That's every conservative's response every time someone points out some atrocity their government committed. It's in the comments of every indigenous person's post about anything the United States has done to them. These people share one brain and it's not even evenly distributed.
“You carpet bombed Berlin to come save our asses from the Germans that had us in camps so we can go carpet bomb the people we have locked in a massive open air camp in Gaza because… uh… fuck em”
As well as everything people are saying, there's also the difference in degree of precision of weaponry, tech, and intel then, vs now, which intuitively should inversely scale with the amount of collateral in using it.
I mean he's right in that the US is not really in a position to morally grandstand when we have been the common enemy of the last like 200+ years, but those ppl are already dead. Palestinians are still living breathing ppl rn and choices can be made to not sink to that level of evil.
the worst part is that tbh fucking Netanyahu has a salient argument.
if you're gonna give our people a vassal colony citystate armed to the teeth and funnel money endlessly into its military... yeah, it's gonna mimic your own structure.
this entire project is an embarrassment to Europe/ the US.
Limited understanding of international law, but I believe intent is part of the bar for an action to be labeled a genocide. Not defending us war crimes as they were war crimes, but the US was not intent on eliminating Japanese and German peoples. Pretty sure Israel wants to destroy all Palestinians.
I mean Bibi isn’t wrong that israel’s actions have a lot of precedent in things america’s done. It’s just that if you have a conscience that should make you feel worse about america instead of better about israel
Zionist quote this thinking all the time . They see the genocide of our own indigenous ppl as a success to be modeled and use the argument to keep their American supporters in line if they dare breathe a word of criticism .
I really hate this style of argument. The "whataboutism" bullshit. Yeah dude, we did, and it was fucked. We haven't done it since. Maybe using something from the 1940s to justify your genocide is wrong. Plus, you didn't even exist in the 1940s so maybe think about that too eh Bibi?
It doesn’t even work because the allies of WW2 were working against two clear aggressors who COULD have given up, unlike Palestinians who are being killed despite doing exactly what Israel has said.
“America good” is a load-bearing part of the way people like Biden see themselves, it cannot be questioned or complicated if they are to continue being able to sleep at night
u guys are fucking useless. what are we even talking about at this point he literally got you a cease fire and trump will probably reverse it and start the killing again
Israelis are insane. Truly barbaric monsters. A product of endless support from western “dEmoCraCy” at the cost of their own people, impunity and immunity from any form of justice. Why would they not think they can get away with genocide. The only solution is to weed out the ziopig from every corner
if a murderous dictator had this same convo w/ trump, and this dictator has shit that trump wants, there's no way trump won't rubber stamp all their genocides.
It's also nonsense. Biden didn't carpet bomb Dresden, he was a child at the time. If he meant the Allies did it, then Netanyahu got his turn already because his homeland, Poland, was part of the Allies at the time.
It's too bad we couldn't do anything about their use of the weapons we were constantly delivering to them and paying for. It's just out of our control!
if you're gonna give our people a vassal colony citystate armed to the teeth and funnel money endlessly into its military... yeah, it's gonna mimic your own structure.
this entire project is an embarrassment to Europe/ the US.
and yeah. why DOES the US have a right to exist? good fucking question.
bottom 15 president 100%
"Stop killing people"
"You started it!"
"Ok I guess that's fair"
Like how is he mad we bombed Berlin during ww2? The one fucking based thing this damn country did was send nazis back to hell in the 40s
As I sign over millions of dollars of weapons so he can do that.
you are the dumbest motherfucker possible. they tell you a thing and you completely believe it. three year olds have more object permanence than you.
never post again. you are a waste of time to everyone.
Now of Bibi woulda brought up Serbia he might have had a point (in his depraved mafioso brain)
Nagasaki was dropped only to test its impact upon humans short- and long-term, to compare with the Hiroshima bomb.
Two different types of weapons. It was a science experiment and a WAR CRIME.