The judge interprets how the law pertains to specific behavior described in a motion. Judicial branch is where the constitution and a person's behavior meet.
This isn't about a judge, it's about a person or persons behavior.
'Lunatic judge' is one of their many 'memes' that deserve combat.
it is amazing how many conservatives that liked to wave around their lil pocket constitutions never actually bothered to crack them open and see what it had to say.
Duplicitous: Someone who intentionally misleads people, especially by saying different things to different people or acting in different ways at different times. The word can also describe the actions of such a person. Example: See Charlie Kirk.
Good morning fellow resisters. I would like to conduct a pole. If our presidential election were to take place today which of the following two choices would you vote for:
(AOC & Jasmine Crockett for Pres and Vice) or (Al Green and Chris Murphy)? Please like for AOC & repost for Al Green.
Just one more of the many examples that Charlie Kirk shines as brilliantly as a 3 watt bug light. It's like a dashboard indicator light that shows us it's not completely dead, but the brain systems are clearly not functioning at all.
So anytime I disagree with a ticket I can just say: "I'm a Republican and any judge that doesn't rule in my favor is not a judge." Because you know LAWS and such should not exist, just the interpretation of a judge friendly to you.
This probably sounds like an old crack but instead of giving everybody of his generation participation trophies they should have been given lessons on the Dunning Kruger effect. There seems to be a certain tension between the two.
Charlie Kirk is a moron. He's just trying to spin up those who don't understand how our laws and systems work. Please remind your loved ones to ignore Charlie Kirk as he is a total ignoramus
He knows how it works, they all do. But where's the "fun" or cash in that? There's no money in being an establishment defender or at least an acknowledger. He knows that the supreme Ct in having the final word has the ultimate lvl of power. But again I posit, he can't cause outrage with that fact.
1. Judges rule based on their opinions, not laws.
2. 80 million people represent a uniform mandate.
3. The President is always right except if they’re a Democrat.
He understands. He writes this nonsense intentionally to appeal to his ignorant followers. If you follow him remind him of the appeal process that has been in effect for 240 years and tell him to quit misleading his audience
Exactly right. Charlie's dumb, but he's not completely incompetent. People like him have figured out there's a sweet spot of ignorance that they can exploit to maintain right wing support, and they are getting better and better at it.
We need to respond better, with digestible information.
As tempting as it is to call them stupid, you're right to not back down on this point. This is all intentional, including the appearance of stupidity. They'd rather their enemies mock them for being stupid than call them out as the evil people that they are.
And even that only applies to the consumers of this misinformation. The one that created and amplify the misinformation aren't ignorant, they're just straight up liars.
Yet a single district judge shopped in an extremely conservative district was able to dictate his feelings about the abortion pill nationwide. Works both ways Charlie
Ignorant people can be educated. Hopefully more Magas will seek understanding. But Kirk’s stupidity and hate are far too serious to be repaired. He will end up in prison after he destroys many more lives. Then it will be too late.
JoJo, I’m a big fan, and get a lift from reading your posts. I must object, however, to your implicit swipe at community colleges. It is inappropriate and wrong.
I don't know if it was him specifically but I sure as hell remember a lot of these conservatives were cheering when courts held up Biden's executive orders so they know how the system works, they just don't think it should be applied to them.
Don’t entertain Willful ignorance!! You just look stupid lowering yourself to their basement dweller view. Fuck the fucktards! They aren’t entitled to their opinions. Take them away.
Plus the frequent statement by Trump enthusiasts that his actions are supported by “the will of almost 80 million voters” might have been true prior to January 20th, but I think he’s lost millions of voters approval since then!
Here’s a thought experiment for Charlie: the president rightly determines that Charlie Kirk should be launched into the Potomac river in the trunk of a cyber truck. A federal judge rules that a president, nor a majority of voters can do that.
Would, POTUS win on appeal?
Why is it that this issue has never been raised until right now? These Republicans didn’t give a crap until they elected a felon who doesn’t believe in the rule of law. Coincidence? Fuck no!
There’s gotta be like 300 million people in America who would live Charlie Kirk to just shut up already. Puppets should be cute and made of felt . Though he does seem to master having a hand up his ass.
Only 3 million votes fewer for Harris. That means nearly as many would rather not have had Trump. That aside, you can't go running to SCOTUS with every case. There are precedents in law and levels to go through. Charlie is part of the "want it now" generation. Patience grasshopper.
Based on his words, I would say he shouldn't have dropped out of middle school...Kirk has no grasp of the Judicial Branch (just the way trump like it, of course)...
It’s rhetorical and designed to have the base march with the footsteps in unison. He knows. We have to stop painting these folks as stupid. If following P25, that’s a 40 year blueprint.
JoJo, kirks not the only one who needs to take a government civics class. Vice president chump, the Nazi vampire and ketamine kowboy all need to take one as well.
Agreed, but I think we desperately need a new major topic for primary and secondary schools: Critical Thinking
We need to start this early early early. How to tell the difference between truth and a fib. Where to go to find facts you can trust. Why some people tell lies. How stories can manipulate.
As a middle school History teacher, I can say that most good teachers are doing that and have been for a long time. People need to stop blaming teachers for others’ stupidity. The Constitution is covered in elementary, middle and high school, as is critical thinking.
It’s a matter of implementation. As a class subject some kids will groove on it some won’t. I think they should get from all directions. More chances it will stick.
It *sounds* like you are arguing that we don't need to change/improve anything. Which would be a genuinely crazy opinion, so I hope that's not what you're trying to say.
And I don't mean this in a partisan way. I've seen an awful lot of people who vote the same way I do who are repeating the most nonsensical things, whether it be propaganda or conspiracy theories.
Agree. Also, the diagnostic criteria of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the power and control dynamic of abusive relationships. Before high graduation, everyone should get these basics.
It’s called the “Court of Last Resort” for a reason Charlie-and they only hear a handful of cases a year. Your understanding is about as good as Pam Bondi’s.
I didn't hear him complain when 1 judge outlawed mifepristone (which sadly wasn't available to his mother), or restricted DACA, or stopped student debt relief. They're clearly all hypocrites, but amazing that they are so obvious about it, and assume the Trumpists are too stupid to notice.
On one hand ignoring that the Gov't can avail itself of due process, while in other situations the Gov't violates individual due process, is peak conservatism, i.e., Wilhoit's law. OTOH, it shows conservatives are "full of passionate intensity" & devoid of conviction. One hand washes the other.
How can a single, solitary district court judge overrule the will of a mob boss put in power by thousands of foot soldiers? That just doesn't seem fair!
Sorry,JoJo, but that's like saying when Obi-Wan used the Jedi Mind Trick on the stormtroopers, it was because he honestly misunderstood he was next to the droids they wanted. Deceivers gonna deceive.
Right-wingers weaken democracy, brag about their “80 million voters,” remind us “we’re a republic,” claim a mandate, purge voter rolls, then scream the election is rigged.
Their relationship with democracy is strictly performative.
Or self educate. My grandparents both never finished high school but were very smart and well read. I got told all the time to research what I didn't know.
First, 80 million did not vote for him. Second, civics was taught in high school and apparently you were too busy blowing smoke up someone's as to pay attention. Go back to school...oops, no education funding for you!
What a Dork. tRump did not even win the election with a majority and there certainly wasn't 80 Mil people voting for him. In fact, more voted against him when counting votes for Harris and 3rd party. Also, when factoring in Musk flipping votes in swing states, tRump did not even legally win.
He knows exactly what he's writing. This statement is pure polemic for the lean base, which hangs wide-eyed on the lips of Trump and co. and believes and swallows everything!!
…all I know ‘Gums’ McKirk is that in 1787 some 55 delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies created a constitution which included Article III Section 1 and established the Judicial branch of the federal government…that is how!
I thought they all carried copies of the Constitution around in their pockets with them so they could justify mass killings at schools every few months.
This is a smear campaign on democracy for the fucktards who can barely read, so they won’t read law or documentation, but get their education in under 250 characters.
We need to be doing reposts with huge LOLs and memes to get the fucktards on track.
They can. That’s how it works. If they are wrong, a higher court will say so. Better question: Why should anyone listen to a junior college drop out who knows nothing of the Constitution?
This isn't about a judge, it's about a person or persons behavior.
'Lunatic judge' is one of their many 'memes' that deserve combat.
trying to eradicate “System of Checks and Balances.
(AOC & Jasmine Crockett for Pres and Vice) or (Al Green and Chris Murphy)? Please like for AOC & repost for Al Green.
They're the 'functioning adults' who voted in this disaster called Trump.
Nazi thinking:
1. Judges rule based on their opinions, not laws.
2. 80 million people represent a uniform mandate.
3. The President is always right except if they’re a Democrat.
I'm guessing that it wasn't his choice.
Stop trying to insult the poster and start educating or attacking the reader of propaganda.
We need to respond better, with digestible information.
There are people who are ignorant because they lack knowledge and/or awareness.
Then there are those who choose ignorance!
Is rage bait for the stupid.
This stuff is elementary school civics.
There's remedial civics courses available. But then - education isn't his business model.
Would, POTUS win on appeal?
Just saying Jo!
Charlie Kirk can do circles around you on the Constitution.
Most normal people, in normal times, do not intentionally describe their own IGNORANCE in public.
Follow the laws and you will not end up in front of that single solitary judge.
Why are their two senators for the State of Wyoming w/600,000 residents
and Two senators for the State of California w/39,600,000 residents.
We need to start this early early early. How to tell the difference between truth and a fib. Where to go to find facts you can trust. Why some people tell lies. How stories can manipulate.
Second, I acknowledge that much of (high quality) education employs critical thinking in some ways, but it is NOT ENOUGH.
We are drowning in lies and propaganda that most people don't even know exists!
All you need to do is look at the state of politics in the US to see that most people are far too gullible.
It *sounds* like you are arguing that we don't need to change/improve anything. Which would be a genuinely crazy opinion, so I hope that's not what you're trying to say.
Nobody is immune, and I include myself.
No civics classes in his past.
Judges are the third branch of government when the other two branches are stomping all over American rights.
It's the old saying, better to be quiet when people don't know how educated you are rather than to speak and remove all doubt.
Their relationship with democracy is strictly performative.
This is a smear campaign on democracy for the fucktards who can barely read, so they won’t read law or documentation, but get their education in under 250 characters.
We need to be doing reposts with huge LOLs and memes to get the fucktards on track.