Another Texas bill that has no chance of passing, but its wild what the fringe is putting out there.
Literally makes it "fraud" to be trans.
Literally makes it "fraud" to be trans.
"For purposes of this section, “dragshow” means a performance in which all of the following apply:"
Wait, does that mean we get to be president next?
…They’re manufacturing justification for criminalizing trans existence.
Arrested for fraud.
Put in jail.
Be killed… or worse.
I want to be so fucking done with this shit.
(Late 1800s trans man from Mexico who did not stand for people questioning his gender)
You follow these bills and the exact wording a lot closer than me, so does this also strike you as unusual wording? Not "determined at birth" or "observed" or anything like that, but, assigned, the same language a lot of trans people use?
But honestly yes. Why are we assigning sex to kids at all? It's weird.
At best it should be something you fill in when you reach legal age 🤷♀️
Oh, sure, we get “live your life how you want” statements, but there are plenty of people who aren’t aggressively against us but aren’t allies either who won’t actually stick up for us.
All these fucking moderates refuse to see what's happening.
They know. They don't care.
But is it **likely**...?
this is clearly an "establishment of religion" issue,
not that they're reading Genesis's "God made absolutely everything" right either.
It's about protecting children in the same way school segregation was about protecting children.
why do they hate us so much?
what did we do?
People can't actually realize that Republicans can't govern or do anything to make their lives easier if people are too busy being distracted by culture war bullshit.
It's distraction for decent people and the goal for Republicans.
2 birds, 1 stone type of shit
We are watching stabbed in the back myth type shit
People being able to change which category they're in shows that the whole conservative viewpoint is bullshit. They need an "other" to antagonize.
How about the government? Is it fraud they had it wrong on the birth certificate?
Sooo...we are technically good according to them?
But of course we all know they dont care aboht biology and will just yell something about chromosomes or what genitals you had as a fetus or something
Solidarity. Massive respect for your work. Keep safe but keep fighting back this bullshit. I know enough holocaust history to know it never stops and I am sorry you are apart of this 1st bullshit
Google CyFair ISD Texas - add the work “swastika”, “Nazi” and lots are articles will come up 😡.
Pic related
And you know what happened?
And then these communities in DR where this is common were "discovered" by US doctors... and they found that the kids came through the transition just fine if left alone.
A law like this would force some people to have to live as the wrong sex for them, because assigned sex at birth is not always correct. This is *stupid*.
"Okay, so what?"
"But I'm not *supposed* to be attracted to her!"
"Why not?"
"Because I've decided I shouldn't!"
But they're usually wrong about themselves.