I think a lot about how Crazy Rich Asians made a ton of money, huge hit, beloved movie. Sequel, guaranteed hit. And then the Asian woman cowriting the script asked to be paid the same amount as the white man they paired her with, and the studio completely abandoned the sequel rather than do that
-Them, probably
The Asian male lead issue is why I’m happy that the Asian community started creating their own content so they could exclude the lesser. Shogun is a masterpiece for example
We'd then be subject to endless shrill cries of "but it's not fair!" 😂
In the process, enormous damage is done to Asian men who are erased & Asian women who are told the best they can get is some mediocre White man. We need an Asian Bechdel test.
Whatever she wanted wasn’t going to break the bank or make the movie unprofitable.
Crouching tiger hidden dragon
Shogun, both versions
The seven samurai
Good for her tho!
He didn’t.
I'm hopeful but I'm sad we likely won't have the absolute Goddess of Gemma Chan in the role.
Black and Hispanic people have constantly been denied the opportunity to amass capital, and consistently have their institutions dismantled.