CDU/CSU &SPD have just proposed a sea change in German fiscal policy:
- defence spending above 1% of GDP exempt from debt brake
- 10-year €500bn special fund for infrastructure
- looser debt rules for states
- further debt-brake reform in new Bundestag
- defence spending above 1% of GDP exempt from debt brake
- 10-year €500bn special fund for infrastructure
- looser debt rules for states
- further debt-brake reform in new Bundestag
Inventors of both Rockets and Jet Engines & tracking & computer systems! It was already done on other sides, yanks just brought together!
They no longer allies!
Euro fighter, Saab doesn’t get enuf respect!
(They have been incredibly slow on this topic of change, like so many other topics. The Greens have been leading.)
The other part, the spending allocation, should be also in the law. It won't.
So it only looks like a big grift, the one the CDU/CSU is famous for, with no future results. Saludos amigos!
- debt brake, nemesis of Scholz government, suddenly defanged
- CDU/CSU u-turn within days of election
- sheer fiscal firepower unleashed (larger than GDPs of most European countries)
- old-school Merz dragging Germany into the present
It's going to get uglier.
Three years he was blocking these debts and now he wants them. Same with other political topics
However conditions changed long ago. It reveals that his resistance was pure populism. However, unlike Trump and others, he seems to come to his senses under sufficient pressure. That's good, after all.
What’s not to like?
How to? SPD and Union have more as 50% of seats. But for example "Schuldenbremse" debt brake need 2/3 of seats. In two Parlaments.
Is nice to Talk two Parties but without green and Die Linke no change of debt brake.
Nice idea, but without good deal for green and left is this only hot air.
Defense costs (or "investments") are added on
how could you've expected more to infrastructure after the messaging during this election campaign?
A U-turn that ought to have been done by SPD and FDP, and happened in 2022.