The very same Putin puppets blaming Ukraine for Russia’s invasion are now trying to gaslight Americans into believing Zelensky is the one who doesn’t want the war to end.
Because of fucking course they are.
Of fucking course they are.
Because of fucking course they are.
Of fucking course they are.
i don't even think Trump is that much of a sociopath
I blame the United States!
Zelensky is the American puppet who is holding up a deal
Ukraine was told after the Crimea was taken that there would be no more aggression from Russia
These idiots cannot comprehend that Russia's words MEAN NOTHING - they will violate any agreement
They haven’t convinced us that Jan 6 was a day of “love,” either.
Ukraine is getting HUNDREDS of billions from Europe
trump really is a piece of shit
It will be nothing like you ever seen before. And they will not stop
It’s so brazen. I wonder if it’s always both brazen but so many deny it is happening. They just believe the narrative.
echo chambers like Fox News.
-Very Stable Genius
Arbatskaya Square, Arbat Street, Moscow, 125009
It's that when the R's fan-out across the media to "flood the zone" with this propaganda, media then turns the topic into "He said/She said".
So Israel have started "a final solution"
A Holocaust.!!!!....
I'll repeat....a fucking HOLOCAUST!!!!!!!!!!
A thing that I thought I'd never see in hundreds of lifetimes...
Bunch of spinless pieces of shit. All of them deserve to burn in hell for making America less safe and more aligned with Russia than ever before.
America sucks with Trump
And wet my cheeks with artificial tears
I can add colors to the chameleon
I am traitor incarnate
I am…
Is it the corporate media?
Is it the buy of politicians?
Is it because USA is not educating young people...
Banning books...
Teaching the Republic opinion and their verse of history.
Or is it just...a joke
Your next door neighbor decided to occupy your garage. He's now meeting with the dude across the ally at Sizzler to discuss who gets your living room and kitchen. They've hammered out an "agreement" on which stuff they're willing to let you keep.
Sign it?
They're willing to let your house burn down because YOU deserved it... Or something like that.
So, you want "protection"? You gotta pay the "protector".
-George Orwell, 1984
It was more than just Russia invading Ukraine. Why?
Note Reform results ( the most Trump aligned demographic here) 👇
Zelensky needs to amp up after the spring muds disappear.
Don't even bother trying to rationalize their logic.
Yeah Nah!
Putin doesn't want the invasion to stop.
And Trump, he doesn't want the invasion to stop either.
Pigface is so going to rot in hell.
Oldest trick in the book!
Not going to fool Trumpy on that one, suckers!
Z doesn't want peace... if it means surrender.
Z hates Putin... because he is having women raped, soldiers tortured & killed, homes/schools/hospitals bombed, and upwards of 18,000 children kidnapped.
All the words matter.
He'll be in the ground soon enough, his bad diet, age and lack of exercise ( riding in a golf cart doesn't count ) will kill him sooner rather than later.
If a luigo doesn't get him first.
He’s fat and probably got dementia.
And yeah, he has dementia which is why they keep him away from the cameras when he's sundowning.