American farmers have stood firmly behind President Trump even when his trade policies hurt them. The latest trade war, which could be even worse for their sector, promises to test those ties again.
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I’m sorry but American farmers sound extremely stupid in this article. Engaging with facts and challenging the basis for still standing with Trump would make a better story. Readers can draw opinions from that.
Trump said he believes large scale commercial farming is more efficient than these family run farms. He’s going to bankrupt them and sell the land off to his friends at the mega-corps. Republicans have been running off this facade that they will always take care of rural towns, but they don’t.
"Farmers are supportive of the president and what he wants to achieve, but they're worried about how long it will take and how it will affect them," Duvall said.
Supportive of the president
Worried how it will affect them
Selfish Idiot
Hope you plow more expenses than profits this year.
Getting people to vote against their own interests even to the point of ruining their lives is Trump's super power. It says so much about the human condition.
You support a corrupt regime that doesn’t have any of your best interests at heart. Than you deserve what you get, which is usually nothing but crap to step in from this administration.
They were bailed out of the 2019 tariff fiasco by the Biden administration. If we don’t have a free and fair election again, there will be no one to save them.
That’s what Kash Patel is for. He’s the patsy. when it all goes down and they need to blame a black or brown person Patel is going to have a little target on his back.
The dems started the farmers bailout last time, they still voted for it. X propaganda fox propaganda, Russian propaganda. Stealing the election those people are morons.
They’re already bewildered that explicit exemption hasn’t been issued for ICE threats.
They’ve rationalized (here) it is not 47 but retaliatory action resultant to farming in a blue state, *they’re just the collateral victim. 🙄
Please note the victim isn’t their terrified min wage labor. Pricks
These farmers condemn Canada as socialist for controlling dairy supply.Then they sell their votes to Trump for subsidies. Who’s the Communist?
p.s even Wharton teaches that only increasing supply in times of low price will not increase profit
p.p.s. we don’t want your hormone-laden dairy.
Sounds to me like American farmers - painting with the broadest of brushes here - are either MORONS or more devoted to their precious bigotry than their own families' best interests. Shameful. It's hard not to root for their farms to go under. Except I'm baaaaaarely too nice to do so. For now.
They deserve everything coming to them, which they’ll blame on immigrants or Biden anyway. The “farmers know bullshit when they see it because they’re straight-shooters” sort of adage needs to die.
"Zook also recalls the pain experienced in Trump's 2018 trade war, which hit farmers particularly hard. "The markets definitely went down last time," he acknowledges."
Exactly! China's retaliatory tariffs on soybeans, during Trump's last trade war, in 2018, cost U.S. farmers close to $30billion, and knowing this 78% of them voted for him again.
Last trade war with China didn’t put a dent in US farmer support for Trump. What makes you think it will be different this time. around?
In the end, Trump will give farmers money.
Aggravating agriculture’s biggest international markets is not doing the farmers any good. In addition, aggravating suppliers of products required to grow good crops that come from international markets will also hurt agriculture.
If people are going to get hurt from electing a facists, I hope they feel the pain deep to their core. Every voter for Trump needs to get it right up and down the chain. Let them eat rice cakes.
after he screwed the entire agriculture sector in Trump 1.0, we the tax payers provided over $20B to farmers to make up for their losses, at his demand.
American farmers are subsidized by large corporations. They are strong armed and bullied into agreeing to whatever the administration or “Big Ag” wants. Let’s be for real real here!
If they haven’t dumped him yet, they won’t. They’ll just blame immigrants and drag queens instead of their own stupidity and continue being bent over and getting an orange mushroom up their cornhole cause god and ‘Merica.
And the cost of inputs in crazy high, so that it can be challenging to make it thru harvest and come out ahead by much.
You try making a living at farming and see how you do.
Farmers do certainly have hard jobs. But they received a heck of a lot of money after Trump's trade war debacle the first time he was president. The fact many seemed happy to let him bail them out again feels disingenuous.
Maybe you should go talk to a farmer who constantly has their hand out for money…because they produce too much of something, not enough of something, didn’t grow anything at all…
The US system is broken, and the farmers who constantly benefit, still vote against social programs for others
Do you actually know any US farmers? While there surely are some like that, most tend to be the hardest working people who take great pride in what they do. But the fact is that they are totally at the mercy of Mother Nature, and she can be a hateful bitch at times.
We can pay farmers and educate poor children. We just need to tax the rich. And no, I don't care if it hurts the yacht and jet industries. Tax the rich. Help everyone.
majority of them are already going bankrupt not because of the 25% tariffs or even the 250% tariffs, with immigration there are zero workers, who wants to work in the cold, dark wet field at three in the morning 🤷♀️🐥
This country disseminated American manufacturing-Trump will do the same to American farmers; only this time tariffs will kill farm trade across our northern and southern borders. Get ready to eat junk food during the winter months, while our farm lands become dust bowls.
Farmers vote Trump. Trump cause farmers financial heartache. Trump bails out Farmers with tax dollars. Farmers whine about welfare for others. Farmers continue supporting Trump.
Don’t we already trade with Mexico for a lot of things? I would have thought potash was on the list but apparently we’re gonna have a lot of it to sell soon so have at it!
You have to wonder about the sanity of a group of people whose commitment to hatred makes them willing to vote for a guy who wants to deprive them of their living, just so he can abuse transgender people. Especially since few of them will ever meet a transgender person.
I think you posted your reply to the wrong post. There is no mention of or implication of hate in my post. Hope you find the one you intended to respond to.
If you want to play semantics, fine, you questioned "sanity" not expressing hatred. Im going to assume you were just surprised that some farmers are not cis republicans and that's why you got defensive.
How fucked up is it that your ego and hatred for one black woman you know nothing about forced you to vote against your best interests? This is America.
How dumb, or ignorant, or prideful must one be at this point to be a farmer who continues to support a person who has continued to threaten your livelihood? That is mind-blowing.
Fuck the farmers!!!
This is their fault as well.
The trump voters Fucked themself and all of the rest of US.
Fuck the whiny assholes. I have no Pity for Any of them!
Fuck them ALL!
It's cause he bailed them out last time (to the tune of 28 billion for soy farmers alone), and they know he'll bail them out again.
Students with loans = go pound sand
Folks on medicaid = go pound sand
Farmers and agribiz = gov't handout for you!
Between the trade war and DOGE slashing a ton of programs and support networks that directly benefit farmers, uh, might be time to start saving themselves, cuz Elon sure isn't going to 😅
He sold his votes as snake oil. "Vote for me and all your problems will go away!"
Smart people said, "Well that's clearly not true."
Stupid people said, "Alright! No more problems!"
And the wealthy said, "Well I do own twelve snake oil factories..."
The 🍊🤡 will just use our tax dollars to bail them out again. Farmers don’t care if he screws them over as long as he gives them our tax dollars to make up for it. Better not try this again. FAFO
White rural Americans are racist, which is why they voted for Trump. Unless he stops being racist, they will probably continue to like him.
Family owned farms will be hurt the most. Big ag will buy them all up for pennies on the dollar. I have no sympathy for people who vote against their best interests.
In a few generations, people will talk about how their families were ruined by the GOP and it was all their fault
We already have Monsanto doing that with seeds. They own so ething like 87% of all gmo seeds globally and if yur field happens to cross pollinate with a neighboring field that uses it, Monsanto will sue your ass over it.
They are idiots. They still support and believe in the criminal who would destroy them just for fun. He will ruin them, and then blame the Dems. Stupid stupid fools.
They( farmers) don’t care , the tariffs that put farmers in a stand still during the first Trump’s run as president was salvaged from ruins by Biden but a large number (94%)of the
Farmers still voted for Trump 2.0 It’s what they are, they will always vote against their own interests.
Where's THEIR harm? Why would they stand down when taxpayers (without a choice) have to bail them out? Look at all the other industries and people being harmed because farmers backed Trump? What about them?
Give the farmers what's left after bailing out the innocent bystanders in Trump's chaos!
They won't be getting a bail out this time around. Cause he's not running for office. Just like those checks he signed in the rescue. It's all about perception. But he doesn't need them anymore.
I wonder how they would feel if they knew Trump has invited African farmers and their families to have fast citizenship here in America to compete with our American farmers! How’s that for building a big beautiful wall?
Central Valley California farmers are already on thin ice. They have drained the aquifers and without water, there's nothing that will grow, yet they still vote republican. The Farmer's Union is the only credible organization that speaks truth to the farmers across America. do we not have any strong Iowa Democrats to show support for our Midwest farmers in this administration? We need to show a clear vision that switching votes is an obvious and trustworthy choice for them.
I know there are great farmers with good hearts but it’s astonishing how a toxic mix of xenophobia, racism, and stunted critical thinking skills can override facts, logic and reasoning in many of us.
Any psychologists able to help us understand?
And I’m pretty sure most of those farmers didn’t vote to break off relationships with our allies and align with Russia
Trump doesn’t give a fuck about safety and security all he cares about is investment opportunities in Russia.
The list of groups that Grifty Trump hate/hurts but still somehow support him beyond all reason is amazing:
Vets, farmers, old people, poor people, red state, blue state . american people, world people, covid people...all except old Mac-Daddy Putin, & that Korean guy he had a fling with 2yrs ago.
The farmers will suffer, theymay lose land and money, but they will always back their (cult) leader. After all he will spin it and somehow they will be happy with what ever scraps he leaves them.
Farmers were given $28 billion to offset losses due to tariffs the last time. Assuming they are expecting to get another bailout which is why they keep voting for him.
Last time farmers were hurt so bad that just about all the money collected from China tariffs had to be given to farmers. So American consumers were the only ones to lose.
Supportive of the president
Worried how it will affect them
Selfish Idiot
Hope you plow more expenses than profits this year.
The overwhelming majority (~67%) of plant calories go to feed livestock.
Go Vegan. Cripple Trump's base.
🛏️? 💤 🛌🏻.
They’ve rationalized (here) it is not 47 but retaliatory action resultant to farming in a blue state, *they’re just the collateral victim. 🙄
Please note the victim isn’t their terrified min wage labor. Pricks
p.s even Wharton teaches that only increasing supply in times of low price will not increase profit
p.p.s. we don’t want your hormone-laden dairy.
Yet he still voted for Trump in 2024...
“You’ve got to remember these are simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know . . . Morons.”
In the end, Trump will give farmers money.
Once a member of a cult it often takes years to leave; sometimes requiring intervention and deprogramming.
Now, another trade war is coming. Will it test their loyalty—or just deepen the addiction?
Yeah, sure they support him. With our money.
You try making a living at farming and see how you do.
Maybe you should go talk to a farmer who constantly has their hand out for money…because they produce too much of something, not enough of something, didn’t grow anything at all…
The US system is broken, and the farmers who constantly benefit, still vote against social programs for others
Get in the way of their lives.
Our allies of yesterday are gone. Farmers will have different customers.
The world around us is currently volatile.
Putin wants
Trump wants
The world is trying to adjust their economies.
It might take a while.
They are reshaping the future job market.
Out with the old and in with the new.
Decreased Demand
Higher production costs
Decreased profitability
Financial stress 😩
Even while Democratic policies consistently are supportive of farmers
Elections have consequences
Are US farmers claiming to be those 'somebodies?'
This is their fault as well.
The trump voters Fucked themself and all of the rest of US.
Fuck the whiny assholes. I have no Pity for Any of them!
Fuck them ALL!
Students with loans = go pound sand
Folks on medicaid = go pound sand
Farmers and agribiz = gov't handout for you!
There is no mystery here. It's all transactional.
Smart people said, "Well that's clearly not true."
Stupid people said, "Alright! No more problems!"
And the wealthy said, "Well I do own twelve snake oil factories..."
They're all getting taught what "pandering" means.
Y’all deserve ALL of it!!
I can tell you they are hard workers who like strong leaders who enforce their hatred for gov.
But Mom said, what do you get when you put a bunch of farmers in the basement? A wine cellar.
#chickensforcolonelsanders #fafo
In a few generations, people will talk about how their families were ruined by the GOP and it was all their fault
Profit above humanity.
Farmers still voted for Trump 2.0 It’s what they are, they will always vote against their own interests.
He wrote 28 BILLION dollars in checks to them when China cancelled their contracts.
Talk about #WelfareQueens!
Nice work if you can get it.
Give the farmers what's left after bailing out the innocent bystanders in Trump's chaos!
Let all your kids know you were self-blinding and voting for a woman was weak!
This is a crazy grim future we've got comin
Any psychologists able to help us understand?
Trump doesn’t give a fuck about safety and security all he cares about is investment opportunities in Russia.
Vets, farmers, old people, poor people, red state, blue state . american people, world people, covid people...all except old Mac-Daddy Putin, & that Korean guy he had a fling with 2yrs ago.
You’re fucking fools.
The oligarchy is fixing to snap up agricultural land and they’re not paying full price.
They’re gonna fuck up market conditions until you’re begging to sell to AcreTrader, app courtesy of JD Vance.
Trump’s only out to enrich his billionaire buddies.