when he was typing hundreds of pages of 'all work and no play makes jack a dull boy' over and over again he was still fully sane, as 'jack' is his real name
Yeah, or maybe it’s a cultural reference to the Ed McMahon Tonight Show intro for Johnny Carson. It’s an age thing. Ask a boomer. [but I don’t think he forgot his own name . . .]
He's called "Jack", which is a nickname for John. Maybe he's having a moment of time-shifting dementia, and remembering when he was "Johnny" back in elementary school
No, you obviously don't know who Johnny Carson was. Ed McMahon would announce "Here's Johnny" and Johnny Carson would appear through the curtain. Jack announced himself by appearing through a closed door. At that time, this would've humorous.
I always thought that was just a lame joke/reference to the original Tonight Show (when Ed McMahon (?) would introduce Johnny Carson with a big “Here’s Johnny!”).
Always thought that was an allusion to Gospel of John (the movie heavily parallels it (according to bonus content on the Blu Ray (2018 limited edition))))
And now we get to see who doesn’t get the reference and who doesn’t get jerry.
2Oth century pop culture please Alex, with a small sprinkling of trolling..
This the the hallway I must walk up and down every day. Note the red wall at the end. I keep expecting to see those twins in “The Shining.” You can spread it to see that wall if you feel inclined. I call it the Hall of Doom.
“John” is also slang for bathroom or toilet, so he was actually announcing to Wendy that he had to take a poop while taking an axe to that bathroom door.
Another chime in-Johnny & Jack are often nicknames for someone named John & occasionally used by the same person- like, say, Jack Torrance. Although “here’s Johnny” is clearly meant to announce his presence in the scene by invoking Johnny Carson who was on tv in 1977 when The Shining was written
Innit! & why was Tony constantly getting Danny to write the name of the race horse Red Rum everywhere?!?!
Unless Tony knew a swift bet on him in the UK Grand National would have secured their financial future so they wouldn’t have to stay at the overlook?!?!
Jack never snaps
It’s Wendy who’s delusional breakdown happens causing her to kill her husband who she believes is possessed.
But hey he was a child molester to begin with.
Thank you Stanley Kubrick
A modern day horror.
You might be too young to recognize it, but it's actually a reference to famous late night tv host David Letterman, who used to start his show that way in an homage to his idol, Ed Sullivan.
More AI b.s. on the internet. I didn't want to out myself, but Ed McMahon is my great-uncle and he told me once that he'd never met Johnny Carson, but he was too nice to contradict all the people who believed otherwise. But I want him to be remembered for who he was, not who people think he was.
I'm sad he died, too. He did so much good in his post-presidency with Habitat for Humanity. It's a shame his wife, Roseanne, went full MAGA. I've lost family members to that cult as well.
I tried to read the entire transcript but stopped when #1 critic brought up his laptop. We as staunch opposition to the current people in power is not follow the deliberate outrageous statements that distract from the actual issue. They want to elimate free speech.
When he breaks the fourth wall and does a little air golf swing lob at the camera I'm always like "Yeah, good luck golfing at a snowed in mountain hotel!"
“Ah, thanks for clarifying. Come right in.”
*is immediately murdered*
There’s only 1 place where ‘Here’s Johnny’ came from
the characters name is "Here's"
They really need a sarcasm label on some of these accounts because my tired brain can't make sense of them all the time either 😅
Jack Torrence was John Torrence at birth 💙
2Oth century pop culture please Alex, with a small sprinkling of trolling..
This is much more clearly explained in the novelisation, by Stephen King.
Unless Tony knew a swift bet on him in the UK Grand National would have secured their financial future so they wouldn’t have to stay at the overlook?!?!
It’s Wendy who’s delusional breakdown happens causing her to kill her husband who she believes is possessed.
But hey he was a child molester to begin with.
Thank you Stanley Kubrick
A modern day horror.
Get facts right
How do I know? I'm one of them.
I do.
That may be a hint you need some help.