Ok, I'll be clearer: why the f*ck was the vaccine that was available from 1957-1962 seemingly *better* than the one given out between 1963 and 1967? Bc that's what this chart is suggesting, as far as I can tell.
No, it means if you were around between 1957 and 1962 you were probably EXPOSED to measles. I was born in 1957 and I had measles in 1961 or 62, just before the vaccine became widely available in 1963.
Also, many in the late 60s and early 70s were given their first dose too early, before 15 months, which is apparently linked to less immune response. So, if one has their records, check out the schedule dates too.
I believe it. Just easier to get the vaccine. Around little school kids everyday, guess it's time to roll up my sleeve, while the vaccine still exists. 😳
When I realized RFK Jr. was going to be the next HHS Secretary, I got another MMR vaccine. I figured we’d be looking at several outbreaks during his tenure.
Good lord - too loosey goosey - how would doctor know anything - if you've no records going back that far... I suppose I'm safe based on your chart (dob 1953) - I know I had chicken pox but no idea on measles...
PSA!! I got my og measles vax and booster in 1994, when I had had titers done for a new employment exam, they could not detect immunity for measles, mumps, rubella (mmr) and it was recommended I get boosted again bc I work at a healthcare facility.
I’m trying to get mine! I asked for it a few years ago, again last year; was told not to worry. Now I’m worried. I fall in the yellow and green sections, as well as blue altho I never had measles before the first vax when I was 9ish. Herd immunity probably has protected me, but we’re losing that.
When I was a kid we would intentionally be sent to friends houses where the kids had measles. Sort of like "controlled" a get it over and done with thing.
Vaccinations are worth doing to protect vulnerable groups. Any of us at any time could become "vulnerable" through sickness or accident or age.
Depending on how long ago you may still need a booster. Your doctor can order a titers test which will let you know if your immunity is still effective.
I’ll double check with my doc, but I’m in the same boat - my doc told me I couldn’t get a yellow fever vax for a recent trip to Africa because it’s a live vaccine.
When I worked for a hospital, part of my onboarding process was getting my antibodies/immunity checked for measles, mumps, & rubella.
My antibodies are pretty strong against all of them.
I’ve been told my entire adult life that a titer was drawn for MMR and Varicella so I don’t need to be vaccinated. I don’t remember having MMR or chicken pox. My parents keep telling me that I never had MMR or chicken pox. I guess it must have been extremely mild cases that both my parents missed
Better infographic would be based on birth year and standard vax schedule. Since I dont think many people could tell you when they were vaccinated for measles.
Came here to mention that. You can ask your doctor to have them do a titer with your regular blood work and that will tell you if you're still protected. I felt more comfortable with that than going by the year I was born.
After my kidney cancer surgery, I had to get boosters for all shots. MMR was the first one. Working with the public can be dangerous if you’re not vaccinated.
YES! I'm so happy I'm in the first category. I actually HAD measles. And all the other children diseases.
You can't vaccinate newborns and small babies against measles. It's too risky. The mothers who had measles have antibodies in the breastmilk. Mothers who were vaccinated do NOT!
If you went to college in the late 80s-90s (so born late 60s-mid 70s) you were required to get a booster IIRC. You can also get your immunity tested-I did this several years ago for fertility related reasons.
When I started working for a pediatric hospital 12 years ago, they ran my titers and I was not immune to measles and so got two shots. This is a great tool.
While you are at it, check on a shingles vaccine. If you ever had chicken pox, that virus can reactivate much later as shingles and it is painful as all hell.
I did, but not before I caught Shingles .. because.. the VA decided I had to be 60 yrs old before I could get the vaccine. I was 58 when I caught Shingles. I got treatment, but I had to wait until I was 60 to get the vaccination.
My mother, apparently from what I’ve been told, had shingles when she gave birth to me... Can you imagine what an excruciatingly painful double-whammy that must have been? She was, of course, a saint. ❤️
I’m 87’ baby and I lost my immunity to measles! I got panels done last yr when I heard rumors of weakened immunity when outbreaks were smaller. Got my booster last March and told my entire family.
Don’t just get a vaccine, have your titers checked for immunity. My sister and I were among the early adopters cohort. (1962-63) She had her immunity checked and hers was still going strong. I got the booster and experience some pretty severe side effects.
I was born in 1953. Yes as a child, I got the measles; mumps; chickenpox. I have been so proud of all the vaccinations that have been created since then, to stop other children from experiencing those diseases. I may not need a booster for measles but should I worry about mumps? RFK listening?
Been there, done that when I was 5 years-old back in the Dark Ages of the mid-1960s. Measles, mumps... even chicken pox (surprisingly!) near 20 years later. Why anyone would want to expose themselves to these diseases rather than just get a vaccination shot is a mystery.
I did not have my vacc history needed for college, so I had a measles titer done. I had no immunity, + was revaccinated. I was born in 1965. My parents followed the protocols recommended then, so I was vaccinated. (I have the smallpox scar.) Prob. many out there w/o immunity who think they are vacc.
People who received LIVE measles vaccine in the 1960s do not need to be revaccinated. People who were vaccinated prior to 1968 with either inactivated (killed) measles vaccine or measles vaccine of unknown type should be revaccinated with at least one dose of live attenuated vaccine.
I texted my 81 year old mom. She had our childhood vaccine booklets even though their house burned in a 1980 wildfire. She said she grabbed one folder on the way out. It was labeled “vital records”. I checked my files and I have my military vaccine booklet from the 80’s.
Got the measles booster last year when I found out mine from the early 70s had worn off. There’s a blood test that lets you know if you need it. Also got shingles vaccine (the second shot is a doozy).
Plenty of people from the 90s need their measles vaccine. Everyone who decided it 10 years ago or longer should be directed to ask their doctor if itv would be a good idea to check their titers.
When everyone in my class got the chicken pox I ended up with the measles. I never caught the chicken pox even going to "pox" parties that didn't move the needle. If you had measles once can you get it again?
I never thought about it. I didn’t know I might need a booster shot especially since all these nuts are bringing back measles. Wonder about a polio booster?
Born in 1970. Fully vaccinated.Thank you mom, public health depts. started at a hospital in 2004-ish. MMR titer low. Had a booster,other healthcare jobs and at each onboarding-my MMR is low. So, got the MMR shot 4 times.Apparently, in some people it wears off Long story-good plan for boosters.
I had measles as a kid. Over ten years ago when stupid people stopped vaccinating and, as a teacher I realized I should check, I had a serology test done. Just had another last month. Still immune to MMR.
I was born in 1970 and had chicken pox, measles and mumps. I thought if you had them you couldn't get them again, so didn't need to get vaccinated. Is that a wrong assumption? Should I talk to my doctor?
Chickenpox: While you're unlikely to get chickenpox again, the varicella-zoster virus stays in your body and can reactivate later in life as shingles. The shingles vaccine (Shingrix) is recommended for adults over 50 to prevent this.
Measles: If you had a confirmed case of measles, you are likely immune for life. However, if there was any doubt about your diagnosis, a blood test can check for immunity.
For mumps, prior infection usually provides long-term immunity, but some people can get them again. The MMR vaccine is sometimes recommended for adults in outbreak situations.
If you're unsure about your immunity status, a simple blood test (titer test) can check for antibodies.
I got a new MMR vaccine (per my doctor's orders) last month. If you had chickenpox as a child, be sure to get your shingles vaccine. I got that along with my MMR.
I had chicken pox but they want too much for the shingles vaccine. I'm actually on one of the medications they use to treat shingles, so I hope that helps.
I keep seeing this-and thank you-but my understanding was that if you HAD measles, you'd be immune, has this changed? I had both German and Red measles-and I was one of these kids who didn't get a light case of anything. B4 I got pregnant, I repeatedly asked about this and was always told I was good
I’ve had all the old people vaccines as well as all of my boosters. Got MMR and DPT along with RSV before my 1st grandchild was born 5 years ago. Always get my flu and Covid, though may have to go to Canada or Mexico to get them next fall.
I go my booster several years ago. My titer indicated I needed a booster. I was traveling and my employer’s health department suggested I get the test.
I work in a hospital and they tested my blood to see if I needed a booster. Everyone should get checked out because measles is totally preventable. And if you are a parent please vaccinate your child. These vaccinations are safe and effective. You don’t want your kid to get measles.
I updated my MMR last week. I work in a hospital, and unlike our government, I care about people. I want health and peace for everyone, well except for some people in a big, white house. Suffering for them.
We just got ours. Not covered by insurance, which is a sad statement on our medical system, but well worth the cost considering the resurgence of measles cases. . . .
I’ve been going to the county health department for the last 4 years. Got Covid, flu, and shingles shots for free. I’ll be calling Monday (if they’re still open) to see about mmr booster. I’m 61
Our covid and flu shots have been covered, this was the first that was not. Just fyi I was thinking there is a booster, but the only thing offered is MMR. They also said supplies are low.
In that case hopefully you will be able to get it at the county health department. I would most definitely confirm first due to low supplies. We had two appointments cancelled, and today they said we were the last doses they had.
no one was sure if I ever had rubella, checked CDC to see about getting MMR (I've had the M's) and it stated no harm in getting MMR even if you've had any of them. titers also an option
I remember having to redo a vaccine series in college, but I can’t remember which. But I think it was MMR? Born in 69, college 87-91 in Minnesota. Anyone know what they were vaccinating college kids for around then?
I was vaccinated again in 1993 and 2003. I'm probably okay and my husband was vaccinated again 5 years ago. Still avoid public gatherings. This administration is just like the last Trump admin. They kill people with their policy intentionally.
Clara, I got my measles vax today! I work at many elementary schools in my district, and the pharmacist said yes, you need this! My arm isn’t even sore 😂
‘63 here- got a booster a few years ago after my doc recommended. Gotta love a doc who’s on top of it! This year I asked for COVID update, and my doc said flu is way worse than COVID this year- she said do both. I did- no prob!
Just FYI, you can go to Quest or other bloodwork labs to get your blood tested for immunity to mumps, measles, and rubella. $148 at Quest, and you can use your HSA card. But you can also just get another MMR vaccine if you're not sure; it won't hurt you.
I'm a little put out by this.
Get yourself tested and see if you need to re-up
Vaccinations are worth doing to protect vulnerable groups. Any of us at any time could become "vulnerable" through sickness or accident or age.
Another booster? Oh boy
My antibodies are pretty strong against all of them.
You can't vaccinate newborns and small babies against measles. It's too risky. The mothers who had measles have antibodies in the breastmilk. Mothers who were vaccinated do NOT!
You DO NOT want shingles!!! Trust!😱🤦♀️
I was really shocked at the time, tbh.
My mumps and rubella were still good though
People who received LIVE measles vaccine in the 1960s do not need to be revaccinated. People who were vaccinated prior to 1968 with either inactivated (killed) measles vaccine or measles vaccine of unknown type should be revaccinated with at least one dose of live attenuated vaccine.
Ngl, the shingles vac knocked me on my ass, both doses. My X had shingles when we were together, I was not going to be him.
If you're unsure about your immunity status, a simple blood test (titer test) can check for antibodies.
Thanks for posting this!
Born in the early 60’s but had measles.
The best advice - get titers drawn to determine e your immunity.