clients. We need to stand up to this fascist regime not try to outsmart them.
They lost their chance to become a true Labour party when they booted Corbyn. As far as I could tell from overseas, people only voted them back in for what they weren't—Tories. But since they've actually turned out to be even worse than Sunak, Johnson, etc ... where to now?
Trump's tariffs will affect us whatever changes are made to welfare. Seems like common sense to try & lessen their impact if possible.
Though I think Mandelson is a slime ball.
I can't believe the utter weakness of this shower of ^%&*(&658. What is wrong with them? Rejoin the EU and, with apologies to my many US friends, tell the US to shove it.
it is literally the worst idea possible. Europe needs to make its own big tech... not cede any more ground to those fascist monopolistic c@@ts. its SOOO weak.
When I read about AI being the answer to everything, I realise those saying that have never used it or bothered to dig deep.
There is not one essential use for AI. It makes some jobs more efficient and pattern recognition is brilliant.
But watch Coreweave implode
Do they not listen to or understand what’s happening in the US? Judges threatened for following the law. Swathes of history deleted. Musk’s youngsters running riot. Trump being despotic. But hey, target people who are poor and disabled rather than the tech bros facilitating fascism.
If I'm reading the headline correctly, then it states verbatim: "Ambassador Lord Peter Mandelson signals that a variety of options are on the table"...
my comment stands.
Mandelson selling the UK... well that's the UK well and truly fffd up the swanny. What cd possibly go wrong with USA Conglomerates and oligarchs given the go ahead to helping themselves to what's left.
Genuinely fascinating to see a party pulling out all the stops to lose a general election rather than win one.
There’s a group of people in Labour HQ looking at the headlines and commentary right now and thinking to themselves: “This is vote winning stuff right here”
I'd do the opposite: impose a transaction tax for online purchases. Amazon et al currently weasel out of paying tax, but not if they have to pay a transaction tax.
Worse. At least when the Tories do this stuff we have the hope of a better alternative. How much longer will the backbenches tolerate this? We know that even many Cabinet members are deeply unhappy. Where’s the breaking point?
If they don’t grow a backbone then they’ll never have my vote. US business trading here needs to pay their fair share of tax here. Same for the ultra wealthy.
So. Serving in the interests of the people is now only applicable to serving in the interests of the mega wealthy people?
Who also appear to be the enemy within.
Ffs. Trump's USA, their tech bosses are not reliable allies.
800 MILLION POUNDS BRINGS IN, not enough, should be billions of pounds taxing those Tech Giants, just a drop in the ocean the money they get, while the disabled suffer
The U.S. is trying to get the techno-fascists out of our government. Once they weasel their way in, they're difficult to get rid of. You could wake up one day and Elon Musk is living in No. 10 Downing St.
We already have Palantir in our NHS, I'm hoping we can cancel the contract being as it was NHS England, set up by Tories to leach money and we have shut it down
You just don't understand that AI is going to save everything. Lobbyists know these things because of their direct contact and relationships with tech companies. You should become a lobbyist so you too can be considered the adult in the room.
Still find it hard to let go. Still hope that MPs will turn and sweep these charlatans away.
The Greens are doing everything right to replace Labour, but mustn't get too cocky. Need to stay humble. They represent the people, not take them for granted, as Labour do.
Lib dems have always been abreast of local issues, so that's a good reason to vote for them in the local elections, even if you are ideologically against them for the GE. And the bonus is that you get to kick Labour.
I was a cllr in the past. My local lib Dems are only effective at news letter delivery and pointing. I saw no effective action by them in 4 years. So I really can't sam. Sorry.
My preference in that scenario is the 'none of the above' spoil the paper option. They have to count and declare them. It tells them that you are voting but that the choices are all the same. Useless.
No elected greens in our area and those that stand get a 100 votes. It's very Tory, occasionally lab and entrenched libs in the same year after year divisions
Used to be the same in my constituency. But changed to Labour in 2024, for the first time ever. The Greens had over 2000, which was a pleasant surprise. There's usually a mix at local elections.
Trump knows that Mandy slagged him off then backtracked when he was appointed. This puts Mr. LittleBlackBook in a very weak position and Oompa Loompa will take him to the cleaners. Jellyfish don't have a spine either.
We need to be rallying like Bernie Sanders and AOC, we have sycophants of the 1% making decisions and that will result in the rise of reform and other fascist parties
Shame that a Labour government are taking the steps of placing the burden of tax on the poorest and most vulnerable and making those who can afford it exempt from the burden.
This is the most idiotic feeble act by the U.K. government .. to appease Trump which will anger EU and will set a wedge . This is exactly what USA and Russia would love .. to separate U.K. from Europe and if Starmer, Reeves and Mandleson think this is the way they are selling the 🇬🇧 to the devil
The literal enemies of free speech who helped deliver brexit through illegal targeting of voters, who got trump into power by blocking Democrats and boosting far right accounts will get a help from Labour!!!! They better fucking not!!!!
Its a false premis - we are already being hit with tariffs
Sky News have a piece about a plant here in the UK making stainless steel - they sent 2 ships full of it to the USA - when they arrived there was a £3m tariff charge on the cargo.
Feckibg Deployable , but I didn't Vote for Labour as @present they're Social democracies thus not Fecking Progressive. This could harm & Tories & Fecking Cunt Farage are going to Benefit ¡
Mandelsons client and close ally Peter Thiel will be delighted.
"He knows Peter Thiel, the right-wing billionaire backer of vice president JD Vance, and Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape, who is on the board of Meta".
This sort of post poses me off. I don’t have an FT subscription so can’t check the facts. No context given. No idea of what may happen in negotiations later this week. Report card? Must try harder.
It's almost as if this Labour government is doing everything it can to ensure Reform get in at the next GE and give us the self-serving, Trump sycophant that is Farage as our next PM. 🤬🤬
If Labour won't do what a Labour government is supposed to do by protecting poor, disabled, minority, working class & middle class voters, then why not fuck the whole country (The Labour Party along with it) instead of being the only ones getting fucked.
Ask Labour voters who don't go on certain social media handles and they'll tell you Wes Streeting is doing exactly the same but just doing it behind closed doors.
& "they're even more right wing than LABOUR" ain't gonna work as political strategy this time.
There’s a lot of people in America that thought that. Turns out, there was plenty they could lose. Spouses carted off by ICE agents, hairdressers labelled terrorists and exported to detention camps, the basic rule of law…
I accept that’s not enough though. People need to see their lives improve.
I think it can, and definitely will get worse under Reform or a Farage/Tory coalition, but Labour deserve a reckoning.
The incredible thing is they’ll look so shocked when they get kicked out after one term, while everyone else in the country could see it coming from a mile off. Utterly tone deaf.
It would certainly be worse, *but* you can't blame people for not rewarding failure, or a conclusion that getting rid of the current party appratus, could lead to a change in those parties. A "it would be even worse with them" is an abhorrant political strategy.
If Labour think they're going to to get away with using Trump & America as a beating stick to keep their voters in line they're very fucking wrong.
& as I've said before. Labour voters getting fucked by Farage would be expected. Getting fucked by our own side is a whole different level of betrayal.
Oh for goodness sake, if we can’t point to Donald Trump and tell people that they may vote for Farages lies, but here’s what you’re really voting for, then forget it. You disrespect the dupe by letting him vote like a fool while you stand aside and say nothing.
Are ambassadors supposed to formulate trade policies, or just schmooze to get government-formulated trade policies over the line?
Does he think is still a Minister?
If it means secumbing our personal data to P TheiL and Leon..... Then a flat NEVER should be our only option!
labour are red Tories. (The health secretary) Wes was literally bragging to the tories that Starmer's labour has achieved things the Tories only dreamed of.
Labour are better at being Tories than the Tories.
We are living in the worst we told you so possible.
I was criticised, on here, for voicing such an opinion.
Apparently, we're not allowed to criticise this Labour administration for going after soft targets.
It's ridiculous. The staunch labour supporters are so polarised that anybody who supports them agrees on nothing. We are allowed to criticise those that aren't working in the countries best interests, aren't wr?
We're still allowed! Going after the elderly, disabled etc is really not the way to win votes. They have done several good things already but that doesn't negate the bad.
They want you not to believe your eyes and ears. Especially so when the govt itself is briefing the press on the very stories which they don’t want you to believe your own eyes and ears about. This is very reminiscent of Brexit…everything based on lies.
It's a bit worrying, really. We'd had enough of a decade of Tory lies and mismanagement to then vote in what is looking more and more like a tory pastiche.
The desperation reeks. Mandelson just oozes sycophancy. How does this work? Genuinely? WTF do we achieve from a dubious deal with Trump that undermines our own tax take and likely destabilises trust with Europe.
Seems short sighted to ditch the US completely when we are tied to it already in so many ways. If this doesn't achieve anything then it can be revisited. I think it's still worth trying to keep up US relations to start with if we can.
I was listening to Miliband on R4 Today taking about green energy. And while I totally agree with his general thrust, I simply don’t understand why energy companies aren’t footing the bill (windfall tax, anyone?). Once again this government fears taxing businesses which are raking in HUGE profits.
The most disturbing aspect is that now Trump the bully realises that he has got a new target. One that is willing to pay. Our European partners will have noticed this too from the supposed leader of the “coalition of the willing”.
For most of these pasty boys it isn't the money, their identity has become their brand and their brand has taken over their identity. Denting their brand pains them.
In truth, its not actual cash in a warehouse somewhere that they have lost. Its value of stocks that have lost a lot of value. Chances are, even this is a scam to make more money when stocks go back up again.
We are spending many millions, probably billions in dealing with the carnage from these tech companies. Police, NHS, prisons, social services, education. We are currently using our taxes to subsidise them as they are not spending to keep their products safe.
For those who use #whatsapp there is a #European alternative: #Wire
#EU Alternative to #meta
#Wire: Based in Germany, Wire is a secure messaging app with encryption. It supports text, voice, video communication. Its popular among businesses for its collaboration features.
This is bad, it makes the UK more vulnerable. Too many UK companies are embedded in US cloud services like Azure, AWS, Meraki etc. These services can used to hold us to ransom because they can be turned off at a moments notice. We need to extract ourselves from them.
Thing is though, if my experience is anything to go by, the tech companies don’t actually pay DST, they pass it on to customers. Google certainly do: each month’s invoice has a line for DST levy equal to the DST due on that invoice.
The US pampered its tech billionaires, but they still developed a victimhood complex, got radicalized, took over the country and are now destroying it.
Why would the UK want to follow in the footsteps of the US?
Thanks to Brexit, the UK will have to kiss MAGA ass again and again and again in absurdum, until Farage becomes PM and the UK eventually becomes the 51st state off the coast of Europe.
UK is so weak by itself (as most know). Govt has a financial crisis but softening stance on tech bosses is not the way to go. They will be around long after Trump is out of office. Tariffs must be faced or find new trade partners to soften the blow.
Utterly appalling that the government would take money from disabled people and give further tax breaks, on top of those they already have to, tech companies. Tax them more I say to support poorer people. The only way democracy survives is if we all have a stake in society.
Political game-playing to secure one advantage at the expense of others, but that just hands even more power and wealth to those who screw the world order...
Obviously no one on the right will vote for Badenoch
And at this rate no one who wants progressive and fair policies is going to vote Labour
The only proviso is that there are more who are in the 2nd category than the 1st
So maybe a Green government
Is tax no longer required, will they cut Inland Revenue jobs?
Where might the employees come from to staff Border Agency or support Ministry of Defence?
How are DWP going to get those civil servants needed as of next month, to check on citizen bank accounts??
This government is Labour in Name Only
(Lino - also a cheap old fashioned type of floor covering - so an apt acronym for this lot. !!)
The article suggests we can now cancel this - time to get in touch with local MPs!
I would prefer NOT to have a raving looney in our systems!
If we can avoid tens of billions in lost revenue by avoiding the worst of trumps tariffs with this by move (which is one maybe two billion). It’s the right thing to do
they are not worse than the tories , slightly better on some policies but identical on most
Though I think Mandelson is a slime ball.
That has counted for sod all with Felon 47 last I heard
Nice man taking holiday snaps.
There is not one essential use for AI. It makes some jobs more efficient and pattern recognition is brilliant.
But watch Coreweave implode
…and a variety of payments ‘under the table’
Unless the govt have communicated this, it's yet another non story stirring faux outrage.
It’s an absolutely valid story that goes to the root of a number of issues
my comment stands.
Brown paper bags all round then I guess.
Oh, wait.......
There’s a group of people in Labour HQ looking at the headlines and commentary right now and thinking to themselves: “This is vote winning stuff right here”
And WTF is Mandelson doing out in public let alone representing the UK in Trump’s fascist US of A?
We're taking the roll over bitch option.
Fuck this govt if they cave to a twunt like Chump.
Who also appear to be the enemy within.
Ffs. Trump's USA, their tech bosses are not reliable allies.
Local elections are coming. Wonder how they will go?
Still find it hard to let go. Still hope that MPs will turn and sweep these charlatans away.
The Greens are doing everything right to replace Labour, but mustn't get too cocky. Need to stay humble. They represent the people, not take them for granted, as Labour do.
If you spoil your ballot paper they will know you belong to them at the GE and they will go further in enacting Tory policies.
Spoiling a ballot with a line through doesn't indicate a labour vote. It could be any.
I would prefer to vote labour: but I won't.
LibDems are OK at the moment.
My preference in that scenario is the 'none of the above' spoil the paper option. They have to count and declare them. It tells them that you are voting but that the choices are all the same. Useless.
Poor Pete had to fish his Oxford Chancellor job application out the bin once Dons had laighed enough..
All the Ferrero Rochers in the world won't take away the pain of being bested by Willy Hague!
Nuff said.
He needs to be sectioned, not appeased.
Labour I am getting sick of your sycophantic
toadying towards Trump.
Try some agression instead.
Sky News have a piece about a plant here in the UK making stainless steel - they sent 2 ships full of it to the USA - when they arrived there was a £3m tariff charge on the cargo.
but maybe that is what it will take for the bulk of Labour MPs to overthrow the useless leadership.
"He knows Peter Thiel, the right-wing billionaire backer of vice president JD Vance, and Marc Andreessen, co-founder of Netscape, who is on the board of Meta".
If Labour won't do what a Labour government is supposed to do by protecting poor, disabled, minority, working class & middle class voters, then why not fuck the whole country (The Labour Party along with it) instead of being the only ones getting fucked.
What've Labour voters got to lose?
& "they're even more right wing than LABOUR" ain't gonna work as political strategy this time.
At least getting fucked by Farage is expected. Getting fucked by your own side is a completely different level of betrayal.
I accept that’s not enough though. People need to see their lives improve.
Watching what is happing in the US, I think, yes, it really, really could.
But I’m one person. If enough people take your point of view, we’ll get to find out.
The incredible thing is they’ll look so shocked when they get kicked out after one term, while everyone else in the country could see it coming from a mile off. Utterly tone deaf.
& as I've said before. Labour voters getting fucked by Farage would be expected. Getting fucked by our own side is a whole different level of betrayal.
Does he think is still a Minister?
Starmer has the numbers to take us right back into the Single Market, but he’s *obsessed* with appeasing p.o.s Farage supporters instead.
(and not at all surprising)
Labour are better at being Tories than the Tories.
We are living in the worst we told you so possible.
Better at being bad is worse, which is what I was implying.
if you have a vote in the May elections vote Green , Independent or Lib Dem
Apparently, we're not allowed to criticise this Labour administration for going after soft targets.
Deeply alarming.
Tax the rich ❌
Starve the disabled and poor ✅
This is who they really are 🔥🇬🇧
They are so far gone.
The UK has to choose…the US or the EU.
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe..
And the Mone Wraths outgrabe
The UK has a choice to make.
Where is the centre of "balance" in that subject?
If you cared about Brexit you would recognise that the balance to be struck with Europe precludes any footsie with the US.
We have to at least look like we mean it.
My feeling is that a trade deal with Trump’s America is not worth the paper it’s printed on. Why is Starmer pursuing this nonsense?
#EU Alternative to #meta
#Wire: Based in Germany, Wire is a secure messaging app with encryption. It supports text, voice, video communication. Its popular among businesses for its collaboration features.
#boycott meta products
Thank you
Admittedly I haven't had it long. But it looks pretty decent from what I can tell.
Find alternatives where they exist: eg ratukan
He's enough of a menace over here.
British bulldog revealed to be a poodle.
Oh wait!
Make that a chihuahua, called Mandy.
I'm sure some old King sat on a beach on time to demonstate this.
The US pampered its tech billionaires, but they still developed a victimhood complex, got radicalized, took over the country and are now destroying it.
Why would the UK want to follow in the footsteps of the US?
In a way it would be better if he dumped on UK like he has on Canada - then HMG could be less obsequious - but then we'd be poorer!
UK TV industry in crisis, says Wolf Hall director