Not because cat lovers don't love their cats. But because in a cat home, the human is usually not the one making decisions. The cat has to be convinced to be cloned. The human just pays for it.
Now that I have a Fairphone 5 with a 5 year warranty, and security and Android updates until 2031, and is completely modular for very low cost and easy self done repairs, yeah let's figure out how to get my dog to outlive my phone by a couple of decades.
And with a system to guarantee transition of care so they’re not left alone if we check out before they do. (The dogs, obviously, not the damn phones).
I dunno, that phone that got pretty upset getting discarded in
The Mitchells vs the Machines. I wonder if it would have reacted the same way if the dude had checked out rather than just obsoleting her.
Smartphones have kinda hit the point where any improvements are either minute or pointless. If you /need/ better camera quality you should get a dedicated camera. Screens are about as good as they can be without being as big as tablets. Only thing left to improve is battery life (maybe durability).
I have a Samsung S9, and I've been looking at upgrading, and it looks more like very expensively "updating", screens aren't as good, memory isn't better, or bigger, no 3.5mm for buds or headphones, camera's actually can do more, but whatever if you get less pixels to see it on the screen...
It occurs to me that the last time I upgraded my phone it was kind of like eating that last extra slice of pizza. I didn’t really need it, it kind of made me feel worse, but I did it anyway because I was hoping it would somehow heal the emptiness inside me even though I knew it wouldn’t.
Oh this is Loyal - I kinda like this - it's a startup that wanted to get to FDA approval for human age-extension meds; but they realized it would take human lifespans to do the correct trials. So instead start with dogs and cats, and move towards FDA approval that way.
Or foxes
Which is probably why I’m unmarried, now that I think about it.
Not because cat lovers don't love their cats. But because in a cat home, the human is usually not the one making decisions. The cat has to be convinced to be cloned. The human just pays for it.
The Mitchells vs the Machines. I wonder if it would have reacted the same way if the dude had checked out rather than just obsoleting her.
This has always been true but now we could do it faster.
People want the dog they love to last 50y, but not the dog they are shopping for.
Chuck much of the smartphone garbage out, but I am dependent on my music to function around people.