Yes, and two of those other things are using campaign money to fund DJT’s (personal) legal bills and the “election integrity” (read: voter suppression) lawsuits everywhere in lieu of actual GOTV efforts
Like, take the squirrel thing. It's not only weird and delusional to think a pet squirrel being euthanized will sway voters, but also, their main effort to sway voters on it consists of them posting about it on X! They are campaigning to themselves!
Can you imagine of the shoe was on the other foot, Kamala was getting smoked by late-breaking undecideds 48hrs before the election, and the K-Hive was obsessing over ultra-online nonsense like this?
I suspect that Susie and Chris saw how the garbage truck thing would play out but they either tried and failed to explain it to The Donald or they didn’t even try.
From what I hear, Chris in particular is on the outs with Trump—Trump lets him do his thing with the campaign apparatus but doesn’t like him and doesn’t want to talk to him.
So, yeah, Chris wouldn’t be the guy to explain “sir, it’s a bad idea to drive a Trump garbage truck right now”.
Based on this Atlantic article (which I'm convinced used Wiles and LaCivita as their main sources), Corey Lewandowski is going to be the fall guy for the Trump campaign turning into a shitshow.
to be fair, I might be mad too if I realized I'd been grifted for like 22 million dollars. then again, it's Trump, he thoroughly deserves it if anyone does.
why else would anyone semi normal work for him ffs?
I don't want to get overly optimistic yet, but it is wild how, despite MASSIVE amounts of right wing dark money and years of attempts at voter restriction, the Trump campaign seems to be doing the Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes thing.
it's crazy how Electioneering 101 is 'stay on the message' and now that discipline is gone for Republicans in favour of the blunderbuss (it helps that the media do a lot of the heavy lifting for them).
One of the reasons he won in 2016 people forget was that HE DISAPPEARED for the last two weeks of the election and let the Comey letter suck up all the oxygen in the room!
Someone pointed out that the garbage truck thing may have been an SEO effort to overwrite the rally fiasco. Search for “Trump garbage” and get that instead.
Literally five seconds of context would have killed the desired result. But it probably sounded good at the time when they were panicking.
legitimately, I believe that the biggest obstacle facing the mainstream press in covering this election cycle is that not enough trusted reporters are online weirdos
If Maggie Haberman had heard the full run of the QAA podcast a lot of things would have been so much clearer to her
I honestly think you give these guys too much credit by assuming they can read, and not that they are just slamming beers and ranting at each other in a cubicle somewhere
Knocking on doors in suburban Philadelphia, keeping it focused on bread and butter stuff: expounding on my theories on the role of mass immigration and sexual degeneracy in the fall of the Roman Empire
As terrible as the enshittification of the internet has been, one small benefit has been a small but noticeable shift in the general public being somewhat less online and these people are absolutely unaware of this
Coincidentally, there's a Trump campaign office in the same building. I walked past it a few times and it is D E A D.
Oh, wait, 5 year olds can't vote. Nevermind.
So, yeah, Chris wouldn’t be the guy to explain “sir, it’s a bad idea to drive a Trump garbage truck right now”.
why else would anyone semi normal work for him ffs?
Even the terminally online folks shut up about that one once JKR got hit with a lawsuit.
Literally five seconds of context would have killed the desired result. But it probably sounded good at the time when they were panicking.
If Maggie Haberman had heard the full run of the QAA podcast a lot of things would have been so much clearer to her
Then Elon Musk bought it, and you can’t tell that fucking guy anything.