From what I remember, used 2 layers of encryption. WPA2 (AES) for access & outer layer of the network, but IPsec VPN tunneling under WPA2 from clients to default gateway.
Republican Rules never apply to Republicans.
Also, remember when the votes from (at least Ohio) in 2004 were routed to a GOP server (in TN?) where they were counted and then sent back to be officially reported?
Didn’t seem to upset the Democrats much, and pleased the OH Secretary of State (GOP).
Yes, let's remove any chance of airgapping some of the most sensitive and classified information passing across the desk of these complete and utter idiots, that's going to make everyone safer for sure.
On the bright side, any resistance movement's going to find spying on this admin shockingly easy
Therein is the big problem .. there is no single data center. It is the satellites shifting and "managing" communications flow so the audit trails can be masked to be whatever they want them to say.
Also not legal. How does ANYBODY know if it is secure. The government demands a level of security in their systems and networks and infrastructure that is very high. And now, we're using somebody's stolen cable?
As they are actively defying morals, logic and humanity, I’m guessing laws are the least of their worries. This “administration” views the US Constitution much in the same way most people do a stop sign in the shopping center parking lot.
This shit doesn’t happen in France and I’ll tell you why: the rich went too far and they cut all their heads off and now, when those in charge get above themselves, the French stop working, remember who holds the power. Don’t forget your power, Americans.They don’t let you have unions for a reason.
Techs keep telling people the plan is to link all US communications public and private through starlink using the same logic, methods, and process as the NSA in Utah. Only with privatization there are no prohibitions to using or looking at the confiscated communications. Might be too late to fix.
Is this the information security version of "accidentally" tripping and sticking your dick in the enemy over and over while your buddy jumps on the bed in an X shape? Our government is soaking with the FSB now I guess.
These folks gaining access to govt computers have NO security clearances!
We also have no idea what has happened to the folks preventing the systems from being hacked. We don't know if or how long anti hacking security was turned off.
These systems are under constant attack by China & Russia.
No doubt Elon can not only spy on everything sent and recieved, but can intercept and alter communications as well. Pretty good deal for Elon well worth the cost of donation.
Billionaires don't "donate" anything, somehow the taxpayers paid that fucker for this. But by all means, put all govt communications onto Elon's servers, what could possibly go wrong with one guy being able to turn off the entire govt's internet at will?
Starlink like all Musk companies has private chinese investors via SPV’s. Fucking hilarious really. The lies hypocrisy and bullshit of this administration.
I guess the United States just doesn’t secure any of its data or anything anymore. Lazy ass Trump pretty much has turned over our country’s infrastructure to Elon Musk. You can’t help as a citizen of the United States that you’re being served up to our enemies by a grifting criminal traitor.
Starlink having the capacity to leech any volume of data that they prefer through the connections that they are "offering" will mean that Musk quite literally is able to process all of the information the government uses via his own AI and send it to Russia all he likes.
Due to classified material issues!
I'm picking my tiny brain for the OPNAV Instructions that was the child of an umbrella DoD and Gov document.
I tried it in home environment and saw no lag in performance.
People talking around classified information and sources gathering aggregated info...NOPE.
That doesn't stop posting work conversations.
The encryption was the hard part and "we couldn't" find a viable option.
Air gap switches etc ...
Current standards now probably ECC.
Girl don’t be naive…
Also, remember when the votes from (at least Ohio) in 2004 were routed to a GOP server (in TN?) where they were counted and then sent back to be officially reported?
Didn’t seem to upset the Democrats much, and pleased the OH Secretary of State (GOP).
To start defending this Country against Domestic Enemies.
Assuming we ever get these clowns out, the subsequent required electronic fumigation is going to be enormous and costly.
We’re so screwed.
On the bright side, any resistance movement's going to find spying on this admin shockingly easy
(Damn voice to text)
it can be trusted, you can chat with your lover, send pics to your boss, sure no worries no danger
We get it Elmo! We see the size of your fucking hands! Does this explain all the IVF babies, though?
These people are fucking idiots.
Why not expand?
But I don't think he does actually have blackmail type material.
trump is just that pathetic that he looks up to Elon because he is so rich.
Mike pence’s server was illegal though
And why the phuck aren't the Democrats in Congress screaming this?
Have they all gone Chuck-E- Cheese?
He has hackers making changes to government software.
We also have no idea what has happened to the folks preventing the systems from being hacked. We don't know if or how long anti hacking security was turned off.
These systems are under constant attack by China & Russia.
#WTAF ‼️💥
He is probably packet sniffing for key words against their plot.
Why is this being allowed.
I guarantee all Federal buildings have a Starlink system.
This is not on the same planet as what is typically mandated in secure data processing environments.
This is a complete disregard of Information Security— and it breaks many laws.
Musk is now monitoring every WH interaction.
Fact check able at -
sorry if it disappears behind the paywall i can’t help that one.
What a dork