The secret is the soft touch and trust building. My cat Jazzy loves a gentle belly rub. She loves her little feet massaged too. Very gently between her claws. Ladies love a slow hand.
tell this lovely boy that he's not supposed to like belly rubs (istg, he looks like belly rubs is all that his want here and he's surprised that hooman is holding a phone instead giving him some belly rubs)
That’s dangerous. Mine latched on with teeth and claws (did not clamp down) and proceeded to bathe me like an errant kitten for having the audacity to touch her belly
First of all I gently rub my cat's belly. Don't ask me why but I'm fascinated with the softness. He's used to it so he allows it. I love his little soft furry belly🧡
They’re all different, my cat will murder me if I touch her belly. I had another cat that always wanted me to vacuum her whole body and another cat that was addicted to cantaloup😆
They’re all unique but my cat that I ended up taking care of after my dad passed away is way different than any other cat I’ve had and can’t stand me touching anything but her head. Never heard of another cat loving cantaloup😅
They are weird, highly individual creatures. My sister had a cat who stole things like straws and perfume and hid them by category. Always smelled like a French whore, too, according to said sister. At night, he would take his treasures out and sing to them. Then put them back.
Ours all Love, Love, Love belly rubs. The little girl, Midget, throws herself down and rolls over on her back to encourage it and thusly acquired the nickname of Tumbelina.
My old one LOVE them. Literally hours if I had the patience. She wouldn't let me get up to go do something. At the time I thought it was lovable, but annoying after a while.
What I would give to have to "suffer" through that again. 😢
You’ve never met any of my cats. Those we raised from kittens were handled 4-5x/day from the day after they were born. By the time they were old enough to wander around on their own they had come to love human contact, & intentionally flop onto their backs for belly rubs.
My Talisker absolutely refuses to take more than 30 belly rubs a day, unless they are offered. I haven't the free time to discover how long she'll allow them to continue.
Only has three in my life who were anti-belly rub. They were also in the “don’t touch my sides, tail, and I might still bite if I get overstimulated” camp.
Oh yeah, your kitty obviously DESPISES belly rubs lololol. This is my Monkey buddy who is ALSO not a trap. He's my hand warmer and security blankie at night when I can't sleep with the downy white belly floof he has going on there. Just me though!
this belief has always confused me, cuz i've had many cats and MOST of them LOVE belly rubs, like yours. usually if a cat doesn't like it, it's less the belly rub and more a lack of trust with the rubber. like humans and kisses- slapping a stranger for going in for one doesn't mean we hate kisses.
My oldest cat would normally rip me a new one if I tried. However, yesterday she was feeling gracious. She turned herself over, and let me rub her belly for several minutes! She even licked my hand! 😱
I think what happens is that his kittens people don’t know how to approach this and so they invoke the fight response. I have a seven month old kitten here and I can do this only because I did not do that rub the belly to fight play thing when he was young.
Some cats do not! You would think this was an invitation to rub his belly, but you would be wrong. He will shred you if you try. Learned that one the hard way 🫤
For me what happens is the claws on front paws go in my arm and then the back paws push my arm away while the front ones pull towards him. It’s less than pleasant.
Yeah, well, we went from a cat that demanded daily belly rubs (that wonderful creature graced our lives for 19 years) to a little black devil that massacred anyone who came near her belly. We loved her, too, but it was rather disappointing.
Mine likes a belly pat. Old cat would DESTROY you if you even attempted such things. The belly was fluffy, white, perfectly groomed and completely off limits
We have two cats.
My gal loves a good belly rub.
My kid’s cat will leave you bleeding if you try. But he loves being slapped like a dog?! Seriously, you can thump him (his back, not his head) and he just struts around yelling for more.
I see what you're saying. That cat, for example, is clearly gonna sue you for pet abuse...once the rubbing and petting is over, of course. Oh, how they tolerate what we put them through. (p.s. does she lay there, on her back, once you stop, and while she is still in cat ecstasy? I thought so.)🙂
ps. talons not trimmed. ✌️😎♥️🐈⬛
What I would give to have to "suffer" through that again. 😢
…..but you might wanna keep the ambulance number around just in case.
Who will roll over and go to sleep with a belly rub… after purring a very long time…
But they all 1st met me as kittens….
And they are all flame points…
and flame points sometimes act a little like dogs…
one of mine even loves to play fetch…
Going to attack in a few minutes if you keep that up.
Attack or maybe sleep - I can’t remember the plan.
He’s adorable.
We have two cats.
My gal loves a good belly rub.
My kid’s cat will leave you bleeding if you try. But he loves being slapped like a dog?! Seriously, you can thump him (his back, not his head) and he just struts around yelling for more.
First thing she’s does is roll over so I can rib her belly‼️
No scratching me etc, just love♥️