Oh, but I see this one in your catalogue is ONLY 35,000$, Trump says.
What a deal.
Maga can go out & get one in each color!
How removed are you from reality President Corrupt & how are you a President for the average American?
You’re not.The country is in shambles due to your tariffs & Musk cuts.
We know the asshole will simply say he's not an employee. He's the President and the boss and claim it doesn't apply to him. He thinks he's an omnipotent king. I wouldn't want to be on his Secret Service detail. GS-13 pay is not worth becoming collateral damage trying to protect an asshole.
Somewhere in the US there are people living in abject poverty, barely able to feed their kids, with Trump flags hanging from their doublewide, cheering these two billionaire fuckwits on. “Hell yeah! America! We’re going to own the libs any day now!"
Trump: "Elon"
Elon: "Huh?"
Trump: "Why did you kiss my ear"
Elon: "Why are you holding my hand?"
Trump: "Where's your other hand"
Elon: "Between two pillows"
So offensive! Why doesn’t the traitor felon conman host an auto show on the White House lawn with all of the other American auto producers like Ford, GM, etc.?
He’s selling around 160 items online as POTUS. Bibles, watches, meme coins….. now Blowzos is giving him royalties to stream The Apprentice. And Melania and son are getting royalties for a documentary streaming on Prime. It’s so clear his main interest is how much he can grift from Americans
47 is an infomercial conman. Nothing else. Some of us sniffed this out from day 1 when he came down the escalator. Corrupt of the mind, soul, and business conduct to his core.
Maybe Tesla should make a special Trump edition swasticar. Like, limited computing power, 'concepts of a route' planner, automatic Uturn without indication, no brakes. I'm sure there could be more unique features, feel free to add.. they'd fly off the shelves (maybe)
§ 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.
"An employee may not use their public office for their own private gain; for the endorsement of any product, service, or enterprise."
This seems vague...
"... or for the private gain of friends, relatives..."
Really vague....
And one of them says I’m not worried about the markets but takes the extraordinary step because the markets are hurting the other one 🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️
So are you saying that promoting a business on federal property or is not illegal on federal property. Several sources said yesterday that doing that af was illegal.
Also the $100 Million donated to “4x Liable for Defamation, Civil Fraud, Convicted Felon & Adjudicated Rapist, Donald Trump" for the sales pitch at the White House Lawn.
Not to mention it’s illegal to use government property for personal use. Hey but what’s that illegal activity compared to a 34 convicted felon, rapist, misogynist, traitor and the other horses ass( apologies to all the horses out there) who is robbing us blind. Oh and the GOP who are okay with it!
Peope can't afford eggs! What makes these two NJ's think the average person can afford an $80,000+ piece of junk that doesn't go very far in the winter? Oh, & they don't tell you that if the battery dies, and you have to replace it, and don't have a warranty, be ready to pay about $20,000 for that!
In just 6 weeks we've become a big fucking joke to the world. A dangerous, hateful, mean, a terrible sliding into irrelevance joke, and the world isn't really laughing, but I'm running out of adjectives to express how sad, disgusted, disturbed, and scared I am.
With Trump's tariffs on steel, I wonder if a fiberglass Corvette will be the least expensive car in the United States? I'd love an excuse to drive a big V8 again!
How about the Secretary of Department of Education McMahon on Fox this morning talking about cuts while wearing a bazillion dollar hunk of jewelry around her neck?
I’m still assembling the chicken coop they told me to get so I can farm my own eggs… these free range chickens are not as free as they promised, but hey, buying a Tesla may be the answer!
Things are really bad for them if they have to use these propaganda methods to tell something positive. In fact, they are admitting that they are losing. What a bunch of suckers.
You calling Trump America's favorite president is a joke.... that's what he is. That is why the whole world is laughing at a fool Trump is. But sure believe a millionaire cares about you.
And this is the president of the United States of America illegally advertising car sales on federal property!Oh my God how fckng embarrassing is this? Thanks, you MAGA dumbass dipshyt assholes! You did this. 🤬😡👺
Exactly, their loser voters can’t afford eggs but he wants them to go buy a Tesla 🙄 and the sad part is they are all probably trying to figure out how to do it today. “Ok! Our leader says we don’t need eggs! We need a Tesla!” 🤡
As a Democrat, this disgusts me. But if I was Republican who just got fired from a federal job. Or retiree that had their nest egg rip from them. Or a veteran who could no longer get the healthcare that they need
Or hourly worker who could never afford a car like this. It would piss me off to no end
This hellscape is just absurd and out of control. These people have no morals, loyalty, and are so tacky. But, what do you expect from men that grift and buy gold toilets, name their children X AE A-12….and other egregious acts 🙄
Physicists have proven a unique aspect of quantum mechanics: in fact, it is possible to put a Tesla into Insane Mode while parked.
When Elon leaves DOGE to try and save Tesla and Starlink, continue the onslaught of NEVER buying Tesla and Starlink. This guy single-handedly is trying to ruin the world with his racist viewpoints. NEVER buy another product from him again! He deserves $0 in his bank account.
Is anyone at all convinced that the President can actually drive? Between limousines and secret service and the fact that between Presidencies he either lives in a non-driving city (NYC) or a compound (Mar a lago) I bet he hasn't actually driven a car in decades. Does he have a license?
What a deal.
Maga can go out & get one in each color!
How removed are you from reality President Corrupt & how are you a President for the average American?
You’re not.The country is in shambles due to your tariffs & Musk cuts.
when you realize that is the truth and the fact of the matter it all makes more sense
Stopping to offer GHB-laced candy at a sidewalk near you.
Elon: "Huh?"
Trump: "Why did you kiss my ear"
Elon: "Why are you holding my hand?"
Trump: "Where's your other hand"
Elon: "Between two pillows"
“Tesla were bad but now good.
I can’t afford or want Tesla but Tesla good. Elon good.”
Wake up you stupid f-ks!! He doesn’t give a shit about you or any of your concerns or problems.
"An employee may not use their public office for their own private gain; for the endorsement of any product, service, or enterprise."
This seems vague...
"... or for the private gain of friends, relatives..."
Really vague....
Trump girls eating hard boild "goos eggs".
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
America's favorite President and the world's richest man are having a great time and doing wonderful things!
I bought GOBS of Tesla stock yesterday when it was low and sold it for a fortune today!
(A golf cart doesn't count)
“bUt ThEy ArE jUsT LiKe Us….”
Or hourly worker who could never afford a car like this. It would piss me off to no end
Physicists have proven a unique aspect of quantum mechanics: in fact, it is possible to put a Tesla into Insane Mode while parked.
not a golf cart.. a real car, on the road.
Just try to imagine that.
But even more so is the bullshit that it should be illegal to protest. ANYTHING!
No less trying to say boycotting Tesla is illegal.
Trump has got to go.
He's turned the Gov't into a raging insane asylum.
And no one has the balls to come together and stop it.
It comes with an official "Oval Office Tesla - Donald J. Trump" license plate frame!