QUESTION: Do you think capitalism can ever be separated from racial and gendered exploitation?
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I'll go first. I think US capitalism resembles a feudal caste system that's designed to divide us for profit.
I want this to be a follow-back thread, so drop a reply, and follow back the best answers.
I'll go first. I think US capitalism resembles a feudal caste system that's designed to divide us for profit.
I don't think that exploitation is inherently racial or gendered.
I think there are a lot of capitalists that don't much care who they exploit and will just go for the easiest target.
We need to educate folks about voting FOR their interests instead.
Economic or political systems don't change that much, right?
Other great errors beyond Colonialism, allowing “We the People” to be interpreted as “We the People and Corporations.” The corruption of the Supreme Court has l ad to where we are today.
Overturn Citizens United & we’ll have a fighting chance.
One could argue that the ruling elite were cut off from the heads of government, wealth, power, influence, and a foot of height - all at the same time.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité!
We could also ask whether socialism can be assuredly democratic - I do not speak of utopia but reality, as well as the question whether human beings are perfectible. Therefore...
If you arent a white cis het male you arent allowed to thrive under it,
And I am talking about this while we are studying the 1820's. Will it change? I don't know
And since the capitalists and billionaires own and control our government, our congress, our courts, and our states, that ain't happening.
That's what we have.
Capitalism should not be allowed near prisons, schools, or hospitals.
Capitalism must be regulated.
And now they want to take the American pie away from certain citizens!
If we do not figure out how to undo the key attacks that have crippled democratic gov’t, we’re done.
It's a feature...
🪳👈🏼 Not a bug.
It's the immigrants' fault!
It's the damn working wimmin!
It's the poor people's fault!
"Pure" capitalism is organized crime, period.
Highly regulated capitalism has the potential to harness the power of human greed and keep it in bounds to produce shared prosperity. But it's an extremely messy process. I was more hopeful until this month.
So, not here
Its all based on the concept of winners and losers.
When you use the bodies of other people as payment, you inextricably intertwine the social and the economic.
American capitalism is neutral(ish) but not really, as the fact that it was founded on these principles leads to their constant manifestation of themselves tending towards exploitation.
In the US it is race. We literally could have said anything but we used race because of slavery.
Could capitalism be separated from a particular kind of exploitation? Maybe, but never from any and all exploitation.
It’s fairly difficult to maintain a position of economic parity with men who already occupy most positions of power and own almost everything within a system designed to keep women pregnant & uneducated.
Capping corporate growth also helps...
No more megacorps...
We must control Capitalism which is antithetical to moving Humanity forward.
We can fix it all!
A society in which capitalism operates, though, is typically interested in preserving its legacy power structure.
To me, that's the point of attack for correction.
Practically? No. We're far too enmeshed in our current system to just extricate the capitalism from the bigotry.
Best to end both.
Dr. King and Malcolm were right. For far too long, they partake from the tree of socialism as an entitlement for the rich while advocating capitalism for the poor.
Tradespersons are still looked down upon (I know this from personal experience) 1/
I spent two weeks in college before I realized it was a terrible idea, dropped out, and joined the trades, and now make a comfortable living.
This is an image that needs to be corrected in the eyes of society 2/
But we in the trades are *still* looked down upon in so many circles. There is sea change needed here. /rant
Socialism means society makes those decisions and, if set up democratically, everyone benefits from the return on investment.
For example, law firms.
Capitalism requires exploitation and inequality to exist. That's the bedrock of the whole rotten ideology.
For the excellent capitol police who risked their lives. The plaque remains in a closet cuz shameful hasn’t hung it yet.
Please/thank you 🙏🏽
at its core, capitalism seeks to exploit everyone for monetary gain. so in “perfect capitalism” the system would be gaining from everyone regardless of their identity.
HOWEVER there comes the rebuttal that capitalism actually does cause+
capitalism breeds monopolies if the reigning government doesn’t interfere with the distribution of wealth, and it creates a climate not unlike current-day america.
the monopoly holders want to ensure they please the general audience by producing their goods without any hint
but in this way, most brands lack the substance to cater to those who deserve the attention to their+
many major brands (cough disney cough) won’t actively put pro-lgbtq+ into their product until the world decides that it’s okay. like us finally getting bipoc characters in disney movies after society finally agreed that racism is BAD (which it is, to clarify my perspective)+
so in turn, we lose potentially huge spotlights shining on societal issues, like racism, sexism, homophobia,+
disproportionate racial poverty, indigenous communities facing ethnic cleansing, lgbtq hate crimes at work, women earn less than men.
war, it should have been nudged in a more socialist direction. By the Industrial Revolution, it was too late.
I had to affirmatively reject my legacy memberships from each org.
A license plate frame in my area says “save your confederate dollars, boys, the south’s gonna rise again”.