The numbers get worse for these guys if you create a fake GDP along these lines. What happened here is Elon and Trump crashed the economy in less than two months and Elon’s now whining about macro indicators to cover his ass like a little bitch.
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Also, if you blow up the government, the private sector loses: (1) direct funding; (2) customers; (3) predictability; and (4) social support that allows people to keep working. Honestly, if blowing up the government only leads to a 3% drop in GDP it'll be astonishing.
I guarantee, if you exclude government spending the fall in GDP will be even greater. Musk is gas lighting America with the suggestion that government spending will decrease.
Elon needs to take a 100 level college macroeconomics class. I know more about government spending and national debt than he does. He’s a psychopath, he thinks he knows a lot more than he really does, and he’s only out to serve his own interests anyways.
BITCHES is right. Our economy will never recover under Trump and Musk. And there will be more plane crashes since Trump got rid of Verizon to give Elon’s Starlink over FAA. Elon has too much control over our government. BULLIES
😠Like Musk knows what makes people's lives better!!! Musk and Donny's cuts will sink the GDP and raise the unemployment numbers. 😂 Trump will go down in history as the only president to destroy the economy in a single quarter!
I’m not sure what Musk’s point is exactly, but GDP always includes lots of stuff that not only doesn’t make people’s lives better, but actively makes both individuals and all of us collectively worse off. It’s a crap index to use to judge policy outcomes.
Funny thing is that there is a technical explanation for the gdpnow cratering and every reason to think it will stabilize soon (in normal circumstances of course). has a good thread on it. If Elon wasn't so brain poisoned he might spend 30 sec learning about how that model works!
If more people worked at the DMV, less people would waste their time at the DMV, increasing productivity and make people's lives better. Cause who wants to wait at the DMV?
This is inane and misleading. Sure let’s just take one of the major components of GDP out of the calculation because we are reducing it, then day things like defense spending and health care and infrastructure spending don’t make people’s lives better.
It is called the ‘multiplier effect’ or when you cut its the ‘divider effect’.
Exclude one govt expenditure; exclude all incl. milit, homeland sec, infrastr maint and invest, space pgm, health care, tax collection, agric pgms, social pgms… everything. You can’t hide just your mistakes.
They haven't crashed the economy yet. Q1 demand was pulled into Q4 2024 to avoid tariffs. Also, U.S. government spending has not dropped off from a year ago. In fact, Trump spent $70B more from Feb. 1 -Feb. 26 than Biden did a year ago. Where did the money go?
While their ruling was incorrect and insane, the one thing the Supreme Court was crystal clear on is that, while the President is immune from prosecution for "official acts", his lackeys are absolutely not.
Or they’re purposely crashing it so they and their billionaire pals can profit from the collapse. They DO NOT CARE about shame or cover. You can bet that for every industry they wreck, there’s a billionaire donor who will profit.
Thing is, even if it were true (which it largely isn‘t) and they would spend gov. resources on completely wasteful and useless things, creating those things would still put American people in jobs, thus making their life better.
This conman will say ANYTHING to weasel his way out of responsibility.
He will make his frothing MAGA supporters think it's good to tank the economy, to tank their 401ks, to take their children's college funds, to tank their pension funds, and all because he said so.
I have a little game that I like to play with MAGAtards when they spout this nonsense.
I tell them, truthfully, that "about 50% of my revenue comes from government contracts."
Then I tell them, I have two $100 dollar bills in my wallet. One came from a private client. The other from a gov't client.
Musk refers to “things that don’t make peoples lives better” — which to him seems to include things like food, vaccines, social security, hurricane warnings, infrastructure…. His head is so far up his ass that it ‘ain’t gonna play Sun City.’
Hey Elon. The National Weather Service and NOAA make lives better. Funding medical and other scientific research better. Protecting consumers from predatory lenders make life better. Medicaid,Medicare and Social Security make lives better, the National Park Service makes lives better; as does EPA
Elon doesn't care that the U.S. government will fail to provide services to its citizens.
Elon can pay for everything normal people depend on the government to provide, which is why we built the institutions Elon is destroying.
It's all about "common sense" 🙄
Another slice of who he sees as lessors.
“We can pay half the people to dig a hole, then put Elon in one.”
Exclude one govt expenditure; exclude all incl. milit, homeland sec, infrastr maint and invest, space pgm, health care, tax collection, agric pgms, social pgms… everything. You can’t hide just your mistakes.
*(as easily)
He will make his frothing MAGA supporters think it's good to tank the economy, to tank their 401ks, to take their children's college funds, to tank their pension funds, and all because he said so.
And many will believe it.
Nothing like self-inflicted maximum economic pain to shake up the populace.
Invisible Hand, bitches.
I tell them, truthfully, that "about 50% of my revenue comes from government contracts."
Then I tell them, I have two $100 dollar bills in my wallet. One came from a private client. The other from a gov't client.
Somehow, they never guess correctly.
it really IS the economy, stupid.