"But they were all of them deceived, for another terrible poster was made. And into his posts he poured all of his malice, his cruelty, and his raw divorced man energy."
I like that Adrian Dittman apparently means really rich man in some language and is used in some fanfiction Elon novel that may or may not be don’t by Elon
i need to see him fuck up and post from the wrong account. need to see what fucked up websites he uses his alternate email on. need to see him change the wrong avatar
Also that he likes Elmo, which is a trait shared by one person in the world: Elmo. Trump doesn't count because all hie relationships are transactional.
i wouldn't be surprised if it was even dumber than that. like, he trained an AI on only his twitter posting/archived shit and then let it start posting under that alter ego. same vain as when j cole released that album with a bunch of fake features and expected us all to be impressed lmao
it’s wild that despite it clearly being his voice and him being a bad poster theres actually still evidence that makes sense that it isn’t him. just a baffling situation overall
The "evidence" is as lazy to conjure up for the world's richest man as you can possibly imagine. Every time we get a space with both of them, it sounds completely off, glitches around, like there are some poorly paid twitter minions in the back keeping it together
It sounds like a shitty highschooler's project where they talk to themselves in different voices and cut together two different audio tracks but end up talking over each other or react in a way that makes no sense. Srsly, try listening to it again for how weird it sounds. Clearly something off
Maybe they pre recorded Elon's replies. Or have someone use an AI voice. I'd say the spaces sound so shitty that it's actually further evidence it's him. Elon's only advantage is that spaces always sound like crap, but really not this weird
it's a lot like the cybertruck explosion at trump hotel las vegas. equally likely that somebody who drives a cybertruck would be at trump hotel las vegas on nye and that cybertruck would exploded as it is somebody would intentionally blow up a cybertruck in front of trump hotel las vegas
Waiting for the post of him thanking everyone confusing his voice for the sort of impossibly suave aural sexiness that Musk produces and it making this situation 10x funnier.
The lack of mumbling and stuttering is the strongest argument that Adrian Dittman is a different guy, but at the same time I'm also autistic and have speech issues, and they can pretty much disappear when I'm acting or roleplaying.
It's him. This Jess guy gave it away when Elon let him speak with authority to tell MAGA to stfu about H1Bs. He has a shady front business financially tied to the Republican party and didn't interact with Adrian at all until Trump won
Adding to the mounting evidence is the fact that there is no way that 2 different people from entirely different places have THAT same accent and cadence... It's a mix of Apartheid era South African, Canadian, Ketaminian, and ofc Butthead.
And talking about himself in the first person. What a little dweeb, just all of the personality of an unintelligent, uncharming, and sexually repressed Urkel.
"But they were all of them deceived, for another terrible poster was made. And into his posts he poured all of his malice, his cruelty, and his raw divorced man energy."
In: cringerprints.
Because I post like a big mean drunk guy.
1) He's Elon
2) He's not Elon and is about 2 seconds away from going on a "Catcher in The Rye superfan" spree if you know what I mean.
Pretty sure cb_doge and the white rabbit account are both Elon too going off of interactions with Jess and all the other shady blue check accounts
Totally legit marketing company that earned huge state contracts fair and square. Definitely not a front for Republican-led disinformation wars no sir
"Adrian Dittman"?
"radiant mantid"
"Adrian Dittman"