There's this weird idea that A.I. art/music/books/etc. is inevitably going to become good and not weird and annoying and off-putting and that we're going to stop liking art made by human beings.
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that's what I always wondered. I remember reading about the video game crash of 1983, where consumers just stopped buying home video games because there was no way to tell which ones were worth their time and money. how is AI supposed to solve that problem for entertainment?
The current methods are the most just turned out that with large enough datasets Big Stealing finally popped something out. There are future methods to come that are more sophisticated. I'm not saying that's good or should happen just that it will, whether years or centuries out
No fundamental underlying discoveries were made to kick off the current AI boom circa 2010. Data (to steal) and compute just got bigger. They're still the Artificial Neural Networks of the 1960s.
My question is why are the Arts always Slaughtered? We have had the technology to replace Medical diagnostics, Especially & Law/Legal Matters. Why aren't the Doctors, Judges & Cops *IMMEDIATELY* in danger of being replaced?
Those positions could be replaced now.
But no. Replace the Arts 1st.
It's going to be "good enough" for people who don't understand art. The people who just want shiny pictures, movies with explosions, and music with simple beats will be just fine with AI alternatives, and that's where the trouble starts.
I'm not sure. It seems to me like right now, everyone likes generating AI stuff but no one wants to consume it. Even something as low effort as twitch streaming is worlds better than the best ai.
I have my doubts about it too. There's novelty to it right now but of all the A.I. images/videos/etc. I've seen so far, I haven't seen anything that was exciting or interesting or engaging.
I'm thinking of more mundane markets. DnD players and anime fans who want their OCs done quick and cheaply. The "sexy AI instabots" are already flooding Instagram and tiktok.
It's going to be people who want that stuff, not the people who care about an engaging story.
I'm basing this on how photography changed painting and, more specifically, the changes made to the portrait industry. Photography was cheaper, easier, and new, just like AI is now, and the result is you went from these really decorative paintings to simple black and white photos for the masses.
Yeah. I can't currently see how the gap between people wanting to create AI art and people wanting to consume AI art can be bridged. Even the least discerning media consumers want something that is funny or coherent even if they don't realize it.
I don't think it's going to happen all at once and I doubt it's going to be most people, just enough to impact the market/culture more than it already is.
Right now, the people creating it are also its main consumers. Give it a few years and I bet we'll see the first AI batman show/movie
Honestly, the most interesting stuff I've seen is the "nightmare fuel" where things are morphing and blending into each other. As they try to "fix" that, it gets more and more generic and dull.
Even if someone magically invests a new technology that makes that happen….then what?
Like what am I supposed to do after watching “The most amazing movie ever” and it disappears into the random number ether and no other human experienced it or will ever experience it but me?
It’s wrong. As more and more systems create more and more AI sheen plasticy art, it will enter more and more data sets of future AI systems, and without 100% good data from real humans, future versions will likely tend to get worse. IMO model collapse will be a huge AI improvement limiter.
I've had some decent luck with chatgpt in inspiration/brainstorming, like "my villain needs to do X, what are 10 different ways he could accomplish this" and riffing off anything interesting it comes up with, but whenever it misunderstands the prompts and tries to *write* something it's super dull
Anecdote: daughter of a friend recently graduated in 3D art for games. Can’t find a first job because all entry level work is being done by AI, it seems. Sad.
I think a big concern is that it could get good enough for larger businesses to decide not to hire artists. For example, major film studios, hotel and restaurant chains, ad agencies, etc.
Unfortunately it seems like we'll just get so exhausted from having to differentiate between AI & authentic art that we'll just stop caring. It's a war of attrition
It won't become good on its own, but it's very likely that it will become able to mimic good art and produce derivations of it. What I'm more skeptical of is tht it'll ever become good at novelty or creatively responding to socio-political events
It's more likely that it's an excuse to pay artists less to redo it to an acceptable standard
Oh no we can't pay you for concept art ($1000) because we generated all our art. But we can pay you for cleanup position to remove extra fingers ($100)! See ai isn't replacing anyone 😘
If I read an AI book and couldn’t tell that it wasn’t written by a human…if I was moved to tears and my outlook on life permanently altered…I’d still be mad that it was written by AI. Leave art to humans.
We're riding decades of technology growing constantly and overcoming all obstacles. But I have a (absolutely based on vibes) sense we can actually are near the end of the low hanging fruit and real, lasting limits.
I've been thinking about this seriously and if we get to that point where AI is the norm I'm going to drop back into enjoying media created before 2022. There's plenty out there I've yet to read, play or watch.
This turns into "Monkeys writing Shakespeare" real quick just from the shear barrage of drek. "Look at this one really cool thing done entirely with AI!" Yeah but how much sewage did you have to swim through to get that... Originally I was onboard with AI but instead of a tool it is a crutch...
Even the "Monkeys writing Shakespeare" thing is a stretch. If you gave the worst writer on Earth the chance to write a great novel in 10,000 tries, you're going to wind up with 10,000 terrible novels.
Hence the swimming in sewage analogy :3 Most that use the AI don't actually use it as a tool to be creative they just shovel manure. Even if the AI does manage to come up with an interesting idea it is drowned out by GIGO since there are no creative eyes on it, just soulless grifters.
One danger is that art/music/books as a whole occupy an even less substantial part of the lives of more and more people going forward. And so the difference between eating Chips Ahoy and home-baked cookies “doesn’t matter that much anyway.”
I’m more concerned that people who might otherwise pick up drawing or writing will turn to gen AI instead, and never find fulfillment or learn how to make anything.
That's the kicker, because "AI average" is going to be higher quality output than "human beginner" most of the time.
I think it's possible for people to use AI to further their own artistic endeavors (like filming scenes and having AI replace costumes/background), but it's going to be hit or miss.
I experienced this while working in animation. Once certain processes could be done with the push of a button, folks had to turn to those who learned via past versions because they didn't know how to fix items that would break or not work as expected.
I think the hype will die down and it’ll just be another tool in the toolchest. People who want to replace everyone are gonna be disappointed long term.
There’s another weird idea that publishers and studios won’t disseminate art made by humans because it eats into their profits so writers and film makers will not be able to live off their art anymore
AI will be consumed by other AI giving automated shares and likes, and somehow an executive will figure out how to make money. Perhaps this already happened w/Spotify.
A twist -- optimum ROI achieved by AI content not even being *comprehensible* to humans, as automated views become the majority.
It’ll get better at doing what it does. But it’ll never, I think, have a soul and certainly never have lived, human experiences. Which is what makes art what it is.
An analogous thing has happened to an extent with social
media replacing so much human interaction. And it, too, is weird and off putting. Yet here we are.
The real fear is that after a few years of degraded education people would not be exposed to human art/music/books and would not have context or prior experience to know any better, and will settle for AI trash.
My hope lies in the small resurgence of film in an era when we all have digital cameras in our hands. Film has a look that digital has never mastered, but I figured people would forget what it looked like. Apparently not.
I am thinking of getting my first camera, a used FM2, cleaned up for use. I was a better photographer when developing was costly.
A scene stager once told me that the grain depth of film vs flat pixels is what catches the human eye. He thought people would lose that memory of richness someday.
That and the possibility people will prefer very niche personalized media that is low quality rather than that with broader themes that is of higher quality
To the the extent that art works by resonating with the human experience (and not all art does this, of course), it is hard to see how a computer could do this better than a person skilled at using a computer could do it
I think AI can eventually get better, because improving how well technology works is how technological development goes. I don't think that means that there's ever not going to be a market for handcrafted art. (Especially when marketing guys keep over-promising on what AI can actually do.)
and even on the off chance it DOES get that good i STILL won’t care, because i’ll never care about what a computer has to say about ANYTHING, much less anything profound
I say generative AI isn’t actually generative — it doesn’t generate ideas or knowledge. It’s a rehash tool - with an inbuilt flaw that prevents even its reheated stolen hash from being either trustworthy or original — it’ll always be dependent on the human creations fed into it (usually illegally)
No, AI is predicated upon the assumption that the specific influences selected for adapted inclusion don't matter aesthetically, technically, or emotionally. And that's just incorrect. Completely & utterly wrong.
Actually it is simply adding to a palette which someone else may or may not choose to use. We've been stealing ideas from one another for as long as we have been making art.
As someone who knows a lot about the practical application of AI, what you are describing is not 'A' and is certainly not 'I'.
It is /exactly/ the way art works. We steal, borrow, transform and produce. If you think otherwise then I am dying to hear what your theory is.
I am afraid I am not familiar enough with the author you quote to have an informed opinion.
It's for people who don't like art to begin with. Like if you are in a position where you look at a piece of art (normal) and hearing the explanation is something you'd skip, just diffuse a painting of a hill. You're too dumb to tell the difference.
Those positions could be replaced now.
But no. Replace the Arts 1st.
It's going to be people who want that stuff, not the people who care about an engaging story.
Right now, the people creating it are also its main consumers. Give it a few years and I bet we'll see the first AI batman show/movie
Like what am I supposed to do after watching “The most amazing movie ever” and it disappears into the random number ether and no other human experienced it or will ever experience it but me?
What then?
Oh no we can't pay you for concept art ($1000) because we generated all our art. But we can pay you for cleanup position to remove extra fingers ($100)! See ai isn't replacing anyone 😘
I think it's possible for people to use AI to further their own artistic endeavors (like filming scenes and having AI replace costumes/background), but it's going to be hit or miss.
And when asked to combine two technologies in a novel way they will be stumped
Always gonna be one weird ass like me that prefers human made art
A twist -- optimum ROI achieved by AI content not even being *comprehensible* to humans, as automated views become the majority.
media replacing so much human interaction. And it, too, is weird and off putting. Yet here we are.
A scene stager once told me that the grain depth of film vs flat pixels is what catches the human eye. He thought people would lose that memory of richness someday.
And the Tang sales people are intentionally making it impossible to find any fucking fresh juice. Let alone the one I actually wanted
It needs a kick in the fork...
Now lets get back to dancing like no one's watching!
As someone who knows a lot about the practical application of AI, what you are describing is not 'A' and is certainly not 'I'.
I am afraid I am not familiar enough with the author you quote to have an informed opinion.
LLM intentionally aren't modeled after lit human brains
Of course to you the output looks the same, because you desperately want it to be a short cut to having to learn any skill
The easiest people to con are those who want to be conned