Everyone meet Joanne Sosa!
Joanne did the Seig Heil Nazi salute several times last night the Huntington Beach City Council chambers last night during the council meeting, and publicly identified herself.
Many in the chambers were disgusted by her actions -- the council itself didn't seem to care.
Joanne did the Seig Heil Nazi salute several times last night the Huntington Beach City Council chambers last night during the council meeting, and publicly identified herself.
Many in the chambers were disgusted by her actions -- the council itself didn't seem to care.
I don’t understand the need for some ppl to be so fucking cruel
Which is why I love animals far more than some humans
All the animals I’ve had the privilege of knowing had souls so pure
Most ppl don’t have any souls
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Make Racists Afraid Again
This is gonna be the Darwin Decade.
I hold the uncontroversial view that Nazi ideology is horrible.
However, free speech (which is what the gesture) is protected and the city council should not be restricting speech of the citizenry.
As long as the Nazis keep to shouting and hand gestures, they’re free to be assholes.
“I’m a Nazi and I’m here to [sound of Nazi choking on their own teeth but this is not the state’s doing]”
I think we can all agree on this.
Same goes for some fucker doing a Nazi salute.
You want her to be able to profit from being a Nazi?
My family was murdered under that gesture. Maybe yours too. If you caught someone shitting on the graves of your ancestors, would you react by asking what's legal?
I think leaving evidence of intent or other clear thoughts on such situations is poor judgement.
Private citizens can make their own choices based their personal, shall we say, risk appetite.
It’s a free country after all and free speech does not mean free of consequences.
However, waving your arms around in the air is clearly different than saying I’m going to kill you.
It made America Great.
Getting back to that might actually accomplish what their kitschy catch phrase suggests.
But it's true that free speech in the United States also covers hate speech - courts have been clear that "there is no First Amendment exception for hate speech".
We are seeing now what the free expression of anti-scientific, Chslristian Nationalist, and Nazi speech gets you.
And that view is less and less "uncontroversial" when an entire political party is disturbingly comfortable with it.
A Nazi salute is hate speech, and it should not be tolerated at a public meeting. You wouldn’t tolerate someone shouting racial or homophobic slurs. One warning, then escort her out. That’s how it should be handled.
You give her a warning and if she fails to comply, then she’s trespassing and you kick her Nazi ass out.
How can you just straight up defend nazi shit? Do you not have any shame?
If they won’t do that, audience members in turn can individually cause a stink one at a time (that’s free speech too) and make the meeting untenable whenever even one person does a sieg heil.
She has a right to her speech but not a platform.
There's probably a rule about being disruptive that the saluterer could be flirting with.
TLDR nazis are not playing by the same rules and seek to weaponise the lefts tolerance. They do not however care about showing the same tolerance to others.
Actually punk bars tend to kick the shit out of them en route to the door, but baby steps eh?
FFS go read some Karl Popper.
You need to be a serial offender to be actually send into jail.
But better than nothing
that's how long our memory holds the line against chaos
If she was directing it at a specific person who she is threatening, she could be charged with a crime
I'm interested in recognizing HATE SPEECH (which includes public hate gestures) for what it is and dealing with it as it happens.