I live in Florida… I’m seriously thinking moving to a different country. My brother lives in Germany. My sister in Spain. Language is not an issue in either country. But my kid lives here…
I hate humans, I am very aware of the real threat of a pandemic, as someone I love has died to one, I am aware of millions dying from the last pandemic, I just hate humans (including me), and we are already very over populated so I support the death of millions for the sake of everything else but us
Any current vaccine is just to keep the current flu from finding a place to mutate further.
Any mutation this flu finds, or swaps in, that allows it to infect humans better will probably make any previous vaccine useless.
Is this the evolution point where we get to weed out the numpties, or do we just make the anti-vax folk walk around with a budgie bell so we know who to avoid.
Well this will be interesting won't it? Lil' Kennedy dispelling the merits of vaccines. Now should he be successful in that resulting in idiots not getting vaccinated & suffering accordingly; my response would simply be ...oh well! Have fun!
It won’t do a bit of good if the people we trust to safely raise our food decide their rights are more important than the nation’s health.
The vast majority of legit farmers are law abiding folks who want to safely feed folks. But the corporations and backyard farmers? Meh….
Think I am being harsh? Think back over the last month or so about all the recalls of food that had already been distributed and possibly eaten. Carrots!!! Carrots?!? Really people? Yes I know how it happens, poo in the water, ecoli yadda yadda, but CARROTS? Is nothing sacred?
I read that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has three vaccines authorized for use in the EU during avian influenza outbreaks. These vaccines are used to protect people at increased risk of exposure, such as poultry workers and veterinarians.
I was hoping someone would start doing this because we know the CDC won’t bother because this might create autism.. no the discovery of Pluto created autism
If the bird flu mutates from human to human with Trump coming into Office our Country is in for a World of Hurt!! Just Remember Covid under Trump! Trump is Stupid!
Maybe if you pit RFKJr against the members of Congress who deal in insider stock trading, odds are Congress wins, or RFKJr gets fired via big pharm lobbyists dining down at MAL.
Meanwhile …. Back at the Spite House, trump is writing an executive order for his health minister advising americans to drink raw milk. Thin out the rabble if nothing else.
But we do. mRNA vaccines have been studied for decades and had already been used in 4 other human trials before COVID for flu, Zika, rabies and CMV and have been working on them for cancer research. The reason they were able to make the Covid vaccine in under a year is because of those decades….
Agreed. There has been decades of research.
But when it comes to what we know vs. what we don't I always think of black holes. It was just several decades ago "serious" physicists were sure they didn't exist.....only to realize they do.
The good news is, when this virus gains the ability to spread from human to human, it will be much more deadly than COVID, and the same MAGAts who refused to mask or get vaccinated will drop like flies.
And the immunocompromised and disabled.
And the whole thing where folks who dont get vaccinated serve as breeding pools for vaccine resistant strains. Just like covid. I'm all out of hope at this point. I'll sign up for clincial trials but I'm just so defeated by the anti-science rhetoric.
Here's the thing, though: Flu isn't COVID, where you can get infected over and over again - particularly not when they are in the process of developing multivalent vaccines that will protect from ALL flu viruses. Meaning that even with mutations you'll be immune.
They've found a way to combine targets for multiple strains into a matrix that forces B cells to recognize all of the variants. Just learned about that in the past couple of days.
If that happens there will be a surplus of chickens/eggs/ect as maga will surely refuse to eat a tainted birds 😆Time to buy stock in my half dead rubber non-vaccinated bird farm now before they all cluck out...
If we do get to the point of human to human spread, I hope there is someone competent in charge of the health care system response although it's not likely.
Has anyone tried socialized education for equal opportunity to earn privilege? Maybe if college was less of a rich kid sports club, there’d be less of “I did my own research” anti vaccination insanity. Maybe if any degree was available online for anyone who worked for it, people would not rebel so.
Jail/prison could be a place of free education and therapy for anyone willing to trade freedom and privacy for those things. But we live within a terrorist society that doesn’t think loss of freedom and privacy is enough punishment; they add malicious neglect and homophobia. No rights to choose hope
Right. I mean if we offered free education and social or mental health services in jails there would actually be riots because many have, over decades, been convinced that punishment and torture should be the only experiences afforded to the incarcerated
There’s nothing Christian about bloodthirsty bigots; nothing Christian about USA. I’m doing it for Christian reasons but anyone who’s got any amount of compassion for any reason should realize there’s no need to let the paranoid conservatives make scapegoats of those they catch.
It's been clear for some time that jails as rehabilitative spaces is: 1) only sincere or desired for (wealthy) white people, and 2) largely a marketing plot to secure more funding and resources. If we actually wanted people to be changed we'd invest the resources AND make data publicly available.
There’s homelessness and private family living with nothing in between! There could be all sorts of free community living. Open surveillance in public space with respectful discourse about the importance of both public and private space. Privilege is privacy with company of choice.
The insane part of trump is he has one true accomplishment: operation warp speed. Stupid name very real results. Then he crapped all over his own achievement to feed bread and circus "freedom" to his base. Ironically his own vaccine probably saved his life but he would never admit that.
At least they know they'll only need enough doses for around half the US population . We don't want to anger RFK .Jr. , Rogan , and Aaron Rodgers and MAGA world by making it available for them .
I bet a lot more people will get vaccinated than will say that they got vaccinated, even maga politicians. If you get vaccinated at your doctor's office, people won't know unless they violate HIPPA rules. At the Pharmacy, depends on if you get the shot in public or in private.
I have no reason to debate the issue ....other than the data from the pandemic ...the redder the state , the redder the county , during the pandemic ....the higher the mortality rates . They weren't getting vaxxed for the deadly pandemic ...why would they get vaxxed for the bird flu .???
So glad I didn’t fall for nonsense propaganda and develop an irrational fear of mRNA vaccines during COVID. I happily got myself and my family vaccinated against Covid, and I will do the same with an H5N1 vaccine as soon as it available to the public.
Why bother? RFK Jr is just going to block its release?
Better to let another pandemic take hold and weed another few hundred thousand anti-vax f@@kwits out of the gene pool
Kind of baffling how this is only becoming the level of urgency today (unless I'm missing something) as tens of millions of birds and other animals have been killed already. I hope this gets fixed quickly before more damage is done.
I think if you turn up at Hospital with one of the main flu strains, having refused vaccination, you should be put into the JFK isolation ward that all Hospitals can set up.
No treatment.
Just food and water.
Let your beliefs cure you.
I work in a grocery and it's hard to believe just how many people have no idea why eggs are so expensive... and not a single one of those folks are remotely interested in the reason... and I'm willing to bet they won't be interested in a new vaccine either. We're frickin doomed, y'all
As a preemptive measure, they should deny those barn-fowl any and all access to the internet. They have just the kind of intellect/mentality to fall for all the anti-vax conspiracy crap. 😆
Bloody hell. The usual crowd are going to see mRNA, have no clue what it even stands for, let alone what it is, and accuse scientists of committing genocide. Fingers crossed though that the work can be done quickly enough though before any damage can be done.
My ONLY issue with them not taking it since that they will allow it to spread and mutate, which will hurt others. If they were the only ones that suffered from their stupidity, I would wholeheartedly cheer them on 😉
Let them be. We, sane people, will welcome the opportunity to have a tool for survival. I am all for the survival of the sane people. Let’s let the natural selection apply to the cult.
seeing leftists literally say that people who have to mask or can't be vaxxed are better off dead has single handedly killed off the rest of my hope in humanity :> likely it will not get better
jk I know the answer to that, the abysmal covid response taught me "if you're vulnerable or disabled you're expendable" and that was a sentiment coming from the right AND left for the last five fucking years. unfortunately we'll probably see more of it over the next decade or so.
We were screaming about Covid vaccines and herd immunity, weren’t we? Did they listen? No. I have given up. You are saying as if we didn’t try. Healthcare workers and every intelligent citizen screamed. Your anger is directed to wrong crowd. You should yell at the cult members and the enablers.
Whatever. I am not interested in taking care of anti vaxxers any more. I have tried and they are all goner. Have you at least tried to work with them? Unless you were in my shoes, you have no business to point fingers. I am all for the survival of the sane people.
You're not better than them, you're worse.
You're okay with and actively looking forward to thousands of people, including children, dying because arguing with people about vaccines has become tedious to you.
Any mutation this flu finds, or swaps in, that allows it to infect humans better will probably make any previous vaccine useless.
The vast majority of legit farmers are law abiding folks who want to safely feed folks. But the corporations and backyard farmers? Meh….
"an influenza vaccine that prompts immunity to ALL four major flu subtypes AND shows potential against bird flu"
Reported in Science magazine
What happens to all this progress if/when RFK gets a hold of the FDA? (among other horrors).
I know the U.S. isn't the only country doing research (thank fuck), but...if there's a vaccine, will we even *get* it?
I just hope the international nature of research will help avoid the eejits
Cancel the program anyway and make people use banana skins and coffee grinds at midnight near a crossroads .
There. Fixed.
If you do make DC last to get it.
We need to at least acknowledge we don't know how everything balances out. Especially regarding mRNA.
I'm reminded of a quote by Mark Twain 'Its not what we don't know that gets us in trouble. It's what we think we know for sure that just ain't so.'
But when it comes to what we know vs. what we don't I always think of black holes. It was just several decades ago "serious" physicists were sure they didn't exist.....only to realize they do.
They've already developed a vaccine and tested it in ferrets where it was effective.
And the whole thing where folks who dont get vaccinated serve as breeding pools for vaccine resistant strains. Just like covid. I'm all out of hope at this point. I'll sign up for clincial trials but I'm just so defeated by the anti-science rhetoric.
How many MAGA need to die before they change their minds?
Down with raw milk. They will do the opposite of what they are supposed to do.
And then the pandemic happened and it was clear edtech was one of the best ways to ensure reach and resilience.
Live Kindly 💚 Go #PlantPowered
The king does not care about who the messenger boy is. It has nothing to do with facts.
They work to keep us sick!!
Gimme a few suggestions. The funnier the better.
Now see how many knuckleheads refuse to take it.
Better to let another pandemic take hold and weed another few hundred thousand anti-vax f@@kwits out of the gene pool
No treatment.
Just food and water.
Let your beliefs cure you.
Judge shop to a normal court and the stay will be in place
Google ain’t bein’ helpful!
(Speaking as a gay meerkat!)
You're okay with and actively looking forward to thousands of people, including children, dying because arguing with people about vaccines has become tedious to you.
on all of mankind
that the medium
for vaccine discovery
is egg whites?