Canada (and to some degree USA) was founded on mercantile contracts from colonial monarchies.
Democratic govts are not businesses, and I'd argue they needed to be created "by the people, for the people" because businesses are too self-interested to be reliable in building democratic nations.
My mistake to not be clear. I know monarchies are governments (Canada technically is one), but I don't consider a monarchy to be a true government. An accident of birth, underpinned by archaic superstition.
I was thinking of democracies, should have used that word.
By law or by force. Trump isn't evil, he's just very simple. He only has transactional understandings. And solely within the context of himself. This puts him counter to both national and individual interests. He is a clear and present danger. He needs to be removed. By law or by force.
It makes me think of all the programs on your computer that run in the background. We have no idea how many or what they do, bc they just run smoothly w/o our knowledge. But let them start to malfunction & suddenly everything crashes - only then do we appreciate them.
Great metaphor. Elon was given Administrator access and they're now indiscriminately tossing out previously invisible files and haphazardly stopping background processes. 😖
Similar to the Libertarians are the cat in the house. Completely unaware of how the food gets into the bowl, but willing to leave to go where the next bowl of food is.
We will quickly learn who is the cat & who is the homemaker.
Shop wisely.
Choose leaders that know how to deal with econ stress.
Ironically, their fortunes are inextricably tied to government contracts and subsidies. They are only powerful insofar as they remain in a parasitical relationship to the state.
I feel like this was the takeaway from the great recession, then we forgot it, then it was the takeaway from COVID, then we lost our minds, and now it's the takeaway again.
I just finished reading an important book on this that came out recently. It is called Why Nations Fail, and tracks the history of the world though our economic errors and successes. Stable, inclusive institutions are at the heart of national prosperity. They won the Nobel prize in economics for it.
Yeah. One thing the progressive left does *horribly* is make the case that equality, diversity, and strong institutions aren't just important because they are morally correct but because they are good for everyone in a long-term material sense.
Yes, it seems that the main difference is whether the democratic, economic, and social instructions of a nation are designed to be extractive or inclusive over time. Not so much any particular ideology.
All the small wonderful things to help people are important to share too. After we make it through this, innoculating against this has to inc a constant educat'l campaign to tell people what the fed govt does (did) for them/the country, so that none of this is a total surprise to the general public.
Demand your representatives in Washington exert broad displays of Civil Disobedience during Trumps speech “State of the Union” speech tonight.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
Agreed 100%. The anadian Armed Forces should launch a recruitment program as a stimulus measure to complement employment insurance. Great way to meet our defense to GPD target and useful to send signals to allies and foes.
It's always fascinating for me to see the same people who want small government at the federal and provincial level complaining because the municipality doesn't shovel the sidewalk, build a new arena, or keep the river from flooding. 🤔
You're gonna antagonize all the anarchists lol, they tend to be a very aggressive and reactionary group. Which ironically highlights the need for laws and government, when you can't even have a discussion with someone without them getting angry at you and lashing out.
It would be easier for me to believe that the state could do bold things to help people if there weren't so many people living on the street. It would take less resources to help them than to keep them there, and yet.
these tent cities
people don't ask why they're there?
they don't wonder how it happens and if they too might be 1 month's rent or missed mortgage from that?
or why police have to assault them?
or what it means when all your possessions and documents are trashed by cops
I agree we need to house the homeless. We are the richest Country in the world. Unfortunately it is not on the current President's radar at all.
No President has done enough.
Agencies like the FDA, EPA and CDC have done a lot.
Safe food. No leaded gasoline. No polio.
But we could do more.
I really hope this moment leads to a real double down on public projects, make the new deal programs look quaint by comparison.
Watching the US dismantle has really made me realize how many things I never even considered and took for granted. Like the Meteorological Service of Canada.
I’m just a CA girl, looking at her Governor, begging him to to embrace his FDR moment & implement healthcare for all, & radically invest in & overhaul our education system. Imagine how the cost burden of living would radically change for 39 million people if we just focused on these 2 things.
👊🏽 We have the expertise to do it and examples from countries around the globe. We also have a state GDP greater than all of those countries so it’s not because we are lacking in resources. All it lacks is the will and leadership.
Out of crisis can come opportunity.
One achievement in my life that would make my life worth anything is this:transform the economic model from bottom up to top down; in my mind the architecture is in place to achieve this; if realized,what this system will do is capture profits that are clipped at a specific level,to pay for services
Agreed. I might submit that the democratic state is often a reflection of the leaders it picks and our problem has always been the fight between those who wish to help people and those who wish to help themselves.
Politicians keep forgetting we had businesses before govts.
Govts are given exec power and tax $ BY THE PEOPLE to serve us in ways biz is not interested in doing.
If they don't, why have them?
Democratic govts are not businesses, and I'd argue they needed to be created "by the people, for the people" because businesses are too self-interested to be reliable in building democratic nations.
I was thinking of democracies, should have used that word.
We will quickly learn who is the cat & who is the homemaker.
Shop wisely.
Choose leaders that know how to deal with econ stress.
In Arizona the MAGA controlled congress is more interested in bending over for business and beating up protestors.
Do not allow this charade to go on any longer, every lie should be met with distain …
these tent cities
people don't ask why they're there?
they don't wonder how it happens and if they too might be 1 month's rent or missed mortgage from that?
or why police have to assault them?
or what it means when all your possessions and documents are trashed by cops
No President has done enough.
Agencies like the FDA, EPA and CDC have done a lot.
Safe food. No leaded gasoline. No polio.
But we could do more.
Polio and leaded gas were not great.
From rags to riches and back again.
Watching the US dismantle has really made me realize how many things I never even considered and took for granted. Like the Meteorological Service of Canada.
Out of crisis can come opportunity.
I feel the answer is "absolutely, but...".