A majority of military voted for Trump. I did read a nice reddit thread of military and vets that said they wouldn't follow orders should Trump go against us all. That was reassuring, but I don't believe there's enough of them.
Yeah no, they’re literally brainwashed to follow orders without thinking. The only saving grace would be if they’re fighting on too many fronts. trump is 100% willing to use nukes on the US and likely Canada in his quest to conquer.
I do. Most soldiers are poor kids recruited in high schools in order to get decent education. Just spoke to one yesterday and when asked about what’s the general opinion, he told me that his whole military branch is solidly standing on “fcuk no on attacking our own!”
The image I get is of two US troops, having a smoke like in a Vienam War movie, watching a C-130 fly overhead, at a FOB built in a middle school outside of Scarborough, and one of them goes 'what the fuck are we doing here?'
Seriously, people need to read Geert Hofstede on 'power distance index.'
I think the National Guard would be more likely to disobey an unlawful order because they are, usually, assigned to their communities and you'd be hard pressed to force them to shoot families/friends/neighbors. Doesn't mean that tRump wouldn't be advised to shuffle them around because of this fact.
For those who can not leave their home to protest. please share this and sign. Let's make this go viral!!!! #NoTRUMP #America #world #Nato #Freedom #Petition #share #Rights #NoMusk #AntiTrump #Viral #Fyp #News #sign #YourVoiceMatters #MakeAStand
To prohibit funds for the Armed Forces to engage in operations to invade or seize territory from Canada, the Republic of Panama, or the self-governing territory of Greenland.
I hope those young men and women who will be forced into the position are thinking about what they will do. Do they shoot their fellow citizens, neighbors and family?
The ones they fired, the Vets, and the ones with family affected WONT turn on the people. More and more see what’s happening. There’s confusion in bases, there’s tension. A lot of members I’ve talked to have said theyd straight up desert before turning live ammo on their own people.
I live not too far from a base, and those people say morale is pretty low right now because they go into work every day not knowing if they'll be fired. You've got to respect leadership before you can respect its orders.
Considering the military folks who voted for Trump have been conditioned to view anyone to the left of them as "the enemy", yeah, no, they'll obey with glee
Thats the bad part. The seasoned brass might have followed the constitution. These clowns will only follow Trumps orders and pass it on to lower level.
I'm all in on making Russell Vought famous. His birthday is actually this month, on the 26th! Anonymous is not our personal army, but perhaps they could help plan a party for Rusty?
Same people that saw the bush administration admit there were no WMDs in Iraq and thought “well at least we got those terrorist sumbitches!!” (Al qaeda was in Afghanistan)
Fox News run 24/7 on all bases. It has for years.
Top generals have been reassigned or asked to retire replaced by Trump choices.
Dems do NOT appear on right wing medias to offset lies.
Who is the military going to listen to after being lied to for so long?
They know what they are doing.
My son is Army, 3 yrs in, but he has an out soon and may not re-enlist. He makes Sargent soon too. My son is fearless but would never intentionally hurt another human being and he hates Bullies! We speak 3-4 times a week and I talk to all them boys as if they were mine! 💪🏽💙
And that's what we need, more family talking to these men to make them realize who they will be hurting. They need to hear your voice and see your face. Don't talk politics, just talk to them, so they can feel love.
Yall know the kinds of people who join the military right? I. Sure there are some good people but i highly doubt its full of intelegent folks. People who wish to shoot other people join the military.
Any bloated American dog who crosses the Detroit river with delusions of conquest will have their head mounted on a pike and their body sent home in a hefty bag. FAFO Magotts, Canada wrote the Geneva Suggestions.
Germans had apparently become accustomed to fraternizing with allied units. Sometimes we would toss them tins of corned beef and when we started hearing happy shouts of “More! Give us more!” we then started lobbing grenades at them. Wanna hear the ironic part?
Exactly. So stay the fuck on your side of the river before you find out what other strategies and ideas we've come up with since then. We have never lost a war, and your army gets mopped whenever we're not there to support you. Muzzle your insolent dog of a president or put him down before we do.
No need to get nasty. It's a shit show on this side of the river. We're doing what we can - the democratic politicians are feckless and a good 1/3 of the country is fully supporting the shit show - until it personally impacts them, then they cry on social media. They voted to hurt 'others'.
My son is a National Guard veteran and he had to distance himself from most of the people he served with because they are Trump supporters and say they would do “anything for him!” The US military has almost always learned Republican. So happy my son is no longer in the military!
National Guard attracts more right leaning people, but active duty has been trending left the past 30 or so years. Pew research from 2020 showed 60% for Trump and 39% for Biden, for enlisted personnel. Officers are actually more even at 55% Trump and 45% Biden.
National Guardsman: ”Sir I don’t want to shoot my friends and relatives, sir.”
MAGA Officer: “that’s why we’re sending your platoon to Connecticut.”
National Guardsman: “Sir I don’t have any family there, sir.”
MAGA Officer: “Exactly.”
I just hope they realize that if they do, while they are shooting someone's family and friends, someone else in the military will be shooting theirs......
I wouldn’t count on it. The actual infantry soldier or marines have been infiltrated by White Nationalists, Supremacists, and MAGA that they will follow any order illegally to strike a blow to democracy.
Support the Dems: Valimont in FL-1; Josh Weil in FL-6; Blake Gendebien in NY-21; Crawford for WI Supreme Court in the upcoming Special Elections. DONATE at https://www.actblue.com
I think that there was a time when they would. It is actually indoctrinated into our training, but the modern military is filled with MAGA idiots who believe killing socialist is the same as taking out fascist. It’s only getting worse with the recruiting tactics.
It's a lot shocking to see that the majority of the folks in the military are white. I agree with you, they're not to be trusted. Fortunately, the US military is very small. DoD lists 1.29 million active-duty troops, 767,238 national guard/reserves, and 38,825 Coast Guard
DANGER > Trump voters: 77m
We already have ICE grabbing people without warrants or cause. Plenty of jerks in the military who wold love busting some heads without having to leave the country.
The military is Fascists by nature, have met many career military and they want to see all of us under military control and "justice", so does the "Prison Industry". If they do gain control of the military that is the end of "The American Experiment", democracy and life as we have known it.
Trump's people are getting ready accumulating hard cash through his pumps and dumps of crypto and stock. Next he will trigger recession Soon they will go shopping with that cash at bargain prices. Americans will be renting their own homes, farms and businesses from them within a year.
Why is it that the majority of Americans and 99.99% of the rest of the world can see that this is the plan, yet others choose to ignore the obvious?
I hope the madman the orange cockwomble can be removed along with the idiots he has installed in government before it’s too late!
I spent 29 months in Iraq and 7 in Afghanistan in direct combat and 99% of the time civilians got out of dodge or hid in basements before the firefights. I served with hundreds of US Soldiers in many units and not once did we murder civilians. We’re not robots, most of us will not shoot Americans.
Where will we go, when we're alienating our neighboring countries. Did you ever think Americans would have to think about hiding in our basements nfromour own military?
Many US army units start their day with all sorts of Christian rituals and incantations, I have been on exercises with them and watched their senior NCO's pump them up with religious fervour.
That "education" begins on day 1 of their service.
It's MAGA bullshit through and through.
Then doesn't that mean they're already an enemy of the country? I have very little, if any, military knowledge and from my perspective the military should be loyal to the country, not the leader. But that's just an idealistic thinking there
If they don’t, who is going to pay them? At the current rate, the military will be replaced by robots and your VA benefits removed. Tell me who is going to preserve your benefits? Who is going to have your back if you betray your fellow citizens?
The US needs a MFA like it was in 74 in Portugal to overthrow the "Estado Novo" fascist government.
A movement within the military forces that's sworn to protect the constitution and more important to protect the people.
And all the senior JAG officers who would have decided whether the order was lawful or not have been removed by Hegseth specifically so that they don’t get in the way of the Presidents agenda
Partly because there was a blizzard of announcements at the same time but also because it’s not immediately obvious in the way that DOGE is or the planes crashing after the FAA changes or the abuse of Zelenskyy.but it is a very big one….
The military are not legal experts. They follow commands. They would need to see a choice of conflicting commands, to be forced to disobey one of them.
The military is pretty integrated right now so that’s hopefully a good sign but I’m afraid that the right captured the message to the military long ago. Fox is always playing on the bases
So they’ve been “primed” by the extreme right wing and the toxic masculinity crowd.
I think everyone would be surprised - there are A LOT of moral members of the US Military. I used to be one. I would, will, and forever SHALL follow the oath I took at enlistment:
The issue is that Republicans - and military is full of them - are VERY very confused about who the enemies are right now. When their “commander in chief” sides with Putin, do they know that’s a bad thing? Those who watch Fox wouldn’t know. Those who don’t seek out any factual news wouldn’t know.
Absolutely fair point. I hope I am not being naïve in believing that the conversations I had when I was in are still taking place today. I see my 20 and 17 year old having them - they are asking HARD questions. I may be 100% wrong - and they will at least know where their combat veteran Dad stands.
I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign & domestic, and bear true faith and allegiance to the same, so help me god.
When I enlisted I had a CSM & COL tell me my oath was never absolved as long as I had air in my lungs. I hold to that oath today.
The Army Corp of Engineers dumped water on Trumps orders even though they knew it would not help the LA fires and that it would hurt farmers. The military will kill Americans if ordered. Count on it.
I wonder what the American military would do if the man turned a trade war into a hot war and ordered an invasion of Canada. Or if he decided to annex Greenland by force.
Dominionist religious groups have wormed their way deep into all branches of the military long ago. Now they are in leadership & are pushing their religion on recruits or else. Their ideology of only obeying their religious training is decades into the military.
There were dissenters in places like My Lai but couldn’t stop the crimes.
Casualties of War is a harrowing 1989 film (Michael J. Fox, Sean Penn) about a specific war crime (true story), & what a soldier who opposed it had to go through to get it prosecuted.
It was a brutal and horrific massacre, and every soldier involved should have met the death penalty. POS calley died last year, and hopefully he is keeping hell hot for the rest of the murderers.
Just wait. Military will bow down to the fascists. Wouldn’t they be defending the constitution from the active coup taking place right now if they really did serve to protect it? MAGAs are in charge now and they will do no such thing.
I don’t know anything about it and I honor those that serve the constitution. From what I’ve heard right wing alignment is more common among military, and Fox plays at all the bases. To me that sends a foreboding message that protecting the constitution and our freedoms isn’t exactly top priority.
If GWOT teaches anything they are happy to do it and cover them up too. Now when the last guardrails by firing the JAGs is complete they are primed to do atrocities.
As a veteran myself i can weigh in confidently. Disobeying an unlawful order is baked into us from the word go when we get to boot camp. I will say, the orders to attack other countries would be obeyed. But orders to attack american civilians would be ignored. We are expected to be better than most.
Admittedly no. And i knew quite a few assholes in the time i was in the military. But i will say that it is hard to undo that training. It permeates to your very core. I have faith in my brothers and sisters in uniform that when the time comes, they will do the right thing
i think it weighs heavily here that saluting americans has never been a thing. saluting flags though, oh boy
i just feel like the notion that people are basically good reminds me a lot of a lyric that goes "somebody told me you were cool but the more i think about it, that person was you"
I understand your aprehension and your skepticism. I had the same beliefs before i enlisted. I was starkly anti-military and anti-war. I'm still anti-war, but every service member is a person first and foremost. The oath we took was to the constitution and the people. Not a flag or president.
As a military mom times two, can confirm that the population reflects US as a whole. Half will be horrified, half will comply enthusiastically. I expect to see some desertion, and that's all we can really hope for.
That was a serious discussion in my home. We created a code and a plan for anywhere we may end up. Hopefully other families are thinking ahead and raised their kids right.
Smart. Yep, we are having those convos in Canada re passports, go-bags, cash on hand, bolt holes to regroup, food/water backup etc. My lifelong peacenik brother and wife are getting gun licences. WILDEST TIMELINE.
It will be interesting. I cannot imagine being in a ships crew, or a platoon, or any military service org right now. People must be at each others throats. As retired mil…I cannnot imagine what’s happened to teamwork and cohesion. We’re wide open right now ready for foreign military exploitation.
Each time I find a new way to cope the rug is pulled.
Relying on military was my last holdout. I now stand in a rug-less room.
I don’t know how to be anymore. What’s worse are folks who don’t have a clue to reality & nothing I can say would ever change their minds. Some people actually want this??😵💫
Some will. And it will be shut down miserably. When I was in Iraq, I was ostracized for burning Christian propaganda that I was ordered to give out on patrols. There was plenty of shit I did wrong, but stood up for that one and paid terribly for it.
I feel like the reason we haven't gone full dictatorship with an executive order of President for Life yet is that Hegseth hasn't finished weeding out the high ranking officials who would not carry out such an order. Once he is confident he's got most of them, it'll happen.
I think if he attempted to issue blatantly unconstitutional orders (like invasion of Canada/shooting protesters), he very well might find a round bouncing around inside his cranium.
I think you underestimate the power of poor families affected by trumps policies to influence their active service members views on “unlawful” orders. I think you would be pleasantly surprised by their reactions.
I used to have pretty strong faith that we could count on the men and women in service. They stood up to Trump last time. But this time around it seems like he learned from his mistake and won't let something as petty as the Constitution stop him.
It will come down to individual profiles in courage, not a single monolithic response, I expect. And it will be messy. But I do believe many (quantified as how many / what % of military members, I do not know) will refuse unlawful orders, as they are required to do.
Today @ Rzeszow Air Force Base, Poland. The Americans have demolished warehouses and concrete slabs on the runway to prevent further air shipments to Ukraine.
[We] agree with "don't count on it". If they would, "would" would have happened already.
Similar to that "Emergency Broadcast System" audio check they used to have in the US years ago. Just HOW BAD an emergency did they have to have for them NOT to use it during "September 11th"??!!!
Additionally, if you did serve then you must've been in a fake world where white supremacy and fanaticism were not present. That place does not exist anywhere and you should know it.
I’m less and less convinced that the US military actually believe in and revere and respect the oath to the CONSTITUTION. Listen up people it’s an oath to defend the country and constitution not to follow unlawful orders of a madman or wannabe king. You can refuse an unlawful order, and please do!
So yes, yes they would. They would try to hide the illegality and we would need whistleblowers to reveal it again (see Katharine Gun) but usually its too late.
What will be the new “weapons of mass destruction” that allows illegal orders?
You may be right, but I hope not. Hopefully our military will be pro-democracy and not pro-dictatorship. I hope they do the right thing and DONT LISTEN TO TRUMP!
Not only obeyed, the order would be, but gleefully so they would follow it.
Even if internally they felt it was wrong, their blind loyalty to Trump (as he'll make sure of that) will mean they'd never question Dear Leader. The people they kill will have 'deserved it'.
I know the top generals are full-blown MAGA, but I hope the troops know it is wrong to attack US citizens. That it would be an illegal order whether it comes from Trump or their generals.
You should really discuss this should this order to attack US citizens happens.
Remember Kent State, 1970. The military obeyed illegal order that day.
They will again. Fox News on every base every day, former spec ops guys heroes on every podcast, I know the vast many of cops would follow such an order
I've thought about this, and decided that an officer would rather obey the chain of command and protect his or her career, than disobey an illegal order. This imbalance of priorities is made worse by the fact that the man at the top of the chain can legally do whatever the fuck he wants.
A fascist regime won’t issue "illegal orders" - it will rewrite the law to make them legal. The Nazis made genocide lawful. The people murdering Jews were following orders; the ones resisting were breaking the law. Believing the military won’t obey a dictator’s orders is dangerously naive.
It's enough to see what ruzzians POWs say, they only follow orders, and when asked why they follow unlawful orders, they just shrug the shoulders, even if some commanders refuse to follow the orders they are immediately removed from command, no one should expect anything different from US army.
On the grassroots level, there are protests, boycotts, and lawsuits happening. Gov't resistance is cut off at the knees in the US and we've got a federal election soon in Canada. It will be compromised too if the Conservative leader gets in.
Agreed. But in the US, you can't even get members of Congress to admit that up is up and down is down. And they won't even face their constituents. It's a total cowardly surrender.
THIS. Spend a few days in an authoritarian regime before you judge what we are or are not doing. I’m putting my safety and future on the line every fvcking day.
Our enemy will cherry pick the troops who will do what they want. We must all prepare defenses now. The military is not the enemy but they are under enemy command and the situation is fluid.
Most of the military are already magats, and the leadership has been purged of anyone who isn't. They will 100% follow the order, and the can follow it all the way to their hopefully obscene and painful deaths.
They have Fox playing at all the military bases. Military is super right wing as a general rule. If they were going to defend the constitution wouldn’t they be doing it by now? We’re in an active fascist coup and they have done nothing.
I’m not counting on it. Far too many of them have been brainwashed into the MAGA cult. Others will follow illegal/unethical orders so they don’t get punished.
Seriously, people need to read Geert Hofstede on 'power distance index.'
Hopefully, there are still good Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airwomen and men who stand by their oath to the Constitution.
banned Fox on every military base.
I just hope service members have enough to say “these are American citizens”.
Works on a large base in a civilian capacity now. Most Marines on base are Trumpers. My guess over 80%
ALL they heard their whole lives is how “great” Bush (8 yrs) was. Then, Obama (8yrs) is a “divisive n-word” and then Trump (4yrs) came along.
Tell me again how Obama was divisive? I’LL WAIT!
To Trump & his fascist zealots, his will is the law.
Things are going to get much worse.
The America we knew pre-2016 is gone forever
To prohibit funds for the Armed Forces to engage in operations to invade or seize territory from Canada, the Republic of Panama, or the self-governing territory of Greenland.
Force Republicans to show their true colors.
Don't let that situation arise
Top generals have been reassigned or asked to retire replaced by Trump choices.
Dems do NOT appear on right wing medias to offset lies.
Who is the military going to listen to after being lied to for so long?
They know what they are doing.
There are a large number of maghat, Christian nationals in the ranks and now handpicked sycophant leadership
It's beyond frightening
MAGA Officer: “that’s why we’re sending your platoon to Connecticut.”
National Guardsman: “Sir I don’t have any family there, sir.”
MAGA Officer: “Exactly.”
They swear an oath to the constitution and the nation against all enemies.
When the President issues an order that breaks his own oath to the constitution, troops are duty bound to oppose that order.
trump has a way of subverting people
They won’t betray that for Trump
DANGER > Trump voters: 77m
I believe they will
I hope the madman the orange cockwomble can be removed along with the idiots he has installed in government before it’s too late!
National Guards had no problem squeezing triggers.
Why would today be any different?
That "education" begins on day 1 of their service.
It's MAGA bullshit through and through.
A movement within the military forces that's sworn to protect the constitution and more important to protect the people.
..my colleagues love that we're getting rid of the DEI BS…” https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-military-members-getting-honest-224003308.html
So they’ve been “primed” by the extreme right wing and the toxic masculinity crowd.
I agree
When I enlisted I had a CSM & COL tell me my oath was never absolved as long as I had air in my lungs. I hold to that oath today.
If you just want to lay down and die, though, that’s your choice but I’m not a coward.
Actually we did pretty good cyber attacks, site flooding and hashtag takedowns in those mass protests 😍 k-fans did great btw
Don't think for one second that they will act in our best interests. They only know how to follow orders, regardless of if they're moral or not
Casualties of War is a harrowing 1989 film (Michael J. Fox, Sean Penn) about a specific war crime (true story), & what a soldier who opposed it had to go through to get it prosecuted.
We all know who for
We're running out of time.
i just feel like the notion that people are basically good reminds me a lot of a lyric that goes "somebody told me you were cool but the more i think about it, that person was you"
Relying on military was my last holdout. I now stand in a rug-less room.
I don’t know how to be anymore. What’s worse are folks who don’t have a clue to reality & nothing I can say would ever change their minds. Some people actually want this??😵💫
I think if he attempted to issue blatantly unconstitutional orders (like invasion of Canada/shooting protesters), he very well might find a round bouncing around inside his cranium.
Lets hope he hasnt thought about that.
Similar to that "Emergency Broadcast System" audio check they used to have in the US years ago. Just HOW BAD an emergency did they have to have for them NOT to use it during "September 11th"??!!!
Maybe we need to go back to the Hague for the order givers. I like what they did with that set of events, we should do that again
I am not confident soldiers would disobey.
Musk-Trump will continue to create scenarios to justify Constitutional decisions.
Plus, Erik Prince's "processing camps" and "private army" contracts can do the dirty work while military provides security, logistics, etc.
So yes, yes they would. They would try to hide the illegality and we would need whistleblowers to reveal it again (see Katharine Gun) but usually its too late.
What will be the new “weapons of mass destruction” that allows illegal orders?
Even if internally they felt it was wrong, their blind loyalty to Trump (as he'll make sure of that) will mean they'd never question Dear Leader. The people they kill will have 'deserved it'.
You should really discuss this should this order to attack US citizens happens.
They will again. Fox News on every base every day, former spec ops guys heroes on every podcast, I know the vast many of cops would follow such an order
It will be more like Tiannamen Square.
I worry that the armed forces would gleefully strangle starving orphans, so long as the person giving that order has the right shinies on their coat.
We are 98.46% on our own.